Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 37: Shocking a Hundred Miles

Seeing that the black blood was directly slapped into a meat paste by Li Anping's palm in the air, Zui Buxiu roared, suppressed the fear in his heart, and the speed of the sword in his hand increased by three times, slashing towards Li Anping. At this point, he knew how cruel Li Anping was, and it was too late to escape now.

However, he was a core senior of Yiqidao after all, and one of the best masters in the country. Facing this situation, he fought even harder. Because he knew that if he didn't fight hard now when facing Li Anping, he would be dead soon.

The sword in his hand was like a comet hitting the moon, rubbing the air at super high speed, and the strong wind in the air was vibrating, and he could even smell the smell of burning steel. Obviously, the speed has reached a limit.

Zui Buxiu, holding the sword in his hand, even felt that this sword he had used all his strength was the fastest and most explosive sword in his life. Zui Buxiu, who swung this sword, even felt a hearty feeling, as if a new door was opening in front of him.

Zui Buxiu now had confidence. With such a fierce sword, even if there was a mountain in front of him, he could cut it in half with one sword.

But Li Anping only stretched out two fingers in the face of Zui Buxiu's sword, which was the peak of his life. Zui Buxiu's sword, which broke through the limit of speed, was still too slow in his eyes.

This allowed his two fingers to easily land on Zui Buxiu's sword, and then clamped it hard. Zui Buxiu's body suddenly paused, and Li Anping's two fingers were like pillars supporting the sky, preventing Zui Buxiu's sword from moving forward even an inch.

Zui Buxiu's body still rushed forward with huge kinetic energy, and the whole long sword immediately bent under the action of the two people, forming a U-shaped shape.

'I actually... I only used two fingers! '

Zui Buxiu's mind just flashed this thought, and then there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he was kicked into the air by Li Anping. The body made a series of bone-breaking sounds.

Until the moment of death, his mind was still full of disbelief, staring at Li Anping with his eyes wide open.

At this moment, in just a few seconds, Li Anping had killed four masters, Song Tao, Mansha, Heixue and Zui Buxiu.

At this time, the originally calm Brugman also felt great fear in his heart.

‘How can there be such a terrible person in this world! ’ He couldn’t help but have similar thoughts in his mind. So he hurriedly shouted at the black bodyguard: “Don’t worry about it, fire! Fire with all your strength!”

But it was too late. The time it took for his voice to reach the bodyguard’s ears, plus the time it took for the bodyguard to react, and the time it took to fire. It was too long for Li Anping now.

This can’t be blamed on the two people’s slow reaction, but only on Li Anping’s speed. Relying on voice command and nerve reaction is meaningless in such a super-high-speed battle.

There was a series of loud noises, and all the guns and cannons on the black bodyguard fired at Li Anping at the same time, as if all the horses were silent, and it seemed that the whole earth was shaking.

Especially the main gun on his chest, the huge roar seemed to tear the eardrums of people, the shells directly blasted a big hole in the wall, and then penetrated the entire mansion, and then the roof and walls of the entire building began to collapse, and in the sound of the collision, the whole house was about to collapse.

But the black man stood there motionless, his eyes gradually turned into a dead gray. There was a huge penetrating wound on his back, and the internal organs in the wound could be seen to have turned into a piece of mud, and Li Anping, with blood all over his hands, was standing quietly by the side.


Bluman looked at Li Anping with red eyes, and a white light flashed in his hand. He held this beam of light as if he was holding a sword of light.

In an instant, the sword of light had broken through the limitations of space and stabbed towards Li Anping.

Li Anping showed a look of surprise, but this beam of light was like a sword that could grow longer. Although it was very fast, it did not really reach the speed of light, so Li Anping easily dodged it.

Seeing that the sword of light in Bluman's hand had extended hundreds of meters in an instant, Li Anping was about to rush over to kill the other party. Otherwise, this ability would be very troublesome. The sword of light that was hundreds of meters long looked light as nothing. Bluman could cause huge damage just by waving his hands.

Even relying on the distance of hundreds of meters, the speed of the tip of the sword of light could catch up with Li Anping.

So Li Anping burst out at full speed again, and the whole world became silent in his eyes. The boulders slowly falling in the air, the dust drifting on the ground, and the sword of light in Bluman's hand that slashed through the air inch by inch.

The whole world seemed to be in a slow motion.

At this time, after Li Anping killed several people in a row, his physical fitness had become 10.4 in strength, 9.5 in speed, and 11.4 in physical fitness. Both strength and speed were improved.

He ran towards Bruman step by step, seemingly very slowly, but in fact he was almost at his limit. I'm afraid that at this moment he had become a blur in Bruman's eyes, and even his retina could no longer capture his figure.

But when he had just run halfway, an astonishing breath appeared behind him, and the sharpness of that breath seemed to cut the whole world in two.

Li Anping instinctively jumped to the right. In the rapid state, there was still silence all around. Li Anping dodged while turning around and looking back. I saw Song Bang waving a long knife, bringing up a cluster of light, and slashing across the place where Li Anping had just stood.

At this moment, Song Bang had already taken off his suit. He was wearing a tight white combat suit from head to toe. Although he had white hair, his muscles looked no different from those of a young man. He held two samurai swords in each hand, one long and one short. The blades of the samurai swords kept emitting dark red light. They were actually two high-frequency swords.

The long samurai sword in his right hand was the one that just chopped Li Anping.

Seeing Li Anping looking at him, Song Bang, who was in bullet time, showed a bloodthirsty smile.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Li Anping as if a flash of white light.

A flash of a knife! Although Li Anping had retreated with all his strength, he was still cut open on his chest with a wound one to half an inch deep. Just a little bit, he would have been cut in half by Song Bang.

‘After launching the bullet time, his speed was still faster than mine. ’

In the fast-paced world, Li Anping dodged the knife and directly pulled out the high-frequency knife on his back. Song Bang in front of him had already slashed up again.

Under the condition of exceeding the speed of sound, the samurai sword and the high-frequency sword collided with each other, creating a series of sparks, but neither of them heard the sound.

Then Song Bang and Li Anping flashed away more than ten meters away, and then the two knives collided again.

After two consecutive knives, Li Anping already knew: ‘The speed is faster than me, but the power is much smaller than mine. ’

Although so, Song Bang's whole person seemed to have turned into a storm of swords, and the two samurai swords in his left and right hands, one long and one short, swept towards Li Anping like a storm.

The whole space looked like a slow motion shot all around, and only Song Bang and Li Anping were normal. The other stones and smoke seemed to be slowly creeping. Bluman still swung the sword of light inch by inch.

The sound of Li Anping and Song Bang's swords clashing was also very strange to the two of them. Because the swords clashing could not be heard at the beginning, it often took the two of them to move for a while before they could hear the sound of the swords cutting through the air or the sound of the swords clashing. It felt like watching an action movie with a few seconds of delay in the dubbing.

Another series of sword winds and rains of swords passed by, and Li Anping and Song Bang's figures flashed and arrived on the roof. The entire roof had collapsed in half, and even the place where the two of them were standing was slowly falling inch by inch.

But neither Li Anping nor Song Bang cared about these at all, and they only had each other in their eyes at this moment.

Li Anping slashed at Song Bang with a sword, but was blocked by Song Bang's short samurai sword, and then Song Bang's samurai sword in his right hand slashed at Li Anping's thigh. Li Anping could only retreat, but Song Bang caught up and slashed several times in a row.

He could only dodge left and right, barely resisting Song Bang's attack.

Every move of Song Bang was refined, and every chop, slash, and stab was extremely simple, and existed entirely for the purpose of killing. His speed was even faster than Li Anping.

Although Li Anping's speed and skills were not as good as Song Bang's, his strength was far superior to Song Bang's. Every time Song Bang received a knife, he felt a surge of blood. Although Song Bang chopped hundreds of knives in a short period of time, Li Anping only chopped more than ten knives, but Song Bang still felt a soreness in his arm.

After all, his super speed was different from Li Anping's. Bullet time was not a speed achieved by the pure flesh, but only accelerated Song Bang's personal body time. Compared with physical fitness, he was completely inferior to Li Anping.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

In a world where everything slowed down, the two fought and walked, and in a blink of an eye they had left the mansion for thousands of meters. Wherever they passed, houses, walls, iron gates, cars, everything was shredded into pieces by knife and sword energy.

When Bruman swung the Sword of Light across the space of hundreds of meters in front of him, everything in front of him was cut horizontally by his sword, gradually split into two halves, and began to tilt.

But at the same time, he kept hearing loud noises one after another, and these loud noises were very close to the ground, and they sounded like a single noise. This was the sound of Li Anping and Song Bang fighting with swords around him.

Then the next moment, Bruman's face changed, and the whole mansion suddenly turned into countless fragments and fell from mid-air.

A few minutes later, Bruman crawled out of the debris and looked at the ruins around him stupidly.

Li Anping had disappeared, and Bruman didn't even look at Song Bang, nor did he realize that Song Bang had appeared. In his eyes, he just swung his sword, Li Anping disappeared, and continuous loud noises rang in his ears, and then the area within a hundred meters was turned into countless fragments.

And a passage composed entirely of fragments and ruins stretched out. There were thunderous explosions in the distance of the passage.

He didn't react at all to what happened.

On the other side, Fang Lei and Fang Dong, who had just transformed, had just run a few hundred meters when they suddenly found a large area of ​​white sword energy flashing around them. Then a thunderous sound rang in their ears, and then the two felt a sharp pain all over their bodies, and they couldn't help but fall to the ground.

In their eyes, all the surrounding buildings and cars were cut into countless pieces. Then they saw their own bodies. The scales that they were proud of in the past were useless at this moment. There were deep wounds everywhere on their bodies, and blood was gushing out like a fountain.

When they were running, they were cut to death by the aftermath of the swords of Li Anping and Song Bang who were passing by. When they fell to the ground and stopped breathing, Li Anping and Song Bang had already left here for more than a thousand meters.

Until they died, they didn't know how they died. Because they couldn't even see or notice the figures of Li Anping and Song Bang passing by. When they heard the sound of the sword energy wave passing through the air, everything was too late.

(I have something to do this afternoon, so the chapter at 4 o'clock is posted now. There is another chapter at 10 o'clock in the evening)

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