Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 36: Blood splatters three feet

Li Anping found the Song family's mansion half an hour ago. Through superhuman vision and hearing, he determined the location of Song Bang and others. He also heard the conversation clearly. You can even hear their breathing and heartbeat clearly.

The mansion is well-defended and full of gun-toting warriors. There are also tall walls, electronic gates, power grids, infrared rays, and automatic machine guns. It's almost no different from a bunker.

This is where the head of the Song family, Song Bang, lives. As the top leader of Daxia Longque, it is natural to have such a level of defense force, even if Song Bang's own strength is enough to crush them.

But for Li Anping now, these protective forces are as fragile as a cardboard box, which can be broken with a poke.

But he still rushed in openly, without any intention of assassination or sneak attack. This has always been his style.

What's more, he is now very confident in his own strength. Especially after absorbing Qingchan, his power increased significantly again, and he was not weak at all even when facing a fifth-level ability user like Song Bang.

Not to mention several other people present. If he wants these killings, there is no need for sneak attacks. Just break in openly and see what you can do.

And with his current speed, even if a few people present take a plane, he is not afraid that they will be able to escape.

After Li Anping stepped into the room, Bruman, black bodyguards, Fang Lei, Fang Dong, Zui Xianxian, Mansha, Song Tao and Hei Xue all reacted, not to mention Song Bang, the top five level player. He was a strong man. Which one of the remaining eight people was not a master among masters? Almost as soon as Li Anping entered the room, he stood up in unison and looked at Li Anping with an alert look on his face.

The first to speak out was the strongest among the nine people present, Song Bang. When he saw Li Anping's arrogant look, the energy in his body was overwhelming and spurted out. The unique aura of a fifth-level ability user pressed against the entire room, giving people a feeling of suppressing all the four corners of the world and being invincible.

He is indeed one of the most powerful humans in the world. As both level 5 ability users, Song Bang's momentum at this moment surpassed Qingchan's by more than one step or two. The aura of level five ability users as the most powerful human being is vividly displayed.

"Li Anping..." Song Bang's tone was as cold as the cold air in the deepest arctic: "How dare you come here?"

"Why don't you dare?" Li Anping glanced at Song Bang calmly. The overwhelming momentum of the fifth-level ability users seemed like a breeze blowing on his face.

However, something was strange in Li Anping's heart. He had only heard the heartbeats of eight people since just now, while Song Bang's body had almost no breathing or heartbeat. No, it should be said that it was very slow and almost imperceptible.

He glanced at the others present and nodded: "Not bad, not bad."

He said to Fang Lei: "I just listened to your conversation. Are you two from the Fang family? And you..." He looked at Bluman again: "Are you from the Star Alliance?" Du Shang family, I also missed that Shang Zhenbang is abroad. It seems that he is also in contact with you in the Star Alliance? "

After speaking, Li Anping took a step forward: "I didn't expect that you would all gather here today, which saved me the trouble of searching for you one by one."

At this moment, all the eight people except Song Bang were suffocated, feeling as if they were overwhelmed. Bluman and the black bodyguard quietly retreated, while Zui Buxiu and Mansha were like frightened hedgehogs, with the hairs on their bodies standing on end. The other Fang Lei, Fang Dong, Song Tao and Hei Xue also had extremely solemn expressions on their faces. It was like meeting his natural enemy.

Yes, it is a natural enemy. Everyone present felt that Li Anping looked at them as if he were looking at food. The pressure placed on him by the other party was almost no longer comparable to that of Song Bang.

A mere second-level ability user actually put the same pressure on himself as Song Bang, who was at the fifth level.

Then the next moment, Li Anping took another step: "Then let one die first."

Before he finished speaking, a strong wind raged in the living room. Li Anping's figure seemed to cut through the space, and his punch hit Song Bang with overwhelming force.

Song Bang also has the bloodline ability of bullet time. Moreover, he is at the fifth level. If his ability is activated, his speed and reaction may be faster than Li Anping's now. But he just doesn't have the ability to activate it now!

Maybe it only takes 0.1 or even 0.2 seconds to activate the ability, but this time is enough for Li Anping, who is at full speed, to punch this punch.

Although Li Anping rushed in openly, it does not mean that he is stupid. Having seen Song Tian's bullet time, he naturally knew the advantages and disadvantages of this ability. So while Song Bang was unable to activate his ability, he directly punched him first.

In the fast-moving world, everyone present was like a puppet without knowing anything. They watched Li Anping come to Song Bang at an unimaginable speed, and then punched Song Bang on the cheek. In a hurry, Song Bang only had time to raise his palm and barely blocked Li Anping's fist.

There is no sound, or the sound has not had time to spread.

In the silence, Song Bang rose into the sky and slowly flew backwards.

But the strange silence only lasted for a short moment. The next moment there was a loud bang. Song Bang had been knocked out by Li Anping's punch, directly smashing through the wall. Then he destroyed countless walls, buildings, and buildings along the way. The sound of impact was endless.

Viewed from a high altitude, there is a passage of ruins that is more than one kilometer long, and all kinds of smoke and dust are constantly rising.

It was only then that everyone present heard Li Anping's words, 'One of you should die first. ’

Li Anping, who had knocked Song Bang away with one punch, of course knew that the opponent was not so easy to deal with, and then he punched Song Tao beside him.

A thunderous hissing sound cut through the air, and Song Tao instinctively wanted to raise his hands to defend himself, but it was too late. He only had time to shrink his pupils slightly, and saw a blurry black shadow in his eyes, and his entire chest had been hit by Li Anping.

A punch hit!

A series of crackling crisp sounds came from Song Tao's body, and the next second, his whole body suddenly exploded, breaking into countless fragments and shooting in all directions.

With a sentence of "Let one person die first", Li Anping punched the strongest Song Bang and blasted the top level 4 ability user Song Tao. Showing a demon-like terrifying strength.

When everyone present saw the situation clearly, all the dead souls were sweating. In one sentence, Li Anping's strength had completely shocked them.


With two whooshes, Fang Lei and Fang Dong's muscles swelled up, and a layer of black scales appeared on their skin. With a kick of their legs, they had already jumped out and escaped.

At the same time, a roar sounded behind Li Anping, and Heixue rushed to him. On the other side, Zui Buxiu drew a sword and slashed at Li Anping.

Compared to Fang Lei and the others, they believed in Song Bang's strength more. As long as they could survive Li Anping's attack, Song Bang would arrive immediately.

Then came Mansha and the black bodyguard. Mansha's whole body burst out with a huge airflow, covering her whole body, like an air bomb, pressing hard towards Li Anping. This is Mansha's ability, air solidification, which can turn the gas in the space into a solid state, and its hardness is comparable to diamond.

Mansha burst out all of a sudden, and the strong wind seemed to be shaking the walls around the living room due to the air, and the whole room seemed to be about to collapse at any time.

This time, Mansha's protective energy burst out, and she rumbled towards Li Anping like a tank, which was so fierce. It was hard to imagine that a young woman who looked delicate could exert such explosive power.

Behind him, the black bodyguard was also not to be outdone. He stomped his feet hard, and his black suit burst apart. Countless gun muzzles and cannon muzzles were seen sticking out of his upper body.

Pistols, semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, rockets, Vulcan machine guns, howitzers, countless gun muzzles and cannon muzzles stretched out of his body, as if his body was a dimensional pocket.

The most terrifying thing was a main gun with a caliber of half a meter, which slowly stretched out from his chest. Although it was impossible to see the other end of the muzzle and what was inside the black bodyguard's body, the caliber of half a meter was enough to scare everyone.

Although the black bodyguards did not fire a single shot, the pressure from the muzzles of these guns alone on Li Anping was higher than that of Heixue, Zui Buxiu and Mansha combined.

With a cold snort, Li Anping first rushed and appeared in front of Mansha. A fist was like a thunder that tore through the atmosphere and smashed down hard on her head.

But Mansha was not surprised but happy! Defense is her greatest strength. After being amplified by the mind, her gas armor can not only change its shape freely, but also has a hardness comparable to diamond. Even the armor plates of naval battleships may not be comparable to her. She did not believe that Li Anping could kill her with one punch, and the recoil of this punch was enough to make Li Anping drink a pot.

Li Anping confronted her head-on like this, which was exactly what she wanted. Otherwise, if the opponent relied on speed to guerrilla around, she would have no choice.

But in the next moment, Li Anping's fist was like a knife inserted into butter. No matter how Mansha strengthened her ability, she could not stop the opponent's fist at all. Under this punch, the gaseous armor was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and was shattered in an instant. Mansha was hit directly on the head by Li Anping's punch.

With a heart full of regret, Mansha's head was directly blown up by a punch, and the remaining headless body was punched into the floor by Li Anping's punch.

It was not until this time that Heixue rushed to Li Anping, and Zui Buxiu was frightened when he saw Mansha's death, and the sword in his hand was also a few points slower, arriving later than Heixue.

So after Li Anping killed Mansha with a punch, he turned around and punched Heixue again without saying a word.


Compared with Li Anping, Heixue's speed was completely slower. He reacted as soon as Li Anping launched an attack and rushed towards Song Bang.

But as soon as he took a step, Li Anping had already punched Song Bang away, and Heixue's momentum dropped. When he started to take steps and rushed towards Li Anping, the opponent punched Song Tao again, so Heixue's momentum dropped again.

When he rushed to Li Anping, the opponent had just smashed Mansha's head with a punch. In just a few seconds, Li Anping killed two masters who were equally matched with him in front of him, and Heixue's momentum dropped again and again. Li Anping's demon-like figure had already deeply sunk into his heart.

At this time, seeing Li Anping's punch on his head, he finally showed fear on his face, let out a strange cry, and rolled to the side to dodge.

Li Anping saw Heixue rolling away, sneered, and directly changed his fist into a palm, and hit the opponent through the air.


A strike of "empty palm" directly sent a white shock wave to sweep the Heixue on the ground. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of him.

Roar! At this moment, Heixue couldn't think too much. He used all his strength to punch the shock wave in front of him. At the same time, two meat bags bulged out on his back, and two pairs of fists grew out in an instant, and they also punched the shock wave with all their strength.

Heixue, a level 4 mutant, is a master of close combat. His four arms exerted force at the same time, and the power was so huge and powerful. He once collapsed a bridge with such a blow. Now he hit Li Anping's shock wave with all his strength, just to use his fists to smash a way out.

It's a pity that he didn't understand the gap between himself and Li Anping at all. Before, Li Anping's empty palm was enough to break the steel plate, and now Li Anping, who has absorbed Qingchan, is much stronger than before.

Even now, Li Anping himself doesn't know where the limit of his strength is. Because he hasn't encountered a situation where he needs to use all his strength.

Heixue's four arms and four fists blasted out with all his strength.

But this force hitting the shock wave was like an ant trying to shake a tree, and it was completely unable to stop it.

The huge impact force of the empty palm had already hit Heixue's body with overwhelming force.


The white shock wave directly submerged Heixue's entire body. When the airflow disappeared, only a pile of rotten meat was left.

Most of his organs and bones were directly shattered by Li Anping's empty palm.

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