Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 35: Kill Them All (Part 2)

When Li Anping was about to go to Song Bang in person, Song Bang was secretly meeting several guests in the Song family's mansion.

A tall, blond white man was sitting on the sofa. The man's clothes, leather shoes, and watches all looked very sophisticated. The soft facial lines and slender hands gave people an artist's feeling.

But the most eye-catching thing was the hexagram on his palm. The hexagram composed of blue lines looked simple, but gave people a sense of grandeur and elegance.

This person was the envoy Bluman sent by the Star Alliance to contact Song Bang.

Facing this Star Alliance envoy, even if Song Bang, who was in power and already a level 5 ability user, would not be too unscrupulous. Instead, he put away his usual arrogance and majesty. It was not because of Bluman himself, nor because of Bluman's strength, but just because of the two words Star Alliance.

These two words represent not only the world's strongest ability user organization, but also the strongest power of all mankind at present.

Ten years ago, the Star Alliance attacked Daxia Longque and killed more than half of the warriors. It brings not only hatred but also fear and even admiration.

If Xia Liekong dreamed of revenge against the Star Alliance one day, Song Bang thought the opposite. Compared with the illusory revenge, he hoped to get on the big ship of the Star Alliance and use this powerful force to strengthen himself.

To this day, he still remembers the terrifying figure that came across the sea ten years ago. This kind of horror that penetrated into his bones still remains in his heart today.

So he tried every means to contact the Star Alliance. And the most successful one at present is the line of Wei Shishi in Zhongdu.

"General Song, so you want us to help you find Li Anping?" Bluman said slowly. Even if he represents the Star Alliance, he needs enough respect when facing any level 5 ability person.

"Yes, one of the things I asked you to come here today is to find Li Anping. Because I don't trust some people in Daxia Longque. So I have to ask for your help." After Song Bang finished speaking, he looked at the black bodyguard behind Bluman, and then looked at a short man beside him and said, "What do you think, Prince Fang Lei?"

This is a yellow-skinned, short old man with a face full of deep and shallow ravines. He is only about 1.6 meters tall and his hair on the top of his head is bald. He looks like a farmer working in the fields, but his identity is actually a prince of Baiyue.

Fang Lei was already a top master of the fourth energy level forty years ago. He disappeared without a trace in these years. Many people speculated that he had broken through the fifth energy level or died. But they didn't expect that he had been lurking in Daxia. As the general manager of the Baiyue-Daxia relations operations room.

Beside him is a tall man with an unfathomable aura, who even gives people the feeling of being more powerful than Fang Lei. He is also from the royal family of Baiyue Country, Fang Lei's son Fang Dong. Although he is not well-known, Song Bang knows that his power may be even higher than Fang Lei's.

In addition, sitting next to Bluman, there is a dark-skinned middle-aged man and a gorgeously dressed young woman. Song Bang has been in charge of Daxia Longque for decades, and his vision is so sharp. He recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance. The dark-skinned middle-aged man is Zui Buxiu, the fourth leader of the ability organization in Daxia, Yiqidao.

And the gorgeous young woman is Mansha, the leader of the dark group of the Renaissance Association.

Including the two people from the Fang family, any one of these four people is a master among masters who can stand on their own. Just talking about one of them is enough to make people's eyelids jump.

However, as a level 5 ability user, Song Bang naturally values ​​not the strength of the four people themselves, but the power behind the four people.

Obviously, these four people came with Bluman, saying that the power of the Star Alliance in China was stronger than he imagined, and even the Baiyue Kingdom in the south had been in contact with them.

Bluman was only a level 4 ability user. As a contact person of the Star Alliance, he was always in a slightly weaker position when contacting Song Bang, a level 5 ability user. This time, he brought these people here, one of which was to help Song Bang find someone, and the other was to use his power to suppress others, in an attempt to gain the upper hand in future cooperation with Song Bang.

Facing Song Bang's inquiry, Fang Lei said indifferently: "Li Anping killed two people from our royal family, and blood debt must be paid with blood." His Daxia language was fluent and sounded like a local in Tianjing. Obviously, he has a deep understanding of Daxia culture: "We will fully cooperate in finding Li Anping."

Bruman on the side also cooperated: "We didn't expect that someone would dare to kill Mr. Song Tian. As soon as we heard the news about General Song, we rushed here immediately. We deeply regret the murder of Mr. Ling." He spoke Daxia language fluently: "Next, we and our allies will spare no effort to find Li Anping."

In this sentence, it is said that the Star Alliance and Yiqidao, the royal family of Baiyue Kingdom are allies.

Song Bang sneered: "Today I specially invited Mr. Bruman to come here, not just for Li Anping." He continued: "Tian'er is dead. Unless someone is selected from the branch family for the election next year, our family will have no candidates. But how can the temporary selection compare to the talents carefully cultivated by other families. So I need your support from the Star Alliance."

"Of course, the imperial election next year has always been our common goal. So I brought Mr. Zui Buxiu and Ms. Mansha this time." Bruman answered fluently.

"The Yiqi Dao and the Revival Society are very powerful in the superpower world, but I'm afraid they won't have much effect on the general election." Song Bang said coldly: "What I hope is that the Star Alliance can mobilize the power lurking in the political circles of Daxia to help Our family ascends to the throne.”

What Song Bang said was right. Compared with killing, organizations with abilities such as Yiqidao and Fuxinghui are much stronger. But when it comes to their influence in the political arena, their influence is minimal. You can't ask them to assassinate others. If this happens, Song Bang will be the first to kill them.

As for the Hundred Moon Kingdom, it was a foreign force and had no effect.

In fact, if it weren't for the Great Xia Emperor's Selection regulations that those with level four and level five abilities could not participate, Song Bang would have already entered on his own. There is so much trouble.

"This is not possible." Bluman shook his head and said slowly: "The emperor's election is an internal matter for you Daxia people. The most we can do is provide resource support, and it is impossible to do it ourselves. That will easily cause dissatisfaction in other countries. , causing international disputes, the impact is too great, and the gains outweigh the losses.”

Song Bang naturally refused, but Bluman refused to let go of this point. You must know that although the Star Alliance is powerful, it is also a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the eyes of many countries. This kind of direct interference in the internal affairs of other countries can easily create excuses. Once several other major powers unite, even the Star Alliance will not feel comfortable.

Seeing that Bluman refused to let go, Song Bang frowned, and a mountain of pressure rushed over him. The two young men standing behind him also took a step forward and released their thoughts at the same time.

‘They are all top level four ability users. ’ Bluman’s intelligence was not lagging behind, and he recognized the identities of the two people behind Song Bang from the beginning.

One is named Song Tao. He is the only bloodline awakener in the younger generation of the Song family besides Song Tian. It can be seen how difficult it is to awaken the bloodline ability of bullet time, but once awakened, it is the second-ranked ability in the ability sequence.

It's a pity that Song Tao is just a concubine of a separate family and has no right to participate in the imperial election. But because of this, he received the harshest training since he was a child, participated in countless battles, and grew up in blood and fire. Although he is only in his twenties, he is already ranked second in the Song family in terms of strength. He is second only to Song Bang.

And another man with a faint black aura all over his body is Song Bang's number one subordinate in Daxia Longque, who has black blood. In the past few years, Daxia Longque has been unanimously regarded as one of the most promising young people who are most likely to become a level five ability user. Both Sun Hao and Qian Duoduo were considered inferior to him.

Bluman considered himself inferior to either of these two men. I have to admit that although the Star Alliance has an absolute advantage in level five ability users. But for level one to level four ability users, Daxia is not much behind the Star Alliance.

When Song Bang unleashed the pressure of level five ability users, several people present stood up like frightened rabbits. When Song Tao and Heixue stepped forward, except for Bluman and the black bodyguards behind him, everyone's heart was beating fast and their scalps were numb.

Faced with this obvious threat of force, Bluman laughed and said with a smile: "General Song is really iron-blooded. Let's see. Regarding the emperor's election, I am not the one who has the final say. I still have to go back. Only after reporting it can we make a decision, but I will definitely bring it to General Song’s notice.”

But at this moment, I suddenly remembered the sound of gunshots, explosions, collapsed houses, crying, and screams outside the house.

"What's going on?"

"Song Tao, go out and take a look."

Unexpectedly, just after Song Bang finished speaking, Song Tao had not taken a few steps. In just ten seconds, gunshots, screams, and explosions came one after another, and then became quiet again after a while.

Then there was a loud bang, and smoke and dust were everywhere. A wall in the living room had been punched through, and a young man walked out of the hole in the wall.

Li Anping glanced at the nine people present, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "You're here just in time, you will all die today."

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