Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 34: Killing All (Part 2)

When Sun Hao opened the door, he saw Li Anping standing outside the door holding Li Qian, while Xia Yunyun followed behind with a look of panic.

Seeing Sun Hao's dazed look, Li Anping walked around him and walked into the room with Li Qian in his arms. Xia Yunyun also followed in panic.

Li Anping had entered the room and saw Qian Duoduo sitting on the sofa, looking at him in surprise. Li Anping placed Li Qian in his arms on the sofa. Li Qian's drug effects have not worn off yet. Although she is awake, her limbs are still weak.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Li Qian said weakly to Li Anping with tears in her eyes.

"It's not your problem."

Xia Yunyun stood aside awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Sun Hao seemed to have finally come to his senses and ran into the living room yelling: "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come back to Tianjing? Why are you not only back now, but also taking them all with you?" I'm here!"

"I killed Song Tian." Li Anping said a shocking sentence directly. Regardless of the amount of money and the shocked look on Sun Hao's face, he continued: "I'm going to find Song Bang now. I can't protect the two of them all the time, so let them stay with you for a while."

"Are you...are you kidding me?" Sun Hao gasped, ignoring the second half of Li Anping's words and said anxiously: "You killed Song Tian? How did you do it! I know that kid is a bit arrogant, But do you need to kill him? Do you know that Song Bang is his only grandson? Do you know how powerful the Song family is?"

Seeing Li Anping's indifferent expression, Sun Hao jumped up and said, "Even if Lao Xia is still awake, he wouldn't dare to attack Song Tian directly! Do you understand the power of Song Bang and the Song family? You can just do whatever you want. Send a small army and we can drive you to the end of the world!"

Seeing that Sun Hao wanted to continue talking, Qian Duoduo patted him on the shoulder to calm him down. He seemed to have completely accepted what Li Anping had done, and asked, "You and Shen Dong must have been sent to the True God Cult, right? Why are you back now?"

Li Anping thought about it and felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said: "I killed the four envoys and Qing Chan, and then received news from Li Qian that they were caught by Song Tian, ​​so I rushed to Tianjing. ”

Sun Hao on the side was a little calm, but he jumped up again when he heard the news: "You killed Qingchan? A fifth-level ability user?"

"Yes." Li Anping nodded: "He is indeed very strong. If he hadn't kept fighting with me, despised me too much, and been distracted during the battle, I probably wouldn't be able to kill him."

Qian Duoduo and Sun Hao looked at each other in surprise, and some even didn't believe that Li Anping really killed Qingchan.

Sun Hao was somewhat aware of Li Anping's strength. Although he was equally shocked when he heard the news, he was much less suspicious. He murmured: "In this case, you can be considered to have combat power comparable to a level 5 ability user, and you are only at level 1 now... Hey, have you become a level 2 ability user?" Sun Hao looked at Li Anping and found that the other party's There is much more Nian Qi than before, and he has reached the level of a second-level ability user. He nodded and said: "That's okay. With your current level and strength, even the Song family won't dare to touch you casually."

Qian Duoduo glanced at Li Anping suspiciously and said, "You said you killed Qingchan? But why did the team previously issue a notice that you were wanted, and why did Tianjing's airport, station, and traffic arteries be taken away for you? They're all sealed off. Don't Song Bang and the others know that you killed Qing Chan?"

"Ah? Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know about it?" Sun Hao asked doubtfully.

Qian Duoduo glanced at Sun Hao helplessly, smiled slightly and said: "We have been excluded from the core position a long time ago. An old friend just told me this news. I was afraid that you would be nosy, so I didn't tell you."

Seeing Sun Hao's angry look, Qian Duoduo directly changed the subject and asked Li Anping: "If you really have the combat power comparable to a fifth-level ability user, then I don't think Song Bang will want you so unscrupulously. There are only three possibilities, Because the information is lost or late for some reason, they don't know your strength at all.

Second, Song Bang is confident that even if you have the combat power of a level five ability user, he can easily defeat you. This possibility is very small.

The third possibility is that you do not have the strength of a fifth-level ability user. "

Before Li Anping could speak, Sun Hao on the side couldn't help but speak for him: "I have fought against Li Anping, and he is indeed very strong. Although I don't know if he can compete with a fifth-level ability user, but I believe he can't. lie."

Qian Duoduo glanced at Li Anping and Sun Hao in surprise, and then said: "Even if you have combat power comparable to a level five ability user, what are you going to do next?"

"I will go find Song Bang myself." Li Anping looked at Sun Hao and said, "You said that Daxia Longque's headquarters is underground in Tianjing, right? Tell me the location."

Xia Yunyun finally said: "Li Anping, why are you going to find Song Bang? If it is because of me, Song Tian's death is enough. In the current situation, we should find a way to reconcile with the Song family. of."

Qian Duoduo also said: "What he said is right. Even if you have the strength of a fifth-level ability user, once an all-out war breaks out with the Song family, it will be difficult to deal with everything."

Li Anping shook his head and said to Xia Yunyun: "It has nothing to do with you. I still have debts to settle with Song Bang. I betrayed the frontline team when I was in the True God Religion. I don't think Song Bang, a Daxia, would be included in this decision. The influence of the Supreme Leader of Longque.”

Sun Hao said angrily: "Are you crazy? Are you still going to settle the score with Song Bang? He is also a fifth-level ability user! He is also an experienced fifth-level ability user. It is not something that a newcomer like Qingchan can compare with. Besides, do you know? How many combat forces are there in the base? Just the most sophisticated modern weapons are enough for you to drink. "

Li Anping said calmly: "Since you don't want to tell me, I will go find it myself. It won't take much effort anyway."

Sun Hao was about to stop Li Anping. When he tried to persuade him again, Qian Duoduo pressed his hand on his shoulder and said to Li Anping: "I can tell you, but the terrain in the base is very complicated. You can definitely remember it. And to find Song Bang? How about going directly to where Song Bang lives?"

Sun Hao looked at him in disbelief and said, "With so much money, are you crazy?"

Qian Duoduo smiled: "I think it's better to go directly to Song Bang, which can not only deter them with strength, but also cause the lowest impact. If Li Anping goes to find it by himself... you don't want to see it in the next day's newspaper, Are there people with superpowers fighting on the streets in the city center? The impact would be too great. Even if the top government officials want to reconcile with Li Anping, they may not be able to do so due to various pressures. "

Sun Hao nodded as if understanding. He didn't know that Qian Duoduo had another sentence left, which was: "If Li Anping doesn't have the fifth-level combat power, taking the initiative to go to Song Bang is throwing himself into a trap, and he will be suppressed as quickly as possible. It is convenient for them to Clear the relationship.”

An hour later, Li Anping left Sun Hao's house alone and disappeared into the sea of ​​people on the street. Like a time bomb, it will explode in the capital of Daxia at any time, setting off a huge wave of the times.

On the same day, news of Song Tian's murder had spread to all directions. Even the news of Qingchan's death was suppressed. After all, Qingchan was only a recent fifth-level ability user. Even except for people near the True God Sect who witnessed the battle, no one could prove that he was really a fifth-level ability user.

If after a period of time, a week or two, the matter of Qingchan's death will gradually ferment. After people understand his destructive power and see the ruins of the True God Sect, they will understand that Qingchan does have the destructive power of a level five ability user, and they will also have a rough assessment of Li Anping's true strength.

But now the time is too short, and all parties have not had time to make an accurate assessment of Li Anping's strength. No one thought that he would be Daxia Longque or Song Bang's opponent.

But some people don't think so.

In the imperial city of Daxia, among the layers of yellow tiles and red walls, a middle-aged man was sitting in his study. The man's clothes are simple and his appearance is ordinary. But anyone from Daxia will know him if they see him. Because this is a face that often appears on television.

A man in black knelt down in front of the man and said, "Your Majesty, half an hour ago, we found traces of Li Anping. Do we want to report it to the special service team (Daxia Longque)?"

"Oh, did you find him?"

"He only had a few minutes. His speed was too fast. After he noticed us, he disappeared in a few jumps."

"Can't even your secret agency catch up with him?" The man laughed: "What do you think of his strength?"

"It's very strong, but I'm afraid it's not enough to fight against level five ability users."

Hearing this, the man sighed: "The general election will be next year. The old Song family really puts a lot of pressure on me. But to be honest, with Song Tian's death, the pressure on me to be re-elected will be much less."

Hearing what the man in front of him said, the man in black was shocked, but he didn't dare to reply. After all, there is nothing wrong with the man saying this, but if the man in black said the same thing, it would be a serious transgression.

The man in black didn't hear what the man in black was saying and didn't take it seriously and continued: "There's no need to notify others. Let the people from the agency keep an eye on Song Bang. If there is any news, let me know at any time."

Because of Li Anping's sudden rise, it was originally just a local violent conflict in Blue City, but its influence began to grow. It was not until many years after the incident that anyone discovered that this day was the beginning of a huge storm.

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