Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 40: Chaos (1)

When Li Anping and Song Bang were fighting fiercely, Tianjing City was already in chaos.

It is impossible for any city to avoid chaos if more than ten kilometers of streets are destroyed and turned into ruins.

Starting from the destroyed streets, the riots gradually spread throughout the city. The army and police were dispatched immediately to maintain order. But even they themselves don't know what happened in this city.

The streets were filled with fleeing civilians. But in fact, they don't know where they can escape except at home. In fact they don't even know what happened.

So rumors began to spread.

"It must be a terrorist attack, several streets were flattened!"

"How could it be a terrorist attack? I saw that Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue were all turned into garbage dumps. At least tens of thousands of people died. I think it was a war."

"Really or not? Could it be that Ice Castle is coming?"

"I want to escape to the countryside, where my grandma still has a piece of land."

"The army has entered Tianjing City!"

"The leaders have long since escaped, maybe even the emperor has escaped."

There are endless rumors, and there are even rumors that aliens and monsters are coming, but some people actually believe it. Fortunately, Li Anping and Song Bang had moved the battlefield and left Tianjing. The police and the army provided timely support. Although there was still some chaos, the situation in Tianjing has been temporarily stabilized.

At least that's the surface.

If you are at the airport, you will notice that suddenly a large number of people wearing expensive and extravagant clothes rushed to the airport with children and the elderly. They all came to book flights. There are targets everywhere, but the only thing they have in common is that they require a plane that can leave Tianjing immediately.

These are the wealthy or well-informed people in the upper class. He learned that the Song family had been attacked and suffered heavy casualties. After the Song Dynasty was nowhere to be found, the first thing they thought of was war. So he rushed to the airport in an attempt to escape from Tianjing.

After all, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

On the Internet, TV, and major news media, the government immediately suppressed all gossip. and issued a local earthquake notice. All departments and units will work overtime temporarily, ushering in a sleepless night.

Soldiers, police officers, and firefighters who were on leave were all notified to return to the team immediately and were on standby 24 hours a day.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the news from spreading.

In this information age, the information that Tianjing was attacked by unknown persons is being spread around the world at a speed that was unimaginable in the past.

Although the situation in Tianjing has stabilized, there are countless more dangerous undercurrents hidden under the surface calm.

Imperial City, study.

"Alas." The man held his forehead and leaned on the seat, his face full of helplessness and confusion.

A white-haired old man wearing formal clothes and straight clothes said beside him: "Your Majesty, King Tianwei wants to see you."

"Humph, are they from the Sun family? They're gone." The man waved his hand and said, "Usually you'd never see them if you asked them to contribute money and effort. But now something happened, everyone came here to find them."

The white-haired old man nodded and retreated. He did not dare to speak casually to the man's comments. After all, the nine royal families involved still have to be careful in their words and deeds.

Seeing that the white-haired old man was gone, the man clicked on a window displayed on the computer screen and said, "How's it going? Is there any news?"

A man in military uniform was displayed in the window and replied: "We found it using satellite. It is 18.9 kilometers away from the eastern suburbs and west of Hailang Mountain. We have sent an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft there. It is expected to arrive at the target location in ten minutes."

Several satellite pictures came through the window, showing large areas of flying dust, destroyed forests, and large sunken craters.

"Is it 18.9 kilometers..." The man thought for a moment and said, "How long does it take to locate the nearest launch silo?"

The man in military uniform looked dumbfounded, and then slowly said: "It takes half an hour."

"18 kilometers...18 kilometers..." The man touched his forehead and kept mumbling to himself, as if he was considering something difficult to decide. Until the end, he subconsciously glanced at the north and thought: 'There is also the Flame Dragon Pioneer. ’

"It's okay. Go and do your work. Keep me informed of the latest news."

The window was closed and the man closed his eyes, as if he wanted to clear away all the fatigue from his body.

"Hey, why are there such creatures as level five ability users in this world?"

When the sword light dissipated and Li Anping stopped attacking, Song Bang was still standing unscathed.

Li Anping felt that not only was he not injured, but his breathing and heartbeat did not change at all and remained very slow. Just like before the war started.

‘I definitely hit him just now, but it still had no effect. What is going on. ’ Li Anping was a little confused: ‘It’s not the regeneration ability, it’s that there was no injury at all, but the Gao Zhoubo knife did cut into his body. The knife cut across the body, but there was no wound. ’

Seeing Li Anping's confused look, Song Bang laughed loudly: "I said, my body is immortal. Since you are unwilling to surrender, let's continue!"

His bullet time can last up to 6 minutes, which is about 300 seconds, but this limit is related to his physical and mental state. For safety reasons, Song Bang will take the initiative to stop after using it for about 5 minutes. In case 5 minutes later, the ability suddenly fails in the middle of the battle.

And every time he activated his ability, his body had to rest for one minute.

And now, the one-minute time was up.

The next moment, the two figures that broke through the limits of the human body collided again, and the red knife light and sword light instantly covered a radius of 100 meters. It was enough to shred anyone or anything that set foot in this area into pieces.

But this was just the beginning.

In the fast-paced world, Li Anping opened his mouth and let out a silent cry. His body suddenly swelled out and instantly turned into a small giant as tall as two meters and five.

Li Anping, who had launched his full strength, had reached a new level in speed and strength at this moment.

On the other hand, after Song Bang exposed the power of Shi He's immortal body, he had completely ignored almost all of Li Anping's attacks. He gave up defense, and his destructive power began to rise geometrically.

The battlefield where the two were located was like thousands of thunders exploding at the same time, and countless sword lights and sword shadows appeared densely, interweaving into a movement of death.

Every swing of their swords and every step they took would cause endless hurricanes and cause terrible damage. After leaving the city, they no longer had any scruples, and wholeheartedly pushed their destructive power to the peak one after another.

The earth shook violently, trees rose from the ground, and the river was shaken and churned.

Thousands and tens of thousands of sword qi and sword qi caused by sonic slashes shot out, cutting the ground into pieces. And above the ground, there was no intact thing within a kilometer.

In a military base dozens of kilometers away, everyone stared at the scene shown on the surveillance screen, all with shock on their faces.

"Is this really the destructive power that humans can cause?"

"It's terrible, no wonder the army has no way to deal with these monsters."

"I can't even see a human figure..."

"What's the situation with the drone? Can it move forward?"

"No, it's too dangerous to fly in, it will be cut into pieces."

But just when everyone was extremely shocked and looked at each other on the display screen in horror, the battlefield changed again.

The two seemed to have realized that the battlefield was already overwhelmed, so with a bang, two black shadows, each with a wave of air, rushed towards the sky at the same time.

As they soared into the sky, the two men continued to fight with swords and knives, like two meteors, constantly hitting each other. There were loud noises like thunder.

After more than ten seconds, they had reached a height of several thousand meters.

The atmosphere in the sky seemed to be shattered by the sword energy of the two men, and the clouds in the entire space were cut open in an instant, revealing the bright blue sky.

The battle between the two became more and more intense. Li Anping's speed and strength were both above Song Bang, and he had been suppressing Song Bang. But Song Bang was immortal, and no matter what kind of attack he suffered, he looked unharmed. Instead, he kept attacking at the cost of his life, forcing Li Anping to be careful all the time.

Every blow from the two men in the sky shocked the world for a hundred miles and shook the four fields. The battlefield had already moved for an unknown number of kilometers.

In the monitoring footage sent by the drone, at this moment, only a storm composed entirely of swords and knives, flashing red light all over the sky, was seen moving rapidly towards the east. At the speed of the drone, it was no longer possible to catch up.

But even in the scene just now, even if they were dozens of kilometers away and watched through a screen, everyone present could still feel the terrible natural disaster of the two people fighting.

It didn't feel like they were facing two people, but facing landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes and floods.

It was a meteorological disaster that human power could not resist.

"Report all the situations to His Majesty."

"Everything is left to His Majesty to decide."

"We are powerless in this matter."

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