Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 26: Vulnerable (1)

Twelve years ago, in a dilapidated orphanage in Lan City.

An old man with white hair laughed at the little boy in front of him.

The boy had short green hair and a delicate face that looked as delicate as a porcelain doll. But the indifference in his eyes was enough to freeze everyone who approached him.

But even so, he was still a cute boy. But when such a boy appeared in a room full of blood, broken limbs, and debris, he could not be called cute at all.

"Hahahaha, I finally found it, I finally found it!" The white-haired old man picked up the boy: "It's you, Qingchan, you are special! Don't feel afraid, don't feel hesitant, and don't feel guilty.

Because you are born with the power to control their lives. You are the gift given to us by the True God.

From today on, you are the next leader of the True God Church."

But no matter what the old man said, the boy's eyes were still indifferent. When he looked at his former companions on the ground, there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

Day after day, year after year, the boy just stayed in the temple every day, bathing in the hymns and the chants of the believers. Without training or deliberately becoming stronger, his mind energy grew by himself, more and more, until it reached a terrible level.

The instinct to fight is as innate as breathing, and victory has become a habit without knowing it.

Why is the opponent's ability weakness this? Why choose this time to attack? Why choose close combat? Qing Chan never knew these, he just followed his feelings. But from the results, his talent is unparalleled.

What is the opponent's ability? What is his personality? How can he resist? Qing Chan can understand these things at a glance. But if you ask him why, he doesn't know.

Just like fish learn to swim and birds learn to fly, everything is so natural. This is Qing Chan's battle, the most boring battle for him. And as he becomes stronger and stronger, this boredom is also increasing day by day.

It took only two years for his ability to reach level four, and then he became the most powerful person in the Quanzhen Sect. That year, he was only 8 years old.

Looking at the increasingly fearful eyes of the people around him, Qingchan's heart became more and more irritable. Then he remembered what he did in the orphanage.

So he started the same thing in the temple. At first, it was just sparrows, mantises, and spiders. Then there were puppies, kittens, chickens, ducks, cows and sheep. Qingchan cut off their limbs and watched them bleed to death. He peeled off their skin and struggled in pain. Every time he pierced their hearts with a dagger, Qingchan could feel a kind of tranquility from the bottom of his heart.

But gradually, animals could no longer satisfy his bloodthirsty heart. So Qingchan turned his attention to humans.

He still remembers his first target, Kama, the maid who took care of his daily life. A head of long golden hair, elastic skin, and a pair of plump breasts. Qingchan still remembers the pleasant smell of shampoo on the other person.

She was so beautiful that Qingchan couldn't help but want to tear her apart. He tortured Kama for a whole night. Then he chopped her into pieces, spending more than three hours flushing them down the toilet.

Then Qingchan got even more out of control, more and more people disappeared, and the whole temple was in fear. Until the end, when the previous leader caught Qingchan, he was peeling the skin off a little girl's body in his basement.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

A shout brought Qingchan back to his senses on the throne. He looked at the two people on the ground: "Hmm?"

"Your Majesty, are you going to execute this villain now?"

"Kill him."

Shen Dong lay quietly on the ground, his body covered with his own blood, looking at the woman standing in front of him, his eyes full of solemnity.

The woman looked very young, with long black hair. Her snow-white face and slender body made her look docile.

But Shen Dong knew that this feeling was an illusion. Looking at the other party's still wet right hand, Shen Dong thought to himself: 'Was that a water knife just now? Then this woman is the water master. '

The girl standing in front of him, or the water master, looked at him and said: "Look at you, don't you want to give up?" While saying this, she raised her right hand again and shot a line of water from her palm forward. The speed of the water line was very fast and gradually became thicker. It became a high-speed flowing water knife.

The water of the water knife shot out for more than 50 meters before gradually dissipating.

Shen Dong narrowed his eyes and said: 'The effective killing power is about 20 meters. The range after 20 meters should not be able to break my defense. But within 20 meters...' Feeling the dull pain in his chest, Shen Dong did not act rashly.

Seeing the water master handing the water knife to Shen Dong's neck, the smell of water in the air became stronger and stronger.


Suddenly, Qing Chan on the throne said.

"Yes." The water master had no doubts and put away the water knife almost at the same time Qing Chan said this. Shen Dong could even feel the cold air emanating from the water vapor around his neck.

He looked at Qing Chan in confusion. Qing Chan also tilted his neck to look at Shen Dong and said, "I have used my mind to observe your ability before. Can you control your own gravity? I can tell from your action pattern.

When Liu Shui attacked you with his water jet just now, you actually changed his gravity instantly and avoided the vital point, right? The reason why you have been waiting there without moving is because you are looking for an opportunity to attack the water angel and me? "

‘Everything has been seen through. ’ Shen Dong was shocked: ‘My actions were completely seen through. ’ Under the gaze of Qing Chan’s glass-like eyes, Shen Dong felt goosebumps rising all over his body. It was like being watched by some god in the sky. Give him the feeling of having nothing to hide.

"Although Liu Shui's water sword is very powerful, due to the flow characteristics of water, she cannot feel what was hit. If she had just used an ordinary sword to chop it, she should have known that she did not really hit you. Qingchan continued: "You can use the opponent's characteristics to organize an attack in an instant. I appreciate your observation and action. How about being my subordinate?"

"What!" Shen Dong was surprised by Qingchan's words, while the water envoy on the side seemed to have known that Qingchan would say this, and the expression on his face did not change.

"Don't you understand? Although you just waited for the opportunity, you must be confident that you can severely damage or even kill me." Qingchan said: "But that is just your delusion as a mortal. Although you are already very smart, But I still don’t quite understand the gap between us.”

When Shen Dong heard this, he suddenly felt a layer of something covering his body unconsciously.

Qingchan's thought energy had withdrawn from the sky and filled the entire hall again. The huge thought energy enveloped Shen Dong like an ocean, making his heart gradually sink.

"Do you understand?" Qingchan held his chin and looked at Shen Dong on the ground and said, "Besides surrender and death, you have no other choice."

Shen Dong stood up. Now that he had been seen through, he had nothing to pretend. The water sword used by the water user just now indeed only caused him some skin trauma. Although there was a lot of blood, it actually had little effect on his strength.

But even so, facing a fifth-level ability user like Qingchan, especially after his only chance was lost, he could no longer muster any fighting spirit.

Just as Shen Dong was hesitating, a voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Is anyone here? Please immediately report the current battle situation at the headquarters of the True God Religion."

"I'm here!" A female voice came from the headset.

Shen Dong recognized Leng Hong's voice, and Leng Hong continued, "We need support. Qingchan is a level five ability user, and Poisonous Dragon and I are seriously injured and need to be rescued immediately."

"Oh? Are you still alive?" The other person's voice seemed surprised, and then there seemed to be various quarrels coming from there.

Just when Shen Dong was wondering if he was going to talk in front of Qing Chan, another man's voice was on the other end of the headset. This man's voice sounded older and calmer, as if he had been in power for a long time.

He said: "All living people must surrender to the True God Religion immediately."

"What!" Leng Hong was still arguing over there, but the other party said directly: "This is an order. Those who are still alive must surrender immediately, and remember not to do anything to annoy the other party. Repeat, this is an order."

Shen Dong sneered, knowing that he had been given up by the senior management. That's true. How can a few ordinary ability users compare to a level five ability user? He hadn't even thought of such a simple truth.

‘Yes, a new supporter for a level five ability user. ’

He pulled out the headset and threw it to the ground. Then he knelt down on one knee towards Qingchan.

"I want to be your subordinate."

"Okay." Qingchan said lightly: "But this time the strong wind, the earth and the fire are all dead. If you surrender alone, there will still be a shortage of people."

Shen Dong took the initiative and said, "I can persuade my teammates to surrender."

"That's right, but you have three teammates, and I only have two vacancies for the four messengers here." Qingchan said with a smile.

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