Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 27: Vulnerable (2)

Leng Hong was somewhat at a loss when she heard the command in the headset. At this moment, the poisonous dragon that had just been rescued had woken up.

"Don't you understand? We have been abandoned." The poisonous dragon looked at Leng Hong with a miserable smile, took out the headset and crushed it: "Hehe, a newly appeared level 5 ability person can use a few of us small people to please him. This is a good deal."

"Then what should we do? Do we really surrender? We killed many of them, and they will not give up." Leng Hong's brain was a little confused. Thinking that her backer was gone, she, who had been protected by the Great Xia Dragon Bird for many years, suddenly became a little panicked. She has worked in government agencies for many years, and she believes in the background behind her more than her own strength. Now without this background, she seems to have lost her backbone.

Just when the two were at a loss, they found that Li Anping had left, and at the same time took out all the headsets and contact lenses in his ears and threw them on the ground.

"Li Anping, where are you going?" Leng Hong shouted at his back.

Li Anping said without even turning his head: "Go find Qingchan."

"Are you crazy!" Leng Hong yelled, but Li Anping ignored her and just walked on his own. He knew how much strength he had and was confident enough in his fight with Qingchan. Even if he couldn't win, he would definitely be able to retreat unscathed. But the other two obviously didn't know this. Because up to now, Li Anping had never used his full strength in front of the two of them, and he obviously had no interest in explaining this to the two of them.

Leng Hong quickly stood up and ran towards Li Anping to pull him back, but was caught by the poisonous dragon on the ground: "Why are you going? If he wants to die, let him die. We don't have time to take care of him now." The poisonous dragon among the three was the most seriously injured now, so naturally he hoped that Leng Hong could stay by his side and take care of him at all times. Moreover, he was unconscious just now, and didn't know that Li Anping had killed the three envoys of wind, earth, and fire single-handedly.

So Leng Hong explained to the poisonous dragon on the ground: "He just saved us. If it weren't for him, we would have died long ago. He killed the three messengers of wind, earth and fire alone."

"What did you say? He killed them all by himself." The poisonous dragon asked in shock.

'How is it possible? I can't do anything with the rock body of the earth messenger alone. How did Li Anping do it? How could he be so strong? '

The next moment, a series of questions flashed through the mind of the poisonous dragon, but he felt his hand loosen, and Leng Hong had already run towards Li Anping.

"Wait, Leng Hong. I have another question for you."

Leng Hong looked at the poisonous dragon. When he saw that the other party kept winking at him, the tacit understanding of the two people's cooperation over the years made him know what the other party was going to do at the first time.

Leng Hong walked back and touched the other party's forehead with his hand. For people with the same level of ability, only in this way can he let his mental virus parasitize on it, and the mental virus parasitizing on the poisonous dragon transmitted the other party's voice.

"Hello? Leng Hong, can you hear it?" Leng Hong's ability not only allows him to control others, but also allows him to communicate with the parasitic target through consciousness.

"I heard you. If you have anything to say, why not now?"

"We'll be on the road later. Help me up now. Let's catch up with Li Anping. No, you can carry me on your back. It's faster this way."

Although it felt a bit strange, the tacit understanding over the years still allowed Leng Hong to carry the poisonous dragon on her back. But when she looked up, Li Anping was gone.

"He must have gone in the direction of Qingchan. Let's follow him together and be quick!"

"Okay." After saying that, Leng Hong ran in the direction of Qingchan. At the same time, the voice of the poisonous dragon also rang in her heart.

"Are you sure that Li Anping killed all three of the three envoys, Wind, Earth, and Fire?"

"I saw it with my own eyes... No, although I can't see his movements clearly, he did it. And on average, each person didn't even take two seconds."

"Hiss~~" The poisonous dragon took a breath. He had fought with the earth envoy and knew the horror of the other party. With the power like a mountain and a sea, and a body harder than a tank armor, Li Anping could kill the other party in less than two seconds. If it wasn't Leng Hong who said this, he would definitely sneer at the other party's fantasy.

"No wonder he always looks so confident. This guy is really strong. Maybe he is stronger than us plus Lao Shen." The poisonous dragon sighed, but said regretfully: "But his luck is too bad. It's too early for him to meet Qingchan now."

"Yes... too early." Leng Hong also sighed. As a member of the Great Xia Dragon Bird, she also deeply knows how terrifying the fifth-level ability user is. Their abilities are so powerful that their bodies have already transcended the scope of humans. In some ways, they are indeed no different from gods.

Among the dragon birds of Daxia, it has long been a consensus that only level 5 ability users and nuclear-level ultimate weapons can kill level 5 ability users.

Although Li Anping is very strong and has great potential, he may become a level 5 ability user in the future, but at least for now, he is not. So he will never be able to defeat Qingchan.

At this time, the voice of the poisonous dragon sounded again in Leng Hong's mind: "Li Anping is going to die, we can't stop him, but we may still have a chance of survival."

"What do you mean?" Leng Hong asked puzzledly.

"We can surrender."

"What?" Leng Hong stopped and said angrily: "You want us to surrender to these traitors?"

"Do you have a better idea? That is a fifth-level ability user. The northern front is so tense now, and General Xia is seriously injured and unconscious. It is impossible for the prince to go to war with Qingchan and a fifth-level ability user at this moment. "Du Jiao said.

Leng Hong said: "We can escape and bring Li Anping back. We can escape together."

"Escape? Where to escape?" Poisonous Dragon said with a sad smile: "A level five ability user is just a few hundred meters away from us. You also saw him attacking the plane with his mind energy. Do you think we can escape? Even if we We have escaped from here, but do you think we still have a place in Daxia? We will be wanted throughout the country. You are as familiar with Daxia Longque's methods of dealing with defectors as I am."

"But...but..." Leng Hong was speechless. She knew that Du Jiao was right, but it was still a little hard to accept: "Does it mean we don't have to die if we surrender? After killing so many of them, they will We were tortured to death.”

"It doesn't matter to the little people. The three envoys of wind, earth, and fire were all done by Li Anping." Du Jiao smiled miserably and said: "This is our only chance. Daxia doesn't want to open a battlefield with a fifth-level ability user. Could it be that Qing Does Zen want to face Daxia Longque's remaining three fifth-level ability users alone?

If we surrender, he is likely to accept it. After all, compared to Li Anping, we have not killed any envoys. We are more familiar with the inside of Daxia Longque and know more information, which is of greater value to Qingchan. . "

Leng Hong struggled: "You want me to betray Li Anping? He just saved me."

"This is not betrayal, it is just his sacrifice to save our lives when three people are going to die."

"Hurry up and leave. Li Anping may have seen Qingchan. I'm afraid something will happen if it's too late."

Under the urging of Poisonous Dragon, Leng Hong carried him on her back and ran towards Qingchan again, but her eyes were still full of struggle.

In the main hall on the other side, Shen Dong looked in the direction of the door, and there were waves of footsteps coming from there. It feels like someone is running towards here.

A few seconds later, when the door was darkened, Li Anping had already walked out. His eyes calmly swept over Shen Dong, the water envoy and Qing Chan on the throne, as if there was no difference between the three of them in his eyes.

And this kind of gaze made Shen Dong, who had just rebelled, unexpectedly unhappy.

At this time, Qingchan's voice sounded again: "He is your companion, right? There are two more people who are coming soon, but I only need two people to fill the four envoy positions. Who do you think is better to get rid of?"

When Shen Dong heard this, it was like listening to fairy music. When he saw Li Anping's puzzled eyes, he couldn't help but lower the corners of his mouth.

"Your Majesty, this man's name is Li Anping. He has some strength, but he is unruly and unruly. He refuses to obey discipline. He has repeatedly contradicted his superiors in the Great Xia Longque. Moreover, he has not been approved to officially join the Great Xia Longque. , has almost no intelligence value, and is useless except for a little strength." Shen Dong finally revealed his purpose: "So your Majesty can kill him, and I believe that they will kill the remaining two companions. I am very willing to join the divine religion.”

"Oh? So that's it?" Qingchan glanced at Li Anping casually and said, "Do you have anything to refute?"

'Oops...' Shen Dong was shocked. He didn't expect Qingchan to play such a trick. Didn't he want them to kill each other? Betray each other? He glanced at Qingchan subconsciously, and when he saw the sarcasm in his eyes, he finally understood.

‘He didn’t take us seriously at all. This man… was completely treating us as toys. Whether he killed me or Li Anping, it was the same to him. ' Thinking of this, Shen Dong began to panic, and Li Anping's answer also sounded at the same time.

"I have absolutely no interest in what you are saying." Li Anping looked at Qingchan and asked, "Are you Qingchan, the current leader of the True God Religion?"

"It's me."

"That's no problem. I'm here now. I just want to see who is stronger between me and the fifth-level ability user. If possible, I will kill you."

After Li Anping finished speaking, he stepped hard on his feet and directly stepped on a large pit with a diameter of five meters. The man had appeared in front of Qing Chan, and then he waved his right hand hard and smashed it over. Then an invisible barrier seemed to appear between the two of them. , only to hear a bang, a wave of air appeared between him and Qing Chan, rolling and sweeping the entire hall.

Shen Dong looked at Li Anping in disbelief. He did not expect that this person would start a fight with Qing Chan as soon as he came up. Did he understand that the other party was a level five ability user? He was a monster beyond human beings.

But at the same time, he felt relieved. In this case, Li Anping would definitely die.

Sure enough, after the smoke and dust dissipated, Li Anping's fist appeared one meter away from Qingchan. There were ripples around his arm, which looked like it was binding Li Anping's fist. Keep his fists from moving forward. That was Qing Chan blocking Li Anping's fist with his mind energy.

"Bold." When the water envoy saw this, he roared angrily and fired a high-speed water jet from his hand, slashing towards Li Anping's position from a distance of more than ten meters.

"Wait." Qing Chan waved his hand, and the endless mental energy in the air dispersed the water knife. He looked at Li Anping with curiosity: "The entire hall should be covered by my mental energy, and you can actually get so close to me in an instant. If I hadn't increased the output of mental energy around me at the last moment, I might have been hit by you."

Qing Chan smiled and looked at Li Anping in front of him and said: "To be honest, you are the first person I have seen who can do this purely with physical strength. How about it, do you want to be my subordinate? I admire you very much."

"Not interested." Li Anping said word by word, and slowly retracted his fist. However, the action that was usually very easy to do was extremely difficult at this time. Li Anping felt like he was soaked in a cement pool. Every move he made could feel the ubiquitous resistance around him, which weakened his speed and destructive power countless times.

Li Anping suddenly understood the power of the fifth-level ability user: 'It seems that I have to use all my strength. ’

Shen Dong was shocked when he heard Qing Chan’s words, but when he heard Li Anping’s answer, he felt relieved.

“You will suffer for what you have done. You are so arrogant in front of a Level 5 ability user, Li Anping, you are courting death.”

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