Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 25: Too weak! Too weak! Too weak!! (5)

Leng Hong, who was seriously injured, looked at Li Anping standing in front of him and thought in his mind.

‘This idiot might be able to survive if he hid well, but now it’s better to come here and die in a hurry. It seems that the True God Religion was destroyed this time we came. ’

But before she could finish thinking about it, she saw that the wind had rolled up the storm all over her body again.

'it's over……'

But things went completely opposite to what she thought. Leng Hong could only see a faint afterimage flashing next to Li Anping's arm.

Then Fengzhi's body stiffened for about a second, and then his whole head exploded like fireworks. Red liquid and white liquid covered the surrounding floor, and some of it sprinkled on Leng Hong's body.

Leng Hong just watched stupidly as Li Anping threw away Feng Shi's body and then walked in the direction of Qing Chan.

Obviously Li Anping also saw Qingchan's attack just now.

"Wait...wait." Leng Hong stammered and shouted towards Li Anping, who was shocked by the sudden display of great strength.

‘Did he just crush the wind user’s head with his bare hands? The speed is too fast...I can only see a faint trajectory. ’

‘How could he be so strong? Are you kidding? Doesn't he only have the first energy level? ’

‘The speed of that punch just now was faster than that of Sun Hao, right? The power is also much greater. ’

'And when did he show up? Didn't feel it at all. ’

Just when Leng Hong was shocked by the facts in front of him and his mind was a little confused, Li Anping turned around and asked, "What happened?"

"Take me with you. We should still have a chance to escape before Qingchan comes. Tianjing must already know the situation here. Support is expected to arrive within three hours. Let's escape now. If..."

"I didn't say I was going to run away." Li Anping glanced at him, turned around and left, then walked in the direction of Qingchan.

"Are you crazy?" Leng Hong looked at Li Anping in disbelief: "Do you still want to kill him? Do you know that he is already a level five ability user?" What he didn't know was how much Li Anping looked forward to Qing Qing. If Zen, a fifth-level ability user, could eat a fifth-level ability user, his power would increase explosively.

And even if he can't defeat Qingchan by then, Li Anping believes that with his resilience and current speed, escaping shouldn't be a big problem.

Li Anping stopped when he heard what Leng Hong said. Just when Leng Hong thought he had changed his mind, Li Anping said something he couldn't understand.

"Don't interfere for a while. These two desserts are mine."

But the next moment Leng Hong understood what she meant and had a deep understanding of this person's 'arrogance'.

I saw a stone man appearing, grabbing the poisonous dragon's unconscious body. His huge stone palm could grasp the poisonous dragon's chest and abdomen in his palm. When he saw Li Anping standing there without hesitation, he showed a cruel smile.

"You heard, he's using us for dessert."

A giant red dragon stood out from behind the Earth Messenger, and the Fire Messenger was standing on top of the dragon's head. He looked at Li Anping and Leng Hong without saying anything, but when he saw Feng Shi's body, he paused slightly and said.

"Be careful, they killed Gale."

"Don't compare me to that trash." The Earth Messenger laughed with his mouth split open: "Give this back to you first." He directly threw the poisonous dragon in his hand over. The poisonous dragon was covered in blood and wounds, and the combat uniform was already in use. It was in tatters and the person had completely lost consciousness.

When he was thrown over, Li Anping didn't catch him, and just let him roll to his feet. Leng Hong, who was on the side, mustered up her remaining strength to crawl over, took out the medicine, syringes, gauze and other things in the combat uniform, and helped the poisonous dragon to receive emergency treatment.

"Hehehehe, a first-level ability user? Daxia Longque even sent out such a rookie?" The Earth Messenger looked at Li Anping, then crossed his fingers, and then mocked: "I'll let you attack as you like first, I think. Punch me as many times as you want."

He laughed loudly and patted his chest, making a loud clanging sound.

"It's a pity that no one has been able to break through my defense so far."

"You talk too much." Li Anping said coldly: "You can talk about it after you take my punch."

Too lazy to talk to them anymore, Li Anping simply stamped his foot, and his whole body was like lightning tearing apart the night sky. In a flash, the black figure appeared in front of the stone envoy across a distance of more than fifty meters.

Wherever his body passed, the air crackled and screamed, and a wave of air appeared behind him.

The speed of this step has exceeded the limit that everyone present can observe.

The Earth Messenger's eyes couldn't see or hear anything at all, because Li Anping's movements were already faster than the sound.

He had no time to dodge, no time to defend, no time to react, no time to even think. From his birth until now, he has never seen anyone who can train their pure body to this point.

The Earth Messenger was three meters tall. Li Anping punched him, right in the abdomen. At this moment, the air around him seemed to have been drained. With one punch, Li Anping directly punched the air around him like the center of an explosion, and a row of exhaust waves dispersed in all directions.

This exploded the air with astonishing speed and power, causing the air to be pushed away by this mountain-like force, forming a vacuum-like zone.

The vacuum only lasts for a short moment, and the surrounding area will be filled with air again in the next second.

Before that, Li Anping's fist had already hit the belly of the Earth Messenger.

The overwhelming force, the earth-shaking force, comparable to a missile bombing, hit the belly of the Stone Messenger, and it was still increasing.

The moment Li Anping's punch hit, the Earth Messenger's stone belly immediately sank a large part, and then countless cracks appeared all over his body.

Boom! !

The huge force rolled over the body of the Stone Messenger, and his entire stone body kept making cracking sounds, and then the inside of the body seemed to explode, first the entire abdomen turned into countless gravel and sprayed out. Then the chest, shoulders, neck, and head were all smashed to pieces by Li Anping's punch.

Only the Earth Messenger was left looking at his broken body with fear on his face, his heart full of regret and resentment.

What is crushing withered and rotten!

What is a mantis arm to stop a chariot!

At this moment, Li Anping's punch directly smashed the Earth Messenger into pieces, which perfectly interpreted these two idioms.

Although the Earth Messenger's body is solid and powerful, it is no different from an ordinary stone in front of Li Anping. After the punch, he looked at the Fire Messenger again as if he had done something insignificant.

That expression looked as if he had just kicked away the small stones on the road.

The Fire Messenger finally reacted from the extreme speed. His face changed immediately, and he jumped up and retreated rapidly behind him. The red dragon under his feet roared, bursting with fire, and opened its mouth to bite Li Anping.


Li Anping smashed the red dragon into sparks all over the sky with a punch, which exploded from the middle, and then swung a palm at the fleeing Fire Messenger through the air.


A white shock wave came out from his palm and caught up with the Fire Envoy in an instant. Facing this empty palm, the Fire Envoy quickly blocked it with his arms, but the powerful shock wave still made his arms numb. He felt as if he was hit by a big hammer, and his blood was churning all over his body. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But his retreat speed became faster with the power of this palm. Although his heart was also filled with fear and regret, the Fire Envoy who had been fighting for many years still had a trace of calmness. He knew that he must not stop at this time. As long as Li Anping caught the opportunity, he would definitely die.

But no matter how fast he retreated, how could he be faster than Li Anping. In Li Anping's eyes, the speed of the Fire Envoy was no different from that of a slow old lady.

After hitting an empty palm, Li Anping took two steps and caught up with the Fire Envoy, followed by another punch.

A sharp explosion sounded, and the fire envoy felt a pain in his chest. The protective spirit had shattered like glass, and a hole was punched in his chest by Li Anping.

After killing two level 4 ability users in succession, Li Anping's physical fitness at this time became 6.6 in strength, 5.6 in speed, and 7.4 in physical fitness.

Then he looked at Qingchan again. From countless battles with Sun Hao, Li Anping basically determined that ordinary ability users at level 4 and below were basically not dangerous to him. So he looked at the four envoys with the same eyes as he looked at desserts. But the combat power that Qingchan had just shown had obviously surpassed the fourth energy level and was approaching the fifth energy level.

"Even in the battle with Xia Liekong, he didn't fight me with all his strength. This time, it's just right to try out how powerful the so-called fifth energy level is. Even if I can absorb a fifth-level ability user, it will be even more helpful to me." Li Anping's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He believed that with his current speed and self-healing ability, even if he couldn't beat a fifth-level ability user, it would not be easy for the other party to kill him.



A few minutes ago, in front of the palace where Qingchan was.

When the big hand composed of mind energy crushed the plane, Shen Dong was moving rapidly in the direction of Qingchan. He realized that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity almost at the moment when the plane exploded.

Mind energy was used to form a big hand, reaching up to 10,000 meters to attack the plane.

At this moment, the amount of mind energy around Qingchan was not even one percent of his.

Reconnaissance, attack, and defense will all be Qingchan's weakest moment.

'It's worth trying. 'Shen Dong laughed a little nervously: 'In fact, if you think about it, you will know that ordinary level 5 ability users do not have such an exaggerated amount of mind energy. This level of mind energy has never appeared in Xia Liekong, Fei Jiang, Zhu Rong, and Song Bang.

Qing Chan's ability must be related to his huge amount of mind energy, and now all his mind energy has flown up.

The strongest time is also the weakest time.

Now is definitely my best chance. '

'If I can take this opportunity to kill a level 5 ability user? ' Thinking of this, Shen Dong's heart became hot: 'Maybe there is really this opportunity. If I kill him, my position in Daxia Longque...'

Shen Dong's body seemed to be weightless. He stepped lightly on the wall and flew towards Qing Chan with a series of afterimages. All the way forward, I don't know whether it was Qing Chan's absolute confidence in himself or because of some rules of the True God Church, Shen Dong did not see any trace of guards.

And until he saw the beautiful boy on the throne, that is, Qing Chan himself, he did not feel the other party's mind energy at all.

‘The bet was right!’ Shen Dong roared in his heart: ‘Now is his weakest moment!’

But in the next moment, a white light flashed, and a strong smell of water vapor flashed in the air. Then Shen Dong's chest sprayed a lot of blood like a fountain, and slowly fell to the ground.



In the direction of Tianjing, at this moment, the meeting room of Daxia Longque had already been in chaos.

"What's going on? When did Qingchan become a level 5 ability user?"

"Are all the intelligence departments idiots? No one knows that there is an extra level 5 ability user in the country!"

"We must send troops to attack immediately and send the First Armored Division. No matter what, we must eliminate Qingchan at all costs."

"Idiot, do you want to kill us? What do you think a level 5 ability user is? Even if there are more ordinary people, it is difficult to pose a threat to a level 5 ability user, unless nuclear bomb-level weapons are used. That may not necessarily kill him."

Some people were panicked.

"Damn it, Qingchan has become a Level 5 ability user. Now we will be besieged from both sides, and other ability user organizations in the country may also add insult to injury."

"Have you forgotten how much effort it took to capture the flying general before? It is not suitable to deal with a Level 5 ability user by force. We must outsmart it."

Just as a group of bureaucrats were arguing endlessly, shirking responsibilities, and panicking in despair, Song Bang was sitting in the center of the conference room, calmly watching the combat images uploaded from the plane.

He thought in his heart: 'The opponent is a Level 5 ability user. Shen Dong and his team have no chance of winning. I am afraid they are all wiped out now. I just don't know whether Li Anping was killed by the people sent by the Fang family or by the people of the Divine Cult.

"Shen Dong and his team should have all died for the country at this moment." Song Bang spoke slowly, his voice was very light, but the whole conference room was silent. It was obvious that Song Bang's prestige had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially after Xia Liekong was seriously injured and unconscious, no one in the entire Daxia Longque dared to challenge him.

"Send someone to negotiate with Qingchan. We can't fight on two fronts now. We can agree to any conditions temporarily. If we can get him to join our camp, even the previous terrorist attacks and past ** incidents can be ignored."

As soon as Song Bang finished speaking, someone responded immediately: "Yes, level 5 ability users should be won over."

"Speaking of which, the True God Church has a great influence in the country. It is too reckless to attack rashly this time."

"Money or power, you can give them some, and it's okay for him to promote the doctrine."

"Yes, yes. The doctrine of the True God Church itself is still desirable."

"Yes, as long as we lower our posture a little, he can't fight us to death. After all, he has a big family and a big business. Even if he can't die alone, once he goes to war with us, the True God Church will be finished."

"Win him over, use power, beauty, and money to corrupt him, and it would be best if he can join our Daxia Dragon Bird."

In an instant, everyone agreed and echoed loudly, as if Qingchan's joining was a foregone conclusion. No one mentioned the matter of opposing a level 5 ability user again. It was as if the terrorist attack that happened the day before yesterday had nothing to do with the True God Church.

In recent years, the True God Church has interfered in the politics of Daxia, and no one mentioned the economic affairs, or it was deliberately forgotten by the senior officials present. As for the four people sent, Shen Dong, Li Anping, and others, no one cared about their lives. After all, in the minds of everyone present, compared with the value of a level 5 ability user, Shen Dong and others were too insignificant.

One of the officials suddenly said: "By the way, let's not admit the people sent to attack this time. Just say that they went out privately and all of them are wanted."

"Yes, anyway, these comrades have already sacrificed, so why not make a contribution and even if they went out without authorization."

With Song Bang's acquiescence, a few minutes later, a false charge had been prepared for Li Anping and others. And the messenger sent by the True God Church was also selected. It can only be said that when facing the threat of a level 5 ability user, even these high-ranking officials in the past have become efficient.

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