Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 952: The Asgardian surprise attack

Xiao Ming had no idea what the secret was. He only knew that after Shi Ang told the secret, his body and Hades clothes turned into ashes.

The life given by Hades was just a fleeting illusion.

After that, a strange thing happened. Mr. Mu sent some blood over and dripped it on the holy clothes of the five little warriors and Xiao Ming's robe.

It is said to be the blood of the goddess. Xiao Ming estimated that this matter was probably related to the secret brought back by Shi Ang.

However, Xiao Ming did not let it go, but quietly absorbed the blood of Athena on the robe. Let's try to glimpse the realm of God.

What surprised Xiao Ming was that Kunlun did not come out to compete with Xiao Ming for these drops of Athena's blood this time.

Could it be that it was too little? Perhaps he felt that Xiao Ming already had enough foundation to absorb and digest this blood.

Since the strength of the Sanctuary is the strongest, the Hades warriors have invested the most power in the Sanctuary. In the end, the whole army was annihilated.

In addition to the fact that the Saints have a relatively complete combat power, there is another reason, that is, the reincarnations have played a big role.

At this point in the plot, the reincarnations have changed one or two batches. Only a few of them came to track down Xiao Ming.

According to the reincarnations' understanding of space, at this time, Xiao Ming had already settled and left. Normal reincarnations cannot stay in this world for so long.

At this stage, the level of the reincarnations entering the world of "Saint Seiya" has improved compared to the initial stage. B-level reincarnations have become the mainstream, and there are also some A-level ones.

Most of the reincarnations have joined the goddess's camp. This is not a rational choice, it is purely because the goddess Athena sounds better than Hades, the king of the underworld.

The title of Hades is still very scary, you don't know how Hades will treat living people (reincarnations). So few people join Hades' camp.

This group of powerful reincarnations has given great help to the Sanctuary. Naturally, they have all received corresponding rewards.

Let's turn our perspective to Northern Europe. The leader of the attack on the Nordic Fairy Palace was Tianguixing-Griffin-Minos and some of his direct troops.

Although the Fairy Palace had been prepared for a long time, it was a pity that it was still short of manpower. Not only were there few God Warriors, but there were also few Reincarnations.

Moreover, Green Xiaoming was still in Kunlun to guard the Hades Clothes and could not come out to help.

The ones who really helped in this battle were Xiaoming's followers and the large number of ice creatures that the Fairy Palace had collected and controlled in recent times.

The Hades Warriors were elusive and it was difficult to catch their traces, but they were discovered in advance by the pets running around the children.

At the beginning, Xiaoming couldn't stand the soft and hard grinding of Freya and other children, so he subdued a group of ice creature cubs and gave them to these children.

These little pets would not alert the Hades Warriors, but they could quickly notify their respective owners that the enemy was coming.

Soon this situation was reflected to the God Warriors who were already on high alert. So the God Warriors made the fastest response.

Concentrate your strength to beat the slow with speed, gather 7 God Warriors, and the top ten masters including Polaris Hilda for collective action.

Why are they the top ten masters? Because Xiaohong and Xiaolu are still with Hilda at this time.

In this battle, the first hero is the children's pet. The second hero is Xiao Ming's four followers.

When the top ten masters collectively cleared out small-scale enemies, Kurama and Xiaojia fully exerted their abilities and harassed other enemies endlessly.

Kurama relies on the ubiquitous demon plants. We all know that in order to improve the quality of life of Asgard residents.

Xiao Ming and Kurama planted a large number of demon plants in various parts of the Fairy Palace. Most of them are used to provide living supplies. Kurama also secretly mixed in some special plants.

Some are used for reconnaissance, and some are used for combat. As the saying goes, you can't be without a sense of defense against others. Kurama made a lot of preparations for Xiao Ming.

With his plants, everyone's movements can't be hidden from the eyes of this fox demon.

As long as he uses his demonic power, many plants that seem harmless at ordinary times will immediately become terrifying.

The relationship between the Asgard and Xiao Ming has always been harmonious, so these foreshadowings are enjoyed by the Hades warriors.

Kurama fights with intelligence; Xiaojia relies entirely on mobility and long-range energy weapons to harass.

When he transforms into an armed bulletproof vehicle, his movement speed is quite fast. The several hacker energy sniper rifles loaded on the roof are powerful, and even Hades warriors must be careful to deal with them.

Moreover, Xiaojia's energy block reserves are almost unlimited, and he is also very familiar with the terrain of Asgard. His guerrilla warfare makes Hades warriors very annoyed.

You can't hit, you can't catch up, and you can't ignore it. Being hit is really hurtful.

Of course, even with so many advantages. Kurama and Xiaojia's strength is limited after all. Fortunately, the Hades warriors were confused by this routine at the beginning.

When they found out that the enemy was not strong, Hilda, wearing Odin's robe, had already arrived with seven God Warriors and two followers.

Their appearance here means that other small groups of Hades Warriors have been wiped out.

Minos is indeed very strong, but there are two God Warriors who can match him.

That is the God Warrior of Tianshu Star - Czech Freed; and the former Shadow God Warrior, the current God Warrior of Tianquan Star - Badu.

At this time, don't talk about demeanor. In order to avoid the Asgard being destroyed too much.

Czech Freed and Badu decisively fought two against one and surrounded Minos. The other Hades Warriors were entangled by the other five God Warriors.

At the same time, Kurama and Xiaojia's harassment never stopped. Minos and his subordinates fought very hard.

At this time, Minos, who was very powerful, thought of a way to feint and attack Hilda. He wanted to disrupt the God Warriors' formation. As a result, he was beaten by the ice and magma.

Of course, he saw the two maids, Xiaohong and Xiaolu. Although they were powerful, he didn't take them seriously.

He even released the Star Puppet Line, intending to control Xiaohong and Xiaolu to attack Hilda, which could have an unexpected effect.

Unexpectedly, when the fight started, he found that these two maids actually had the ability to turn their whole bodies into ice and magma.

When they turned into elements, the Star Puppet Line also lost its target directly. It was even burned by the magma.

This is a big loss. This trick is exposed, and it will be much more difficult to sneak attack people.

And even if he controls a God Warrior, Xiaolu's magma will immediately rush over and destroy the Star Puppet Line.

Minos's little universe was wasted in vain, and he lost more than he gained. He also distracted himself.

When masters fight, even a small mistake can be fatal. Moreover, Minos was facing two masters of the same level.

Tianguixing was hit by the ultimate moves of Czech Freed and Badu successively, and suffered serious injuries.

Thanks to his subordinates who fought to the death, he escaped from the Fairy Palace alive, but all his subordinates died.

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