Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 951 Secretly Leaving the Sanctuary

Shaka's teaching was not completed. At noon that day, Xiao Ming had already left the Greek Sanctuary. The five bronze saints also boarded the plane with him.

This is what happened. The goddess gathered 11 gold saints to discuss how to reward the leader (Silver Xiao Ming) so that he could willingly destroy the demon star for the Sanctuary.

At that time, someone suggested that since the position of the Pope was still vacant, it would be better to appoint the leader as the next Pope. Giving him such great power should be satisfactory.

But this suggestion was quickly rejected by others. The position of the Pope is very important, and there are many things to manage, so it cannot be canonized casually.

And this position is a target. People without certain strength cannot sit steadily at all. If the leader is promoted, he may die in less than three days.

The most important thing for the leader now is to avoid this holy war and hide far away. He just needs to destroy the demon star.

In order to facilitate the reception of Hades warriors and Hades clothes, a secret base of the Sanctuary in the outside world needs to be selected. At that time, the Gold Saints can use their space abilities to teleport over.

But even so, the leader still needs protection. So the goddess made the decision. The leader was canonized as the Shadow Pope, and the people responsible for protecting him were the five bronze saints.

These five Saints with unlimited potential are favored by many Gold Saints. This time, the Sanctuary has a good chance of winning the holy war, and they don't need all five of them.

It's just right to stay as seeds, and they will be candidates for the next wave of Gold Saints in the future. They will also secretly perform the task of protecting the Shadow Pope.

In the end, Xiao Ming's hiding place was chosen to be the Queen Island of Death in the South Pacific. That is where Ikki practiced back then.

There are still some surviving dark saints there, and they can also be gathered as subordinates of the Shadow Pope.

The environment of the Queen Island of Death is extremely harsh, like purgatory. There are not many people living on the island, and few outsiders come. It should be possible to avoid the eyes and ears of other forces.

Before leaving, the goddess gave Xiao Ming the Pope's robe. This robe may not be as good as the gold armor, but it is definitely more defensive than the silver armor. It is just right for Xiao Ming.

After leaving the Sanctuary, they must integrate into society, so they can no longer wear armor and robes, and they all changed into casual clothes.

Five handsome guys, plus one barely handsome guy, when others saw them, they all thought they were the new idol group of that country.

Some even mistook the wrong person and came to ask for autographs. Xiao Ming and his friends were also drunk. How can they hide their tracks?

They quickly found an opportunity to put on hoods, sunglasses, and masks. Only then did they calm down.

Originally, Yin Xiaoming should have told the goddess Athena and Saga about Saga's younger brother Kanon.

But logically speaking, Yin Xiaoming should not know about this matter. It was Huang Xiaoming who knew about it. So Yin Xiaoming suppressed his impulse and did not mention it. So as not to cause trouble.

Anyway, Kanon himself will definitely find a way to get in touch with the Sanctuary. Maybe they have already contacted before. Xiao Ming doesn't need to worry about this.

The six people flew from Greece to Australia first, secretly got a boat late at night, and quietly went to the Queen Island of Death. Avoided the eyes and ears of all forces.

The war between gods has always focused on the gods. The whereabouts of several low-level warriors will not attract much attention.

It took Xiao Ming and his team about 2 days to reach the Queen Island of Death. Ikki went to summon the Dark Saints and pretended that he was ruling this place. And he refused to obey the control of the Sanctuary.

Seiya, Hyoga, Shiryu, and Shun were responsible for closely protecting Xiao Ming. In shifts, at least one person had to accompany Xiao Ming.

Coming to such a place where ordinary people live a difficult life, Xiao Ming always couldn't control himself. He started the production and construction movement again.

However, this time he couldn't show up, and all the credit was taken by the Dark Saints led by Ikki. Depressed.

Here, Xiao Ming and the five bronze warriors stayed until the end of the holy war. He was just a bystander throughout the whole process, and was not even allowed to watch, let alone intervene.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaoming was still outside and participated in the first half of the holy war.

In the first stage, on the night when Yin Xiaoming and the five little strong men left the Holy Land, the Holy Land, the Asgard, and the Temple were all attacked by Hades warriors.

The reason has been mentioned before. Hades, the king of the underworld, was so angry with Xiaoming that he ordered the three giants to attack in full force. Each led a group of people to attack the Holy Land, the Asgard, and the Temple respectively.

He was also out of his mind. The three-party alliance of the enemy, even if they took the initiative to attack, should have picked a deadly attack, how could they disperse their forces?

However, the underworld is like this. Whether it is Hades or the Hades warriors, they always think that they are invincible in the world and don't take other forces seriously. They really did such a stupid thing.

If they can sneak attack unexpectedly, the three parties may suffer considerable losses. After all, Hades warriors are powerful.

However, the Sanctuary had already analyzed that Hades would attack everyone. It also issued a warning to the other two. As you can imagine, the three giants' attacks were ambushed.

The worst was the Sky Star, the Wyvern, Radamanthys, who led his army to attack the Sanctuary. Although his subordinates were strong and powerful, there were also several who were as powerful as the Gold Saints.

However, the Sanctuary is now in its strongest state. Facing 11 Gold Saints and a group of powerful Silver Saints, Radamanthys was completely wiped out. He himself was seriously injured and unconscious by Shaka.

And the Sanctuary was only killed by the Hades Saints at the beginning of the battle. A dozen ordinary warriors were killed by the Hades Saints. Not a single Saint died.

After the battle, the Gold Saints teleported a bunch of half-dead Hades warriors to the Queen Island of Death. Xiao Ming put them into Kunlun and sealed them.

Originally, Xiao Ming was very worried that Radamanthys, one of the three giants, was too powerful and he didn't know if his Kunlun could accommodate him.

It turned out that Kunlun's recent upgrade was still very effective. The upper limit of Kunlun's combat power has been greatly improved.

Radamanthys, who was sealed by the amethyst, can be easily stuffed in. It is estimated that 3 or 5 more can be stuffed in.

Xiao Ming had to sigh that the energy obtained from the power gem was really strong.

Kunlun expanded from more than 700 cubic meters to more than 8,000 cubic meters, expanding nearly ten times. It is reasonable to increase the upper limit of capacity.

In fact, there was an accident in this battle, which was top secret. No one told Xiao Ming. I just want to explain it here.

That is, the former Pope Shion was given a young body by Hades and put on the Hades clothes of Aries. He also fought back.

He was stopped by Libra Dohko. The two fought till death.

Only after all the Hades warriors were killed and all the spies in the underworld were dead, Shion stopped fighting and told the truth.

He was not bewitched by Hades to come back to attack the Sanctuary. He actually came to tell the goddess a secret that only the popes of all generations knew.

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