Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 953: Another Arena Contest

Compared to the Radamanthys troops that were completely wiped out in the Greek Sanctuary; and the Minos troops that only escaped the leader in the Nordic Asgard;

The Tianxiongxing-Garuda-Aiacos Legion that attacked the Undersea Temple was the one with the best results. Of course, it did not achieve the goal of assassinating the Sea King.

The reason why Aiacos was able to reap some results was not because the Sea Warriors were too powerful, but because Garlon secretly let them go.

Both the Sanctuary and Asgard concentrated their superior forces to attack the Hades Warriors with sneak attacks or guerrilla strategies, but Garlon chose a completely different strategy.

He is now a senior undercover agent of the Sanctuary among the Poseidon Sea Warriors. Therefore, he does not need to care too much about the casualties of the Sea Warriors. It doesn't matter if a few people die appropriately.

So when Aiacos led more than 20 Hades Warriors to the Undersea Temple, he saw all the sea generals and sea warriors who were ready for battle.

Julian Solo, the reincarnation of Poseidon, was wearing a scaled coat and holding the trident of the Sea King. He was surrounded by the sea generals like the moon surrounded by stars.

Looking at this posture, there is no chance of sneak attack. This is good. With Aiacos's personality, he doesn't like sneak attacks. He prefers to fight openly.

So after he and Garon had a few awkward chats, they agreed that the two sides would use the mode of ring battle, a one-on-one duel. Julian did not object to this.

The sea warriors also don't like to fight randomly, and think that this one-on-one ring fighting method is very suitable for everyone's appetite. They all expressed their approval.

To be honest, not only the sea warriors, but also many warriors among the God Warriors and Saints who like one-on-one. They are unwilling to use tactics of bullying the minority with more people.

It's just that their opinions were suppressed by the senior leaders of the Sanctuary and Asgard. On the side of the sea warriors, Garon pushed them instead.

This is the way to fight. First, the Hades Warriors send one person to challenge, and the Sea Warriors send one Sea Warrior to fight accordingly.

After the winner is decided, the Sea Warriors send one person to the field, and the Hades Warriors also send people to fight... and so on. See which side is stronger.

Of course, the warriors who have already played cannot play again in the future.

Otherwise, if Aiacos plays, he can crush all the sea generals and sea warriors except Surant and Garon.

If Garon and Surant play all the time, they can also deal with all the Hades Warriors except Aiacos. There is no meaning of one-on-one.

Aiacos brought more than twenty Hades Warriors, that is to say, in addition to the seven sea generals, other sea warriors also have to take action. This is a good opportunity for the reincarnations to gain merit.

In addition, Elzac is still in the underwater temple at this time. Although he is not a sea warrior, it is no problem for him to fight once for his savior Poseidon.

In terms of personnel arrangement, both sides also have a tacit understanding. As soon as the opponent's warriors appear, Garlon and Aiacos can judge the approximate level of strength.

They will definitely choose an opponent of equal strength to fight. If the difference in strength between the person chosen and the opponent is too big, it will be considered cheating.

Everyone represents the gods behind them. At this time, no one will use tricks such as Tian Ji's horse racing.

In terms of overall strength, the Sea Warriors are still stronger. But the Hades Warriors are not without a fight.

It's just that there is only one Aiacos among the top masters, while there are Surant and Garlon among the Sea Warriors.

Only by choosing this ring battle mode can Aiacos still have a chance to defeat one first one-on-one.

If it is a melee, he must fight one against two and take them both. Otherwise, if he is entangled by one of them, it will be difficult for his subordinates to stop the other.

So Aiacos chose this fighting method, which is slightly more beneficial to the Hades Warriors.

The reason why Garlon agreed was, on the one hand, to consume some of the strength of the Sea Warriors, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the opponent would retreat directly.

If Aiacos feels that the Hades Saints will suffer too much in a melee, he may directly lead the Hades Saints to retreat.

Although the Sea Saints are slightly stronger, they cannot keep them. After all, the Hades Saints are in a good state now. If they want to run, the Sea Saints can't do anything to them.

Therefore, Garlon's choice can be understood by both Surant and Poseidon. This is to eliminate the opponent's living force.

As for some Sea Saints who will sacrifice, it is also for the gods of faith, which is a good thing. Anyway, Poseidon doesn't care.

In more than 20 one-on-one battles, Huang Xiaoming, Guan Lin, 13146, Liu Tao, Zhang Tie and other reincarnations have all played.

Only Zhang Tie lost and was injured; Liu Tao used desperate means to win the battle, but he was more seriously injured than Zhang Tie. Huang Xiaoming, Guan Lin, and 13146 all won.

Similarly, Elzac also won a battle. Although the mermaid Thetis was eager to try, Garlon never called her name from beginning to end.

Other battles had different results. Sometimes you don't necessarily die if you lose, and the opponent doesn't necessarily have to make a last hit. There are also situations where both sides die together.

The last battle broke out between Garlon and Aiacos. The two sides fought hard and ended in a draw.

In the original work, Aiacos should be stronger than Garlon. However, in this life, Garlon has repaired his mental loopholes after experiencing Xiao Ming's Moon Reading World.

As a result, his strength has been further improved, and he is one level stronger than in the original work. Aiacos can no longer defeat the current Garlon.

Seeing that things were not going to work, Aiacos said a few polite words and retreated with the dozen or so Hades warriors who survived. About 10 corpses of Hades warriors and Hades clothes were left behind.

As for the sea warriors, several low-level warriors died, one of whom was a reincarnationist. Fighting with plot characters of similar strength, he still died. It was really embarrassing for the reincarnationists.

Among the sea generals, the other sea generals won, Surant did not have a suitable opportunity to play, and only the sea monster Kasa was very unlucky to die.

Kasa's ability is to see through the enemy's favorite person in his heart, and then change into that person, even the appearance, voice, moves, and personality can be imitated at the same time, always making it impossible for the enemy to start.

Then, he can take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and kill the opponent. This ability is quite powerful and quite unconventional, and it happens to be restrained by the Hades warriors.

We know that the Hades warriors are all humans who have been deeply transformed by the devil star. Their hearts have been distorted and polluted, so how can they have any favorite people to talk about.

Perhaps the most important "person" to the Hades Saints is Hades, the god of the underworld, and Kasa cannot imitate gods. So he was unfortunately killed by the Hades Saints.

After this ring battle, the Sea Saints had a slight advantage. Poseidon was very satisfied and felt very proud.

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