Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 857 King Marshall

Recently, King Marshall has been very irritable and anxious. For some reason, he always feels as if someone is secretly spying on him.

The only person who usually does this kind of thing and makes him slightly uneasy is Commander Wako.

However, King Marshall believes that he is very capable and does not care too much about Wako. Keeping him can also remind him frequently; at the same time, it can also suppress many other ambitious people.

Even a commander as powerful as Wako has not challenged the king yet, what are you in a hurry for? !

However, this time the feeling is completely different, as eerie and terrifying as a tarsal ulcer.

The person who secretly peeks at him must have a serious threat to his ability. It is not comparable to Wako's second-rate knife.

King Marshall is very anxious in his heart, but he dare not show any signs on the surface.

As a king, once he shows weakness, his subordinates will lose their awe of him. At that time, there will be more people coveting his throne, not just one Wako.

After more than ten days of fear, King Marshall felt that he would either explode in silence or collapse in silence.

Fortunately, the next target planet will arrive in a few days. By then, he can vent his anger and destroy the souls of a few hundred people. Maybe it will be fine.

Who knew that at this time, a blind guy appeared.

This guy was a person who had just been transformed into a death messenger. Not only was she a woman, but she was also a modified person.

Looking at her body, she was probably implanted with scorpion genes and covered with insect-like exoskeleton armor.

Behind her was a long scorpion tail, and the stinger at the tip was cold and cold. It was not easy to mess with her.

Her name was Zazan. When she just joined, her strength was quite good. But she was still a level lower than King Marshall.

So Marshall once planned to train Zazan to be his right-hand man, personal guard, or even queen.

In King Marshall's view, men are generally ambitious, and women are still willing to rely on the strong.

Such a woman, as long as I conquer her, she will definitely become my good wife.

I never expected that this Zazan would challenge me in such a short time after joining. I am not mentally prepared.

How much King Marshall valued Zazan at the beginning, how depressed he is now. A feeling of betrayal arises spontaneously.

Observing Zazan's strength carefully again, he is still a level lower than me. He dares to challenge me at this level, he is really tired of living.

The prophecy says that the one who will kill me in the future is a Vengeance Starman, not a cyborg. Zazan can't be a Vengeance Starman. So what should I be afraid of.

Since I can't become a confidant, it's not bad to use him to kill chickens and scare monkeys.

The battlefield was chosen in the largest hall of King Marshall's flagship. There are thousands of people around "looking up" to this challenge.

All of them are senior leaders among the Death Messengers. There are also the king and the personal guards of the leaders.

The other warships in the fleet are also broadcasting the live broadcast of this battle, and almost all the Death Messengers are looking up.

This is what King Marshall meant. Take this opportunity to improve your self-confidence and prestige. Recently, I have been troubled by unknown enemies.

"King, I am honored to challenge you. May the glory of the Dark Star shine on us forever!"

The Scorpion girl bowed and saluted, and her words were very pious. All the Death Messengers have a better impression of this challenger.

At this time, King Marshall performed just as perfectly and generously.

"Zazan, my dear child, I am also very pleased to accept your challenge. No matter who wins or loses, we will lead the Death Messengers to the Dark Star."


"Long live!"



In the entire fleet, countless Death Messengers cheered for the two. The cheers in the hall were also deafening.

Challenges are common among Death Messengers, but challenges to the King are rare. After all, the half-god and half-human King Marshall is an invincible existence in the eyes of the Death Messengers.

After the polite words, King Marshall held a long spear and stabbed towards Zazan's heart, as powerful as a galloping horse.

Zazan flicked his tail, pushed the spear away, and slashed at King Marshall's neck with the double swords in his hands. He used the Naga sword technique.

Marshall was very fast, and he quickly turned behind Zazan and smashed down with the wheel spear. Zazan's tail also reacted very quickly, and swung back to directly block King Marshall's iron spear.

The double swords in his hands turned around and swept towards the enemy behind him. Marshall quickly dodged again with the advantage of speed.

He was already a little surprised and doubtful. The expression on his face also became serious. Then he attacked with the spear.

These quick fights seemed to have the upper hand. However, he clearly felt that Zazan's strength seemed to be no less than his own. It was really a ghost.

To win this battle, Marshall must maximize his speed advantage.

Several experts watching the situation also noticed it and started to whisper to each other.

Mrs. Wakou leaned against her husband's back and whispered in the commander's ear: "Sir, the opportunity has come."

Wakou said nothing, but had already raised his large weapon in his hand, waiting for the moment to take advantage.

At the same time, in a corner of the hall where no one noticed, a half-hidden figure was whispering to a completely invisible figure:

"Is this your plan? Can you defeat King Marshall with just one subordinate without going up?"

The invisible person is of course our Green Xiao Ming. The half-hidden figure is the image of an elderly woman.

She is from the magical race of the elemental race in this universe. It should be an air element.

At first glance, Xiao Ming thought it was a reincarnation who had eaten a natural devil fruit.

But he was soon disappointed. Natural devil fruits can generally create a master. But this one only has an ethereal figure, but no combat power.

This is clearly a son who has not seriously developed his own strength, and is wasting nature's resources.

The real Chimera Ant Division Leader Zazan was "eaten" by Xiao Ming in the world of "Hunter x Hunter". What appears here is just the appearance of the shadow clone's transformation.

As for why the shadow clone wants to use Zazan's image to challenge King Marshall?

It's very simple. Xiao Ming decided to give birth to a bug-human with the same abilities and appearance as Zazan in this world.

From now on, Zazan will be responsible for the transformation and management of this group of death messengers. Her ability [Aesthetic Reincarnation Injection] is just suitable for this situation.

And Zazan, who is reincarnated as a bug-human, will never be a cruel character like the leader of the Chimera Ant Division.

Xiao Ming is clearly being lazy and outsourcing his own work.

But I believe that the reborn Zazan should be very happy to be the king of this world.

I wish you all a happy new year, good fortune, good health, and all the best.

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