Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 856 Death Messenger

How long did it take in total? At first, it took about 7 or 8 days. "Riding" the Death Messenger patrol team of Green Xiaoming, they finally joined a squadron.

Then, after another ten days, the squadron mixed into a larger fleet. This repeated several times, and about two months later, they finally saw the main fleet of the Death Messenger.

The slightly larger warships had four huge human faces cast at the stern, and they were ugly.

Always looking at such faces, Xiaoming felt that it was a huge impact on his aesthetics.

If he thought this face was good-looking, then his life would be over, and there would be no value in living.

During this period, Xiaoming continued to replenish the spiritual power of the [Trapped Dragon Wristband], which took a lot of effort.

Don't get me wrong, the Trapped Dragon Wristband does not require a lot of spiritual power, but in this world, Xiaoming's strength was suppressed to C-level.

The spiritual power reserves in the body are very small, and the spiritual energy charged each time is very limited. So the charging behavior has to be more frequent. Fortunately, Xiaoming has never forgotten this matter.

After spending so many days in the fleet, Xiao Ming basically knows everything he should know.

[Moon Reading] is an A-level ability, which cannot be used in this world; the ability to enter dreams has actually reached B-level, which cannot be used either.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to use mental communication. Using some simple hypnosis skills during communication, he can also obtain a lot of information.

The Death Messengers are basically a group of fanatical cultists, and their spirits are generally very firm. Although their mental power level is not high, it is difficult to hypnotize them.

However, Xiao Ming also has a lot of ways. He can use the illusion in ninjutsu to make the other party think that Xiao Ming is a fellow cultist and is talking to them.

Naturally, there is no consciousness of resistance, and many truths are also drawn out.

As the fleet becomes larger and larger, the level of the leaders in the fleet is getting higher and higher. The level of information Xiao Ming obtains is also getting higher and higher.

The high-level leaders are not as devout as the lower-level believers in the teachings of the Death Messengers. Xiao Ming squeezed out more information from them.

The so-called transformation process of the Death Messengers is to remove people's pain nerves and attach mental hypnosis to make them become warriors who are not afraid of pain or death.

For the Death Messengers, "death" is just going to the Dark Interstellar, to the place they want to go most. There is nothing to be afraid of.

This makes the group of Death Messengers as scary as terrorists. They can easily launch a mutually destructive attack.

No wonder they are notorious in the universe of this world, but no one dares to mess with them.

The leader of the Death Messengers is called King Marshall. It is said that he is a person who has been to the Dark Interstellar and returned.

He was a human when he went there, and he became a demigod when he came back. It is said that he can extract the souls of humans and kill them.

He has lightning-fast speed, and can see and hear everything, and cannot be attacked by anyone.

However, Xiao Ming is very skeptical about this statement. This world suppresses Xiao Ming's attributes to the C-level (i.e. fifth-level) level.

In other words, this world does not even have a B-level master, so how can there be a "god"? At most, it is a person with C-level ability.

Extracting souls may be a means of some kind of undead magic. It is still a long way from becoming a god.

As for being fast and not being attacked by surprise, Xiao Ming can do it to this extent. It's nothing great.

In addition, Xiao Ming also heard that the Death Messenger has a very magical rule: "You keep what you kill."

In short, the winner is the king and plunders everything from the loser. If you kill someone, you can get everything from him. Including his position in the Death Messenger.

Therefore, in the Death Messenger group, it is not uncommon to challenge and kill your own leader to get the position.

This behavior is not only allowed, but also regarded as a sacred behavior among the Death Messengers.

Because the leader is killed, it is nothing more than going to the dark galaxy in advance, which is not considered a betrayal. The Death Messenger who comes later can better serve the doctrine.

Xiao Ming even met a pair of very interesting senior officials.

Commander Wakko's wife has dark skin, a graceful figure, beautiful and enchanting. But she is an absolute black rose with thorns.

She actually tried her best to instigate her husband to kill King Marshall and become the leader of the Death Messenger.

Being whispered to by such a charming wife every day. It's hard for the commander.

And Wako is a big arrogant who says no but is honest in his soul.

Although he repeatedly rebuked his wife for talking nonsense, his life energy told Xiao Ming that this person has always wanted to replace King Marshall's head.

If he was really so loyal, his wife probably wouldn't dare to keep whispering such things in his ear.

There are too many death messengers. They don't produce, they don't build. All they do is kill and destroy.

Of course, they don't really build anything, at least they have built a large number of warships, spaceships, weapons and equipment and the like.

They are like pirates, and warships are their homes. They are always on the road of plunder and aggression.

Every time they go to a place, they will completely suppress any resistance in the local area, transform the remaining people into death messengers, and kill those who don't obey.

After plundering all the human supplies, they will use space weapons to destroy the life of the entire planet.

Thoroughly implement their doctrines and send all life to the dark interstellar. In other words, kill them all, leaving no grass behind.

Compared to them, the equally aggressive Zerg are several times better. Probably only the Undead Scourge can be compared to them.

Such a cult army is a scourge to the entire universe. We really can't let them continue to kill.

However, killing them all, let alone whether it can be done, is such a huge sin, Xiao Ming feels that it is difficult to do it.

Xiao Ming certainly understands the principle of killing one person to save a thousand, but most of the Death Messengers were actually victims of the destroyed planet.

After being cruelly tortured and brainwashed, they gradually degenerated into Death Messengers. There is also a pitiful side.

Xiao Ming thinks there should be a way to solve this problem by killing only the least number of people.

Fortunately, they have this rule of "the winner is the king, take everything". Xiao Ming has a countermeasure.

The first step is to challenge King Marshall, win the battle, and become the new king.

But this is not enough, all the Death Messengers will ask the new king to lead them to the Dark Interstellar. That is to continue killing.

So we must find a way to change the entire sect. The best way is to transform all the Death Messengers into Zergmen.

Faced with over 100 million Death Messengers, it is impossible to use the Chimera Ant's method of swallowing and laying eggs.

[Zergmen Evolution Needle] is the most suitable method. Just thinking about evolving so many people into Zergmen makes Xiao Ming's scalp numb. There is always a way to be lazy.

I wish you all a happy new year and good fortune. Good people will have a safe life.

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