Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 858: Zazan takes the throne

Once again dodging the sweep of Zazan's scorpion tail at high speed, King Marshall retreated more than ten meters, his breathing already slightly heavy.

I secretly sighed in my heart: This Cyborg's sword skills are so tightly guarded. Although I am fast, I can't do anything to Zazan's double swords.

After all, the double swords are only swung around oneself, the distance is very short, and the speed is slightly slower, so there is still time to defend. The route of his attack is always very long.

What's even more troublesome is that Zazan's exoskeleton armor is so damn hard that Marshall hit the armor several times without causing any damage.

In fact, this Zazan is the transformation of the shadow clone. The exoskeleton armor is not really strong, but Xiao Ming, who is not far away, is constantly replenishing chakra for the shadow clone.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, Zazan's condition has not declined at all, and the energy in his body is still full.

On the other hand, Marshall made great efforts, then declined, and finally exhausted.

After being unable to attack for a long time, his momentum dropped a lot; the continuous high-speed movement also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Although he still looks better on the scene, in fact, this king has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

He is not fighting a Zazan, but Xiao Ming, the mastermind behind it. In a war of attrition, who in this universe can be Xiao Ming's opponent with source energy? !

It can be said that King Marshall was clearly arranged from the beginning.

"Dear King Marshall," Zazan suddenly spoke. The wording is still respectful.

Marshall was overjoyed, wondering if this woman had realized something, and he didn't realize that he was at the end of his strength.

If she were willing to give in now, Marshall would not only be able to keep the throne, but also gain greater prestige.

I definitely wouldn't mind promoting Zazan to the number two position in the fleet. As for the future, we’ll see.

Now that he is still having such a big dream, it can only be said that Marshall's mental quality is really not good. Sure enough, what Zazan said next broke his illusion.

"To express my respect for you, I will use my ability to press the bottom of the box."

Nani? ! Marshall almost went crazy when he heard this. She still has the ability to keep things under control when it comes to feelings, but she hasn't used them yet. Wouldn't that be...

Before he could react, Zazan shouted: "Shadow clone!"

"Swish, swish, swish." Dozens of figures separated from Zazan's body and spread all over the battlefield with a radius of about 100 meters.

They all looked like Zazan, and in a blink of an eye, King Marshall was under heavy siege, and everyone was confused.

At the same time, almost all the Death Messengers on the fleet were also confused. Even the weapon in Wakou's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

What ability is this? Clone technique? Can so many clones be real? They should all be phantoms, right?

Suddenly six knives came from three directions. Marshall didn't have time to think carefully and immediately started to move at high speed to dodge.

In less than three minutes, he shuttled back and forth among the shadow clones several times before finally stopping.

"Is it true?!" After spitting out these four words one by one, dozens of wounds suddenly burst open on Marshall's body, and large swaths of blood spurted out from the wounds like spring water... …

King Marshall, died!

The whole place was silent for a moment. The battle just now was too fast, and no one could see it clearly.

It can be imagined that while King Marshall was moving at high speed, he passed by many of Zazan's clones, and each of them casually chopped him with a knife, and he also received dozens of cuts along the way.

If he hadn't been fast enough, he would have been cut halfway, and he would have hiccupped. He is fine now. He suffered many more knives and his death was so miserable.

Wakou hit his left hand with his right fist, that's it! The speed is restrained by the crowd.

It's a pity that it's too late to know now. King Marshall is dead, and Zazan is bound to become the new king. How can a crowd be restrained?

At this time, his wife was also stupid. Facing King Marshall, she didn't feel much of a difference, and she still had the confidence to let her husband take his place.

But this mysterious reformer Zazan has a much stronger fighting ability than King Marshall. The special skills are even more awesome. It is almost impossible to feel any resistance.

"Wow -" Most of the death messengers knelt down on one knee automatically and consciously, expressing their loyalty to the new king.

"Wow, wow—" The other death messengers reacted and quickly knelt down on one knee. Among them were Commander Wakou and his wife.

Within a few breaths, all the death messengers in the entire fleet fell to their knees.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xiaoming and elemental clan member Aaron looked at each other and smiled. Everything is left unsaid.

In a moment, most of the shadow clones in the battlefield disappeared, leaving only five figures of Zazan. One of them walked up to the throne and sat upright.

The other four conjured a coffin like a magic trick, and then placed King Marshall's body into the coffin.

Then the person and the coffin disappeared together. This scene shocked all the Death Messengers.

Many of them are speculating that this kind of disappearance out of thin air is mysterious and unpredictable. Is this the correct way to go to the dark interstellar?

What some high-level leaders are thinking is: 'Here I go, it turns out that the Dark Star really exists...'

This is what cults are like. The brainwashed believers at the bottom are almost convinced, but most of the top leaders have little confidence in their own teachings.

The so-called doctrines are things that can be tampered with at will and used to deceive believers.

This is true not only for cults, but also for genuine religions.

Otherwise, why would there be so many bad things done by high-level leaders, bishops, priests and other clergy?

It's because they don't believe in their own doctrines that encourage people to be good.

If the high-level people in the church are like this, you can imagine how reliable the doctrines they promote can be.

These people can tamper with, fabricate, and forge any religious scriptures and history at will.

Xiao Ming is now a transcendent, and he is still far from the realm of God.

However, Xiao Ming actually doesn't need any money. When he needs it, he can just conjure it up.

At the level of God, how could he covet the wealth of the world? It's nothing more than some people making money under the guise of religion.

Having a normal job in the world will not prevent any master from teaching the truth to others.

Xiao Ming once met a religious person who said that preaching the scriptures is not about holding a conference, wearing sacred clothes, sitting on the stage, and speaking eloquently.

The true way to spread the Dharma should be in the fields, just like chatting with old friends, telling people the truth.

Xiao Ming did not dare to comment on the rightness of his statement, but there is no doubt that such a statement won Xiao Ming's heart.

Grand ceremonies, gorgeous costumes, and various complicated etiquette are all tricks created by humans.

If God cares about these, in Xiao Ming's heart, he is not worthy of being called God.

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