Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 84 Migration Destination

Han Dong and Qiu Santong were actually sweating in their hearts. What if the explorer couldn't help them advance?

Fortunately, the advancement went smoothly. The two held their professional weapons and were very excited.

A major feature of the ascetic's inherited equipment is that it will not be completely destroyed. With time, even the heaviest damage can be automatically restored.

If you want to recover faster, just pray more. This is very cost-effective. (Qiu Santong's arrows still have to be bought.)

At the same time as the job transfer and advancement were successful, the first ring of the large-scale task chain [Han Dong's Crusader Road] was also completed in excess.

The first ring task originally required Han Dong to be trained as a formal infantry within a week.

When Han Dong's ascetic was advanced to a great sword ascetic, it was equivalent to taking up the swordsman profession.

It is a step further than an infantryman. Normally, it takes 2 levels to advance to a swordsman. So the system determined that the task was completed in excess.

Naturally, Xiao Ming received a lot of experience rewards. (No gold coin reward, the person who issued the task - Aunt Han is too poor.)

The adventure level easily rushed to level 15. Han Dong's favorability +3.

No way, the favorability is now 80, which is too high. It is more difficult to increase it. On the contrary, Qiu Santong's favorability was increased by 5 points.

In addition, he got a very special reward. Xiao Ming estimated that this was a reward that could only be obtained by over-fulfilling the task.

The party that issued the special reward turned out to be the Light Crusader Armor and the Dragon-catching Great Sword stored in Han Dong's backpack.

The correct statement is that the residual will of Han Qinlong attached to the armor and the great sword issued this reward.

If Xiao Ming had not used superpowers to repair them, this reward would not have been issued.

The reward content is: the Explorer's Ascetic Heritage Set is upgraded by one level. The Swordsman prefix is ​​added.

The Explorer's single combat power is greatly improved.

Combat profession: Swordsman·Strong Crossbow Ascetic. (You can learn crossbowman skills, swordsman skills, and ascetic skills.)

Life 191, strength 191, mana 280. Strength 10.5, constitution 10.5, agility 10.5, intelligence 15, spirit 16.

This adds the swordsman profession to the explorer. Of course, the system gives Xiao Ming the power to refuse. Xiao Ming did not refuse.

Why? Remember, Xiao Ming once saw Claude's six-style combination knife in a secret realm.

That knife is a straight knife, and there are knives and swords among the six sabers. There is no scimitar among them. The most core one is a sword.

Xiao Ming thinks that learning swordsmanship can also use Claude's six styles.

So the logic is clear: Zhang Xiaoming just wants to pretend to be stupid. That's why he accepted the swordsman profession.

He also took out the swordsman skill mark "dual wielding" in the housekeeper space to learn. You can hold the sword with both hands.

The ascetic inheritance equipment will not also transform the off-hand sword. Xiao Ming still needs to find time to buy it.

Xiao Ming tried to use his superpowers to transform the one-handed sword form of the monk's cane into a double sword, but naturally failed.

After Han Dong completed the first round of tasks, he immediately issued the second round of tasks to the explorer:

Raise Han Dong's adventure level to level 2 within three months.

The deadline for the first level task is one week. It takes three months to reach the second level. This gap is also quite big.

Xiao Ming took Han Dong and Qiu Santong. First, he went to find Liu Xiaomei.

He used his connections to buy three green intermediate marching tents. Equipped them for three people.

The green tent can accommodate twice the number of professional mercenaries.

It is 1/3 worse than the researcher's tent and 1 times better than the explorer's previous white tent.

The white tent that the explorer originally equipped was what Liu Xiaomei produced a few days ago. She took the initiative to buy it back as a souvenir.

In the glory of the teleportation array, Han Dong and the explorer waved goodbye. He led his subordinates back to the strategic map.

As soon as he returned here, he was immediately dragged into the battle on the map. The opponent is a group of orc stragglers.

There is not even a leader to lead the troops, which is equivalent to a wild monster that actively attacks.

There are very few of them, a dozen level 1 orcs and three level 2 wolf cavalry. All of them were killed in a round of attack from Han Dong's range of more than 300.

Xiao Ming quickly controlled Han Dong's army to evacuate to the south. This is the direction suggested by Tiezhu and others.

Xiao Ming analyzed the task of this migration. During the migration process, the enemy can also chase.

In other words, it is necessary to completely get rid of the entanglement of the orcs.

One way is to migrate to a very far place. Within the border of the human race, into the heartland of the human race. Then it will be safe.

This method is long and difficult, but it is probably the most normal method.

Another way is to migrate to a very dangerous place, like Turtle Back Mountain City. This will inevitably be harassed by orcs.

In this way, Han Dong must protect the newly built Xiaoyang Village for a period of time, and even build up enough troops and city defenses. It takes too long.

Are there any other ways? I guess there must be. The system must have set up some special links.

Players need to find it out by themselves. In the process of searching, they have to bear the pressure of harassment from orcs.

This pressure does not exist for Han Dong's troops now. Due to the addition of friendly forces and the enhancement of Xiao Ming's superpowers.

The combat effectiveness of Han Dong's troops has exceeded the norm. The peasants who would have become a burden have transformed into the strongest long-range.

Xiao Ming has plenty of time to carefully find the key points of the system settings. But Xiao Ming still wants to rely on his own superpowers.

During the conversation with the villagers, I learned that it is easiest to encounter human troops and cities if you go east.

Going south is the direction of the sea. So Xiao Ming decided to go south.

Don't miss the resources you should pick up, the buildings you should visit, and the wild monsters you should fight.

Since the south is a remote route, the frequency of the incoming orcs' pursuit is estimated to be lower than that of going east. And the probability is lower the further south you go.

You will also encounter orc ambushes on the way forward. The frequency is lower than that of the pursuit.

These pursuits and ambushes are automatically generated by the system because Han Dong accepted the task.

The orc country will also be affected accordingly. After all, most of the troops are allocated from the orc country.

Due to greed for money, Xiao Ming did not run very far, and he also occupied a sulfur mine on the way.

When the mobility was almost exhausted. Xiao Ming stopped at a wild neutral soldier recruitment site-Wild Boar Cave.

The second-level soldiers-wild boars are produced here. 8 per week. The price is not expensive.

Wild boars were once domesticated by orcs and used as mounts for orc cavalry.

However, due to their weak strength, they were far inferior to wolf cavalry. So they were abandoned by the orcs.

Since then, wild boars have become neutral troops, and heroes from any tribe can come to hire them.

So Han Dong's army has 8 more wild boars. Finally, there are cannon fodder troops that can be consumed without regret.

At the same time, Han Dong's friendly forces have also added 33 first-level ordinary peasants.

They are the peasants rescued by Han Dong after he defeated the orcs' ambush troops. (That is, they were sent by the system.)

Does this mean that if you don't fight well in the battles along the way, the peasants under your command will escape?

If you fight well, the peasants will gather more and more. Happiness comes so suddenly.

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