Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 85 Going to Xinluo

Danshan City, Xiao Ming logged in. Stopped the work in the researcher's hands temporarily. Said goodbye to the elf brother and sister.

Then he was teleported to Diaoyucheng on the strategic map through the Temple of Poseidon. Thinking of another battle with Yi An Xingjiu.

As soon as he walked out of the temple, he was stopped by the Li family pirate messenger who had been waiting here for a long time.

Xiao Ming followed the messenger to the city hall, where Li Huamei and Yang Xiyou were waiting for him.

Xiao Ming found from the system records that the two people's favorability towards the researcher increased by 10 points.

"Driller, I heard from Yi An that the troops used tactical confrontation exercises in training. Did you propose this suggestion?"

Old Yang took the initiative to bring up the topic. Xiao Ming thought that the news had indeed reached them. So he was humble.

"In fact, it was only a small part. I just proposed that Xingjiu and Yi An do tactical confrontation. It was Yi An's idea to use it for troop training."

"I see, your proposal has enabled our army to obtain a method to greatly improve training efficiency. The Li family will remember your contribution." Old Yang also felt that this seemed more reasonable.

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it. It's still General Yi An's credit." Xiao Ming hurriedly declined.

This blame cannot be taken. If it is taken, the favorability of the entire Li family pirate army will be -5.

You know, the intensity of the exercise is much higher than that of ordinary training, and it is easy to get some minor injuries.

"Don't be too modest." Li Huamei took over the conversation: "As expected of someone who can create a four-puppet canoe, the ingenious ideas are indeed extraordinary."

-What kind of ingenious ideas are these? The system is just set up like this, otherwise you would have thought of them by yourself long ago.

"Today I want to go to Xinluo City to do some things. Would you like to go with James?"

System prompt: Li Huamei issued a task to the player to go to Xinluo City together. Do you accept it?

Of course I accepted it. This time, the three will go out to sea on a small Chinese sailboat. The Chunshen is still repairing and replenishing at the Diaoyucheng Port.

On board are 10 2nd-level 10th-level sharpshooters led by Li Huamei. They can shoot two arrows in a row when attacking. They are the main long-range weapons of humans.

They were 2nd level 0 archers who were upgraded to level 10. The sharpshooter used a crossbow.

30 1st level pirate sailors and 20 1st level 10 pirate swordsmen led by James.

And 10 four-puppet canoes led by the researcher. Of course, the canoes did not "board", but just traveled together in the water.

Although Yi An was very reluctant, in order to protect the leader, he took the initiative to propose to allocate these 10 canoes to the researcher.

The remaining generals really couldn't leave. There were many things to do to rectify the city's military and political affairs.

After a defeat, the morale of the army and the people was affected to a certain extent.

There were many details to deal with in terms of compensation for casualties and restoration of military strength.

The upgrade of Diaoyucheng to a pirate-specialized city was also one of the reasons for the heavy workload.

If it wasn't absolutely necessary, Li Huamei shouldn't have left Diaoyucheng at this time.

Others had no choice but to entrust the task of protecting Li Huamei to these two unreliable guys.

The main reason is that the incident itself is not dangerous. The route from Diaoyucheng to Xinluo has been opened up long ago. It is relatively safe.

Secondly, the three people drove a small Chinese sailing boat, carrying only supplies and no goods. It is not attractive to pirates.

At the same time, Li Huamei also disguised herself as a man and transformed herself into an ordinary sailor. Avoid the enemy's spies.

The last guarantee measure is the 10 canoes of the researcher. Increase the detection range and discover the enemy in advance.

In case of danger, you can still cut off the tail to survive. So Xiao Ming's responsibility is still quite large.

After the three people boarded the ship, the boat immediately set sail to the north. It is said that the journey will take 5-6 hours. This time is too long. Wouldn't it take until tomorrow to reach Xinluo City?

The work of the researcher is still the kind of very boring but lazy lookout work.

The 10 canoes should be surrounded by the boat, arranged in two circles, to guard the main ship. At the same time, greatly expand the field of vision. Report the situation at any time.

Xiao Ming is too lazy to do it. He handed the work over to the intelligent program. He switched to sue the dead.

Suing the dead was very lively. The accusation of the dead was shocking. This kind of thing had just been done.

After the tiger body was shocked, the bandits and pirates, like ants moving, gradually moved a lot of things out of these broken ships.

They were piled everywhere in the city. There were daily necessities, combat supplies, strategic supplies, various equipment, items, gold, silver and treasures.

There were more than 26,000 gold coins found alone. Xiao Ming took 20,000 for himself, and the rest were distributed to the generals and soldiers.

For a while, the cheers were deafening. The birds and beasts in the mountains were startled.

Even the undead soldiers had a share. They also had to get wages and spend money on weekdays.

Most of the supplies and equipment found were corroded by sea water. Let the bandits deal with it.

Xiao Ming didn't care whether they were recycled or repaired. He didn't have so many super powers to restore them all.

Xiao Ming just used his telekinesis to find some valuable items, put them in the housekeeper space, and slowly repair them later.

The better preserved ones. The equipment of the soldiers and generals are all stored in the warehouse for the subordinates to use.

The handicrafts that can be sold and the antiques that can be used for archaeology are all stored in the personal warehouse.

There are a lot of strategic resources and minerals, and there are dozens of each type when gathered together. There are more than a hundred ores. But there is no wood.

The bandit generals actually asked the deceased whether to dismantle all the ships to get their wood resources.

Xiao Ming wiped his cold sweat and quickly stopped them. These are all going to be repaired into warships in the future. How can you dismantle them?

The box of dates and palms was also a false alarm. Only he knew the deceased's ability to repair warships. He was the most excited to see these shipwrecks.

What Xiao Ming transferred to Guibei Mountain City were the wreckages of some medium-sized ships.

Most of the shipwrecks were the wreckages of large ships. It can be seen that medium-sized ships are not the main force, but auxiliary.

Therefore, the generals and troops on the medium-sized ships are almost not the main force. The things they use are relatively ordinary.

Moreover, the organized heroes and generals on the strategic map can be resurrected through the temple.

When they are resurrected, they can usually summon the equipment and treasures they carried when they died. (If someone else takes it, there's nothing you can do.)

So there aren't many good things that the accuser's subordinates can find.

There's only one tier 4 strategic equipment - [Water God Shoes], which allows the hero to walk on water, but not stay on water for a long time.

Its properties are probably similar to the accuser's previous equipment, the Water Walking Shoes. It's just that the Water Walking Shoes consume 5 times the action power. The Water God Shoes don't.

Xiao Ming immediately threw the Water Walking Shoes into the housekeeper's space. At the same time, the Water God Shoes were strengthened.

The special ability of the Water God Shoes has been improved, allowing the hero and troops wearing it to stay on the water. It's like a boat.

It can be regarded as a very useful strategic equipment. Especially Xiao Ming's several characters are related to water.

For the time being, these are the things that the accuser's subordinates can find. There should be more good things to find in the future.

Don't you see, there are still a lot of odds and ends piled up in the city, like a small mountain.

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