Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 83 Good friends advance together

On the way back to Huiyan Town from the bottom of the sea, Xiao Ming did not dare to be careless.

The three sea creatures all brought a lot of good things with them. It was inevitable that they would attract covetousness.

This time, Xiao Ming deliberately passed through the territory of the ancient giant octopus. Xiao Ming had a very high opinion of this giant octopus.

He could directly give Xiao Ming the title of [Ancient Octopus's Toy]. And even with the title.

Xiao Ming still couldn't find this octopus in the system records, and there was no favorability prompt. How awesome is he!

Since he knew that the other party was super powerful and had no ill will towards the three of them. He must choose to pass through him.

The three little ones were swimming on the bottom of the sea, and Xiao Ming suddenly found that a huge octopus tentacles stretched out from the bottom of the sea in front of him on the right, and a small piece of ship wreckage was rolled up at the front of the tentacles.

Eh? Why does it look so familiar? Isn't this the part of the hull that Xiao Ming put into his butler space before leaving the shipwreck?

He had the ability to take out everything in the butler space directly. Why don't you go to the sky? !

Xiao Ming was angry and full of fear. Could this giant octopus be a god-level monster? You are trying to plunder the feathers of a passing goose.

You are greedy and pass through someone else's territory. Don't you have to pay protection fees?

The giant octopus seemed to like that section of the hull very much. Several tentacles stretched out to play with it. Don't you know that the shipwreck is not far from you?

Just when Xiao Ming and his friends were about to swim away quietly, a tentacles threw out something. It came straight to Xiao Ming.

It turned out that there was a reward. Xiao Ming reached out to catch it and took a closer look. It was a wine bottle with a small warship model in it.

Xiao Ming scratched his head and didn't understand. It was not the time to investigate it for the time being. He put it into the housekeeper's space and continued to swim back.

The return journey was much smoother than the trip here. Everyone had experience. They were skilled in avoiding danger and were not as flustered as when they came here.

And Xiao Ming's ability of mind - Yuan was greatly improved during this treasure hunt.

The most important reason, which Xiao Ming did not realize at the moment, was the smell of the giant octopus remaining on them.

The protection fee was not paid in vain, and the security was extremely high. Soon they returned to the underwater limestone town.

As soon as they arrived in the town, the three little ones immediately separated and hurried back to their own nests to check the harvest.

Xiao Ming hurried out of the game cabin to eat. It was time for afternoon tea at this time.

As usual, meat and bones, this time Xiao Ming just ate to fill his stomach. He no longer stuffed it hard. It hurts the stomach.

Come back to find Brother Zhu Xinxiu and continue to use telekinesis to simulate the other party's ability.

In the second half, Brother Zhu asked him to practice some basic fighting skills. This was a strong request from Xiao Jing who came to practice alone at noon.

Seeing that it was the request of the younger sister, Xiao Ming had to obey. It was also a good opportunity to practice telekinesis.

From the basics of the four major lines, entanglement, absolute, practice, and release to various applications. Now the main practice is firmness.

Jian is a high-level application skill of entanglement and training. It uses more energy than usual to cover the body to strengthen one's own offensive and defensive power.

In reality, Xiao Ming mainly strengthens the ability to be beaten. If you want to learn to beat others, you must first learn to be beaten.

With the protection of telekinesis, it is indeed not very painful when being beaten by Brother Zhu.

Zhu Xinxiu was also a little surprised. It can't be seen that the body is quite strong.

Xiao Ming returned to the bedroom and immediately grinned. Although he had telekinesis to protect his body, pain was still inevitable.

He quickly summoned the nurse's telekinesis beast to treat himself. During the treatment, he thought that this kind of bruises and injuries were more suitable for Chinese massage.

There was no need to create another telekinesis beast, just add this ability to the nurse directly. He was familiar with this aspect and urgently needed it.

The upgrade of the nurse was completed smoothly and quickly. Xiao Ming's flesh and blood injuries were also completely healed soon.

And his physical strength and energy were restored, and he also had a good time. Xiao Ming entered the game warehouse with a satisfied mood.

First log in to the explorer. At this time, the explorer was training 20 0-level Chamber of Commerce guards with Han Dong and Qiu Santong.

It turned out to be a blue training mission that the explorer accepted from the Chamber of Commerce. The location was in the Chamber of Commerce's own small training ground. (It was about the same size as the training ground in Baiyang Village.)

The explorer immediately remembered the drill with Yi An and the sobering up exercise. It was just right to use it here.

So he issued an order for a confrontation exercise. Xiao Ming led 10 guards, and Han Dong and Qiu Santong led 10 guards.

Both sides held wooden weapons for a confrontation exercise. The low-level guards of the Chamber of Commerce mainly practiced melee.

When arranging a formation for battle, it is easier to get into the state with high-level guards. If there is a melee, these low-level guards will easily panic.

The two sides mixed together and dispersed in the training ground. At the command, the fight started. The scene was very much like a fight between Young and Dangerous.

Han Dong and Qiu Santong, two 0-level 7 and 8-level professionals, fought against the explorer, a 1-level ascetic monk.

The 1st level strong crossbow monk can fight, heal, and shoot from a distance, and has high attributes. It is also very easy to fight against the two of them. By the way, you can also heal your injured guards.

If you continue to fight like this, you will win soon. Then the meaning of training will be lost.

So Xiao Ming also played Yi An's tricks and took the initiative to let him go. Xiao Ming even healed both players.

Often turn the monk's cane into a strong crossbow and shoot wooden arrows to disrupt the rhythm of a guard.

In short, Xiao Ming successfully played the role of a troublemaker. Let all the guards have a hard time.

And he can also delay time. Everyone has been treated N times, and it is impossible to fail.

This high-intensity combat exercise really made the guards gain experience very quickly. Each guard was upgraded by 1-3 levels.

At the end of the exercise, the mission was completed perfectly. The Chamber of Commerce awarded a large amount of tactical experience and gold coins.

Qiu Santong and Han Dong's adventure level both rose to level 0, level 10. You two should be so tacit.

Xiao Ming looked at his experience bar, which was just over level 14, and sighed. He quickly took his two friends to the career hall of Wushan Town.

When he came to the hall of the ascetic monks, he met the ascetic monk mentor he had met before. He expressed his desire to transfer the two to ascetic monks.

This was an experiment done by Xiao Ming. He discussed it with the two. Han Dong and Qiu Santong were both children from poor families. There was no objection to the transfer to ascetic monks.

Although the ascetic monk mentor did not know the background of the explorer, the system told him that the explorer could recommend others to become ascetic monks.

He immediately presided over the ceremony of transferring to ascetic monks for Han Dong and Qiu Santong.

But he did not have the ability of Mr. Guo. The cane and suits given to the two were all stored in the occupation hall.

After the job change, Xiao Ming took the two back to his house. He used his superpowers to strengthen the cane and suits of the two.

Han Dong's occupation was upgraded to Great Sword·Ascetic, and he could learn swordsman and priest skills. (Ascetic is a branch profession of priest)

In addition, he automatically learned the inherited skill of Ascetic: primary parry.

His cane also has a second form - Great Sword. Similarly, Qiu Santong also advanced to Archer·Ascetic.

Han Dong's adventure attribute is to exchange the explorer's strength and physique with intelligence and spirit. Han Dong's attributes are: 8, 8, 6, 6, 6.

And Qiu Santong's attribute is to exchange Han Dong's physique and agility. 8, 6, 8, 6, 6 Archers pay more attention to agility.

They are both mainly physical attack professions, and they can also learn priest skills. Personal combat effectiveness has soared.

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