Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 834 The end always comes unexpectedly

(ーー゛) "Oh my god!" Xiao Ming, who had left the reincarnation world inexplicably, cursed in the settlement space.

'What was I doing just now? Why was I kicked out of the reincarnation world? ' Xiao Ming was confused, 'Let me sort it out... sort it out...'

Recently, X Academy has been on the right track, and a group of new people have joined the X-Men. They are mutants who graduated from X Academy and can now go out on field work.

Colossus, Fireman, Iceman, Phantom Cat, etc. are all among the best.

The X-Men are considered the special forces of X Academy. They are composed of teachers in the academy and some specific mutant masters.

Their main task is to ensure the security and construction of various mutant bases. Especially to protect construction personnel in new bases.

Occasionally, they will appear in human society to do some things to save the weak and the poor, and eliminate violence and protect the good.

Doing so can leave a good reputation for mutants and allow mutants who stay in society to live a more comfortable life.

In the future, it will be easier for X Academy to recruit new members. So X-Men cannot completely disappear from human sight.

X-Men are also a kind of superhero. In order not to cause backlash from the government. X-Men are very careful in doing things.

Things that are too sensitive are generally not taken care of. And they are mainly active in underdeveloped areas such as Africa and Latin America. Try not to go to developed countries.

Of course, even so, it is difficult to avoid offending some rich people. Among them may be the chaebols of the United States.

However, this small-scale conflict is actually nothing. Although the chaebols value interests, they also know how to judge the situation.

With the powerful strength of X-Men, as long as their core interests are not touched, the opponent will not fight to the death.

The base of X Academy under the Amazon rainforest has been built quite well. It looks like a modern small city.

The submarine base and the Mars base are already in the beginning stage of development. The connection between several bases has become a big problem.

Xiao Ming can jump in space by himself, or travel through wormholes, or transit through Guangmingding or Kunlun, which is no problem.

But Xiao Ming will leave in the future. After he leaves, X Academy will still have other ways to enter the underground base and the underwater base.

Mars and other places farther away are not accessible to the technology of humans in this world. We must find a way to solve this problem.

On the one hand, Xiao Ming often takes Blue Demon to travel between bases to make him familiar with these places. I hope he can become a link between different bases in the future.

At the beginning, Blue Demon was quite unconfident. He had never jumped such a long distance. And generally speaking, he needs to see the place he is going to travel to before he can move instantly.

But practice makes perfect. After hundreds of space jumps, he finally reached a proficient level.

Blue Demon joined X Academy later. When Xiao Ming and Professor X founded X Academy, they didn't know that there would be such a newcomer.

At that time, Xiao Ming made another preparation. The mental skill [Wormhole], Xiao Ming taught this skill to Professor X.

As a Class A mutant of the mental system, Professor X has the conditions to learn the wormhole skill.

Xiao Ming also has a skill that can be learned by others: [Private Tutor]. It's hard for Charles not to learn it.

It's a roundabout way. Last time, he wore a teacher's uniform and taught Xiao Ming; this time, it's his turn to wear a student's uniform and be taught by Xiao Ming. Finally, they are even.

For the next step, Xiao Ming plans to combine the power of mutants and the technological power of this world to develop something like a portal or a teleportation array.

Unfortunately, this plan only started, and before it could bear fruit, Xiao Ming was "forced" to withdraw. What went wrong?

Before leaving, Morpheus's clone was refereeing Wolverine and Beast in the academy.

These two guys have learned Xingyiquan, and with their physical fitness, the fight is quite exciting.

Not only did all the students in the martial arts class come to visit, but many people heard the news and came to watch the fun.

Strangely, Fireman and Iceman, the two students who love to watch the fun the most, didn't come this time.

The fact is that they just graduated recently and became official X-Men. At this moment, both of them were showing off to Little Naughty in the sunflower garden.

At the same time, Trinity's clone was being "harassed" by Mystique Raven.

Ever since she used [Susanoo] that time, Mystique has been very enthusiastic about Trinity's clone.

She always urged Trinity to use Susanoo again. She didn't care whether the occasion was appropriate or not.

The two of them were chasing each other at the moment, and nothing special happened.

At the same time, Neo's clone was chatting with Magneto, who was imprisoned in Bright Summit.

Xiao Ming also made a live broadcast for Lao Wan when Susanoo fought against the American special forces.

Seeing such a powerful ability appear. Lao Wan's position was a little loose. MD, it turns out that the bigger the fist, the more truth there is.

Regarding the construction and planning of X Academy, Magneto began to raise questions and express opinions.

This is a good sign. Neo's clone stayed in the Bright Summit barrier to chat with Lao Wan. It shouldn't be a problem here.

The other Seven Lights Shadow Clones and ordinary Shadow Clones were either cultivating in Bright Summit or doing construction in various bases.

The few dozen who traveled around the world didn't seem to have encountered any problems. If there was a problem, it could only be caused by the three Xiao Mings.

At this time, Green Xiaoming has returned to Alpha Centauri. Xiaoming has only laid a foundation for the base here.

Optimistically speaking, it will take a long time for mutants to develop here, at least more than ten years.

After the submarine and Mars bases are built to a certain scale, mutants will consider whether to come to Alpha.

After all, the distance is too far. Once something goes wrong, the connection is cut off. People who stay here may not survive.

So Charles and the X-Men only came 2 or 3 times. After seeing the scenery, they were too lazy to come again. Green Xiaoming was left to "play" alone.

Mutant suppression potion is a specialty of this world and can be elevated to the level of strategic materials.

Xiaoming "took" a set of related production equipment and technology, put them in Guangmingding, and prepared to take them back to his private world.

Among the group of scientists who depend on Xiaoming, only a few are stationed in Guangmingding, accompanying Xiaoming in the reincarnation world. Sometimes, they can provide scientific and technological support.

The other researchers stayed in the private world, doing scientific research in the territory of the demon world insects and humans. It is most appropriate for them to continue to research and produce inhibitors.

There must be an indefinite number of reincarnations in the reincarnation space, using the superpowers of mutants. Inhibitors will definitely become a hot commodity.

Huang Xiaoming suddenly had an idea and began to look around the world, hoping to find other black technologies to play with. Could it be that he was bitten (backfired) by black technology?

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