Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 835: Black Phoenix's performance will turn gray

After searching his memory carefully, he found that his death had nothing to do with the black technology.

Huang Xiaoming just went through the mountains and dug holes to find the black technology, but he didn't have time to find anything useful.

It seems that only Yin Xiaoming, who is in charge of X Academy, is left. What did he do? Oh, I remember.

The fear of death slowed down Xiaoming's thinking speed. He should have remembered this kind of thing a long time ago.

It really happened in X Academy, but it was not Xiaoming's own hand. It was purely a fire in the city gate that affected the fish in the pond.

The cause was this. Xiaoming gave Professor X a batch of inhibitors. The first person Professor X thought of was Jean Grey.

As mentioned earlier, Jean Grey obtained the power of the Phoenix when she was very young. Because she couldn't control it, she always got into trouble.

Professor X had no choice but to seal the power of the Phoenix with his mental ability.

To be more precise, he made Jean Grey forget the power of the Phoenix. Charles is not qualified to seal the power of the Phoenix.

Of course, he didn't know the Phoenix Force, thinking it was just a superpower of mutants. He had seen many young mutants unable to control their own abilities.

However, the sealed Phoenix Force was hidden deep in Jean's heart, forming her second personality - [Dark Phoenix]. The strength was extremely strong, and the temperament was explosive.

Charles had no idea how strong the Dark Phoenix was. It felt strong.

So he was always worried that once the Dark Phoenix took the lead, it would bring a huge disaster to the world.

The current situation is very good for mutants, and this time bomb is even more terrifying.

Once it breaks out, she may destroy the X Academy. The hopeful future of mutants will also disappear.

At present, Jean is still relatively stable. Especially after the appearance of the leader, the mutants' careers are thriving, and the mood is good, so it is difficult for the Dark Phoenix to appear.

Professor X has been waiting for the opportunity to talk to Xiao Ming about this matter in detail. In his opinion, Xiao Ming and the Phoenix Force should be on par.

After the leader appeared, Charles was not particularly worried. He felt that even if the Dark Phoenix appeared, the leader should be able to compete with it.

In fact, Charles only saw the surface of the Phoenix Force. How could Xiao Ming, with his strength, be compared with the Phoenix Force?

This misunderstanding brought serious consequences.

He used the inhibitor on Jean Grey without consulting Xiao Ming. This stirred up a hornet's nest.

In essence, Jean is not a mutant. She is just the host of the Phoenix Force, and her superpower is a feather leaked from the Phoenix Force.

This is already amazing. She not only has telepathy, but also can move objects with mental power. Very comprehensive.

Not only did the inhibitor have no effect on her, it also weakened Jean Grey's main personality, angering the Dark Phoenix.

She took the dominant position of Jean's body in the first place, and huge energy was about to explode.

If this power explodes, it can blow X Academy into ruins, and few of the tens of thousands of people here will survive.

The strong sense of crisis directly stimulated Xiao Ming's consciousness. A flash of silver Xiao Ming appeared in the room where Jean and the professor were.

At this moment, he couldn't tell what skill he used to get here. Was it the instant body technique in ninjutsu? Or a wormhole? Or something else...

There was no time to think about it, Xiao Ming reached out and hugged Jean Grey, and the next moment, the two disappeared without a trace.

Professor X was left standing there stupidly, with a black line on his head. At this time, he had not yet realized the fact that the Black Phoenix was about to explode.

It took Charles about half a minute to figure out what kind of crisis had just happened.

He hurriedly ran to use the brain wave amplifier and searched the entire earth, but could not find any trace of the two people.

Charles had a guess in his heart, which moved him beyond words. The leader must have taken Jean to another planet.

Yes, Xiao Ming thought this was his best choice. Even if Jean blew himself up, he could still be resurrected through the resurrection stone.

If X Academy was destroyed, wouldn't Xiao Ming's hard work over the past year be in vain?

In a hurry, Xiao Ming chose the farthest place. She brought her piano to Green Xiao Ming - Alpha Centauri.

Then, powerful energy was released from the Black Phoenix, like a sun explosion, impacting everything around...

Silver Xiao Ming, Green Xiao Ming, and some of the surrounding beasts and clones were the first to bear the brunt. In an instant, they were all decomposed into microscopic particles and pure energy.

That's not all. The power of the Phoenix showed its unparalleled power on Xiao Ming. Huang Xiao Ming, who was far away on Earth, was also wiped out at the same time.

The Black Phoenix itself is a strong existence. In the original book, she only needed to eliminate some humans and mutants, and she didn't spend much effort.

Now she has to deal with Xiao Ming, who is beyond the A level and close to the S level. She naturally uses a stronger and more advanced power.

And this power born at the beginning of the universe is not an ordinary supernatural energy.

So much so that Huang Xiao Ming, who is 4 light years away, was also implicated by Green Xiao Ming and Silver Xiao Ming and was destroyed together.

After his death, Xiao Ming had no idea that he needed to use the resurrection stone, and he appeared directly in the settlement space.

Xiao Ming had experienced such a "thorough" way of killing before. That was when he was beaten to death by Sun Wukong in a certain Journey to the West world.

The impression of death was so strong that he had no chance and no consciousness to use the resurrection stone at that time. He returned directly to the settlement space.

The strength of these two people far exceeded Xiao Ming's understanding. It is difficult to compare who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, one thing to note is that the current Xiao Ming and the Xiao Ming who was beaten to death by Monkey King are very different in strength.

At that time, the soul of the Xiang family overlord and Zhang Zhong came forward to intercept. Neither of them could save Xiao Ming's life.

Now Xiao Ming's defense is even stronger. Not only is there protection from various supernatural energies.

Green Xiao Ming has the insect holy clothes; yellow Xiao Ming wears B+ mithril soft armor; in addition, there is the most powerful one - [Guardian of Love], which protects every Xiao Ming.

This is the mind ability imposed on Xiao Ming by the second-generation zombie Ruan Mengmeng in the world of "Zombie Agreement 2".

Ruan Mengmeng truly loved Xiao Ming, and after her death, this telepathic ability became even stronger.

Xiao Ming felt that if he had the protection of love, he could survive Sun Wukong's blow.

However, so many powerful defensive measures did not work at all. The Phoenix Force attacked Xiao Ming's soul directly from the inside out, bypassing all defenses.

This should be the Phoenix Force's instinctive reaction to the enemy. Find the weakness and kill with one blow.

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