Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 833 Special Mutant Jimmy

Ten years ago, Warren Kenneth Worthington III, who was still a child, found himself a mutant.

He had a pair of white wings on his back. This mutation was actually quite good, allowing Warren to fly and look particularly beautiful.

I don’t know what his father thought, but he was very dissatisfied with the fact that his son was a mutant.

He used the family’s strong financial strength to establish the Worthington Laboratory, and spared no effort to find a way to make his son “restore to normal”.

In America, hard work pays off, and money can make the mill go round. After a few years, he actually found a way for him.

To be precise, he found a special mutant, a little boy named Jimmy, codenamed Leech.

Jimmy’s ability is very simple, that is, any mutant around him will temporarily lose the mutant’s superpowers.

This was nothing, it was nothing more than a matter of a very small area.

However, after a long period of research and experimentation, scientists at the Worthington Laboratory found other uses.

They extracted Jimmy’s serum and made an inhibitor. It can be injected with a syringe or fired with a special gun.

As long as the drug is injected into the mutant's body, the mutant's superpowers can be permanently suppressed, turning him into an ordinary person.

Look at the amount of this drug. It is definitely not a simple extraction of serum and then dilution to make bullets.

In that case, it would not be enough to drain all the blood in Jimmy's body. The laboratory has mastered a method of mass production of this drug.

Only a small amount of Jimmy's serum is needed to make a large amount of inhibitory drugs.

This will not cause a great burden on Jimmy's health. The people in this laboratory are still quite conscientious.

But this also requires that the Worthington Laboratory cannot lose Jimmy. Otherwise, the inhibitory drug will lose its source.

Although there are a lot of stocks now, enough to "treat" all the mutants at present, there are still some left. But the drug can no longer be used without limit.

And this is what Xiao Ming wants to see most. Otherwise, the government will really do it, and everyone will be given inhibitory drugs when they are born.

In order to prevent the extinction of mutants in the future, Xiao Ming took Jimmy away from the Worthington Laboratory.

As for what will happen to the laboratory after losing Jimi? What will happen to the American government? That is not something Xiao Ming needs to worry about.

Close contact shows that Jimi can suppress the superpowers of mutants, which is completely ineffective against Xiao Ming. This is exactly the same as Xiao Ming's prediction.

Xiao Ming's supernatural energy comes from source energy. It is a bit ridiculous to be easily suppressed by a mutant in a reincarnation world.

Mutant abilities and suppression potions are like devil fruits and seastone. The ability produced by a world, this world will also provide countervailing power.

That's right, reincarnations can obtain devil fruits and mutant genes in missions; these are rewards for over-fulfilling missions.

Similarly, reincarnations can also obtain seastone props and suppression potions. Of course, this kind of mission will be more difficult and cannot be mass-produced.

Jimi, a special mutant, will easily cause panic among mutants if placed in X Academy.

After discussing with him, Jimi is willing to leave this world, and Xiao Ming can send him to any world without mutants.

There, he can live a good life as an ordinary person.

Xiao Ming's plan is to send him to the human world in his private world. In case he needs him in the future, he can easily find him.

Xiao Ming had collected a lot of inhibitors from the army before, and gave a small part of them to Professor X.

The main purpose is to let them study it and be prepared. In case there is a conflict between X Academy and humans in the future, at least they can know how to prevent it.

At this time, Professor X's treatment has been completed. He can move freely, but his combat effectiveness has hardly improved. He can only walk, not fly.

However, Charles' quality of life has indeed improved several times. The whole person's spirit seems to be much younger.

All kinds of laws and regulations about X Academy were studied and formulated by him, Beast, Storm and others.

Basically based on the laws of the United States, many places have been modified. To adapt to the somewhat special social group of mutants.

One of the biggest changes is the ban on guns. In X Academy, except for soldiers and police, others are prohibited from possessing guns.

Anyone can hold a gun, which is simply the source of chaos. (Some people also say that it is a conspiracy of the traitorous American government to control the population.)

In the X Academy, everyone has actually signed a contract, so there is no need to worry about someone abusing guns and hurting people. Because no one can do it.

What we really need to prevent are accidents and misfires. In this world full of superpowers, the possibility of accidents is really high.

If you want to ask, is it possible that a student breaks through the constraints of the contract?

The answer is yes. The admission contract is Xiao Ming's ability to read. In other words, it can be removed.

In the hunter world, there is a profession called a mind remover. Some hunters specialize in researching and developing the ability to remove thoughts.

And for a decent organization, it is almost necessary to have a mind remover.

The amazing thing is that such a powerful organization as the Phantom Troupe actually has no mind remover, which is also drunk.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to pass on the power of mind to Professor X and others. Let the glory of the power of mind shine on the world of X-Men.

Deep down, Xiao Ming hoped that Charles could use telekinesis to preserve his powerful psychic abilities in some form and protect X Academy forever. Charles certainly had this kind of self-sacrificing awareness.

But in order to prevent the emergence of a telepathic master, Xiao Ming had to reluctantly give up this idea.

Charles was used to being a professor and was a good teacher. If he learned telekinesis, he would definitely spread it.

As long as there was a traitorous telepathic master, it would be a big trouble. I won't teach you telekinesis, you should just play with your superpowers.

A while ago, by chance, Morpheus's clone left the fire of flower-growing martial arts in X Academy.

The situation was like this, Xiao Ming thought Wolverine was very interesting. It was a pity that his talent was wasted, so he began to teach Wolverine Xingyiquan.

Wolverine was disdainful at first, but after being defeated N times in a row by Morpheus with ordinary people's strength, he was convinced.

Seriously practice martial arts. In order to have more powerful fighting skills, Wolverine can still be serious.

In the United States, martial arts have always been a symbol of mystery and power. It is very popular among some people.

Morpheus's martial arts teaching quickly became famous in the academy, and more and more students and even teachers joined in.

Professor X took the opportunity to add an elective course. Although it is impossible to leave telekinesis, it is also good to leave behind the inheritance of martial arts. Xiao Ming expressed his satisfaction.

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