Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 832: Tracking

The truth is, when Xiao Ming came into contact with mutants in his dreams, he was not very strong and seemed easy to talk to.

So many mutants hold this lucky mentality. They are reluctant to give up the wonderful "entertainment" and "freedom" of the United States. They are unwilling to stay away from the crowd.

Even if some humans discriminate against mutants, it does not affect anything.

In this world, in this country, are there not enough reasons for discrimination?

Skin color, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, appearance, personality... Of course, the most important reason is money.

Some people even bully others for no reason, just because they can do it. For example, the military and police abuse public power and bullying incidents on campus.

In this society where poverty is laughed at but prostitution is not laughed at, many mutants actually don't care about another excuse for discrimination.

They don't know that due to mutations at the genetic level. Mutants have already been the subject of research by many groups and organizations.

When they know it, it is often when these organizations have come to their door, and it is too late to do anything at that time.

But even though Xiao Ming repeatedly emphasized this possibility in his dream, many people were still unmoved, and even thought that Xiao Ming was exaggerating. It's really hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words.

Sometimes Xiao Ming wanted to interfere more deeply, but his intuition told him that it was useless and shouldn't be done.

The root cause of these things is still human greed and desire, and mutual suspicion.

As long as human nature remains the same, such things cannot be avoided. Mutants are actually just a small problem.

Even if Xiao Ming can manage for a while, he can't manage for a lifetime. If he can manage for a lifetime, he can't manage for hundreds or thousands of lifetimes.

And Xiao Ming vaguely feels that there is really no need to manage too much.

After all, a few decades of life is just a stage of the human soul. In addition to the human world, there are heaven and hell, and past and future lives.

What Xiao Ming did is actually only important to a certain extent, but it is not the most important.

Of course, even if there is an afterlife, how to live this life is also meaningful to every soul. Every process is meaningful.

There is nothing wrong with saving lives and guiding people to be good. It's just that there is no need to care too much. This is also in line with Xiao Ming's behavior pattern.

This pattern is reflected in the world of X-Men, where Xiao Ming just needs to find a way out for mutants.

Occasionally, people around him can be helped appropriately when they are in trouble, but they are definitely not interested in correcting the problems of all mankind.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, and 8 or 9 helicopters fly over, and the roaring sound disturbs the tranquility of the forest.

Fortunately, the birds and beasts here have been scared away by [Susanoo], and they haven't come back yet, so they won't be disturbed again by this batch of helicopters.

A group of soldiers arrived and rescued all the special forces who were knocked down by Xiao Ming with the cold virus.

This virus only makes people uncomfortable, but it is not fatal. Even if they are left alone, as long as they are supplemented with nutrition, they will recover in a few days. There are no long-term side effects.

The leading military and government officials looked at the messy forest and thought.

The mutants who were originally here had already left.

Some mutants joined X Academy and were teleported to the underground base by Xiao Ming through a wormhole.

Nightwalker and others left by themselves, and took away the incapacitated clone and Juggernaut. Unlike Magneto, they still have some humanity.

In the original movie, Mystique was shot with a suppressant to protect Magneto and turned back into an ordinary person.

Old Magneto actually simply abandoned her, saying that she was no longer a mutant. This is too heartless.

Nightwalker and others are not so paranoid, and they will probably take good care of the clone and Juggernaut.

Trinity flew away with Mystique on the sword. In the air hundreds of meters above the ground, Raven's heart was up and down, and she couldn't help herself.

Mystique's mood changed so much during this day, like a roller coaster.

Mystique was greatly encouraged by seeing Susanoo. With such a strong backing, the future of mutants is bright!

Then I learned that humans have created a mutant inhibitor, and my mood fell to the bottom. The future of mutants is uncertain.

If the leader is willing to completely stand on the side of mutants and fight against humans. Then everything is not a problem. The inhibitor is not a match for the energy giant.

I believe that even if the leader establishes a country on Earth, most mutants will definitely support it. Including myself.

I just don’t know if this leader is willing to help mutants to that extent?

From his past performance, he seems to be only willing to help mutants gain a new living space.

Regarding the conflict between mutants and humans, his attitude is relatively neutral.

While Mystique was thinking about it, Xiao Ming was tracing the source of the inhibitor.

This thing is a kind of artifact in the world of X-Men, and the government can use it to sweep all mutants at any time.

With this artifact in hand, humans can actually accept the existence of mutants.

As long as the mutants who can cause great damage are dealt with, other mutants don’t matter, and they can also create profits for humans.

Of course, for the time being, the first priority is to overwhelm the mutants. Xiao Ming's Susanoo really scared them.

Many senior officials and researchers did not believe that there was a huge energy giant. It was not until they saw the battlefield recorders of all the soldiers that they were shocked.

The human leaders were very worried. If this giant appeared in Washington or New York, who could deal with it? Would they use nuclear bombs?

Xiao Ming was looking for the source of the inhibitor.

He was not a mutant, so he should not be afraid of this kind of medicine.

But who knows what the principle of this medicine is. If it works on me, it will be more interesting.

If it works on me, I am afraid it will work on all reincarnations. Such a good thing, of course, must be obtained.

So a large number of shadow clones scattered in human society began to act. The three Xiao Mings also went out.

Including Green Xiao Ming, who was far away in Alpha Centauri, returned to Earth after leaving a few clones.

He hid behind the officers who came to rescue the special forces. He tracked them up and traced them all the way to the traitorous president of the United States. Finally, the truth was figured out.

However, this series of investigations is actually a waste of energy. For such a big thing, the big bosses behind the scenes can only be the highest officials in the government.

Xiao Ming found the White House and interrogated them one by one with Tsukuyomi, and he would always be able to find out the people.

In the Tsukuyomi dream, the president explained everything he knew.

It turned out that the so-called inhibitor came from the Worthington Laboratory. It came from a special mutant Jimmy.

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