Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 649: Kakuzu's Unjust Death

Why put Feiduan's head on Guangmingding? It's a waste recycling.

The head of an immortal has great research value for many forces. It should be worth a lot of money, right?

Another reason is that the natives of the Naruto world are too powerful.

Zetsu can roam freely in the land, Xiao Ming has seen it.

If Feiduan's head is left here, it may be found and dug out by Zetsu at any time.

It should not be difficult for them to make another body for Feiduan. Xiao Ming can do this kind of thing himself.

Therefore, Xiao Ming simply cuts the grass and takes Feiduan's head away from this world.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, Feiduan's combat power is not strong, and the gap with Uchiha Itachi and Kisame is too big.

It's just that this immortal body and curse ability are too foul, and many ninjas find it difficult to deal with it.

Especially when Kakuzu is by his side and assists him. It is basically difficult for anyone to kill him.

But the evil will be punished by the evil. This time he met Xiao Ming who completely restrained him, and ran into Xiao Ming's home turf.

If he hadn't met Xiao Ming, Fei Duan's real end would have been even more embarrassing.

According to the original work, he and Kakuzu would have been dealt with by the 7th and 10th teams of Konoha Ninja. That is, the confrontation task of Mingjing Team.

Kakuzu fought a battle majestically. In the end, he was killed by the protagonist, which was not shameful.

Fei Duan was suppressed by a Chunin throughout the whole process. Although Fei Duan was stronger in combat power, he could not stop Shikamaru's high IQ from crushing him.

A Kage-level ninja was played to death by a Chunin from beginning to end. It should be said that he was not completely dead. It was just that his body was blown to pieces and his head was buried.

It was really too embarrassing. So much so that the Akatsuki organization didn't spend any energy to find him later, and gave up on him directly.

Otherwise, if he dug out his head and gave him a body of White Zetsu, Fei Duan could still do his best.

Now that he can die in Xiao Ming's hands, Fei Duan is much more face-saving than in the original work.

Compared with Hidan who was crushed by Xiao Ming, Kakuzu still had a certain resistance under Xiao Ming's [Eighteen Hells].

After all, he was a ninja with all five chakras. When he was trapped by Xiao Ming, he didn't care at the time.

He used earth escape to open a way inside, and was still thinking about completing the task, finding Xiao Ming to kill or surrender.

However, after a while, he found something wrong. If the cave was closed by earth escape ninjutsu, he could easily break it.

In front of him, there was an endless pile of mud and rocks, which made it difficult for him to deal with. The most annoying thing was that Xiao Ming also set a small fire inside.

The damage to Kakuzu was not great, but it almost consumed the oxygen. Kakuzu didn't have an immortal body like Hidan.

He had five hearts, and his demand for oxygen was even greater. In the blink of an eye, he felt suffocated.

Although the Naruto world clicked the wrong technology tree, it still studied nature very well.

Kakuzu could replenish oxygen for himself. As long as he used water escape to get some water, and then used lightning escape to electrolyze water, he could still produce oxygen.

As for the danger of hydrogen-oxygen mixed gas explosion, he could not care about it now. However, Xiao Ming did not even give him this time.

Alchemy created hundreds of flying swords, and Xiao Ming used the Ten Thousand Swords Technique remotely to attack him from all directions.

This move was not worthy of the flying stage. Kakuzu's physical strength could not withstand the Ten Thousand Swords Technique with spiritual power, and there was nowhere to hide in the cave.

Relying on the Earth's Resentment, he resisted tenaciously like a hedgehog for a long time, and finally used up all his chakra.

The next second, he was pierced with holes all over his body by flying swords like a tide, and he was dying.

Although he did not lose all five lives on the spot, he had no power to resist.

So the insect king used the straw on his tail to suck Kakuzu's flesh and blood clean.

Kakuzu is one of the longest-lived ninjas in the Naruto world. Ninjutsu is not particularly strong, but his experience is really rich.

After sucking his blood dry, Xiao Ming received a lot of knowledge about the ninja world and ninjutsu, including many secrets.

The amount of blood is large enough, so Xiao Ming naturally extracted a lot of memories from it.

In addition, the insect king also obtained Kakuzu's two major secrets, Earth Grudge and Heart Seizure.

[Earth Grudge]: Use chakra to control the black tentacles in the body, which can be turned into a ninjutsu suitable for medium and long-range attacks. Using black tentacles, you can also suture the body.

The length and shape of the Earth Grudge tentacles can be changed at will, so that it can cope with almost all situations. Kakuzu who launched the Earth Grudge has no dead angle at all.

This is why Kakuzu lasted for so long under Xiao Ming's all-round attack of the Ten Thousand Swords.

[Heart Seizure]: This is a secret technique developed by Kakuzu based on the Earth Grudge.

Use black tentacles to seize other people's hearts and attract them into your body along with the chakra properties.

Because Kakuzu always keeps a heart with 5 chakra properties. This allows Kakuzu to use the five basic ninjutsu.

Combining the heart and the black tentacles, he can also create 4 different masked monsters to fight with him.

It is equivalent to five powerful ninjas fighting together. Not only do they have the five basic chakras, but they are also connected. They can exert extremely powerful combat power.

Kakuzu can be said to be a very comprehensive ninja, and he is also equivalent to an army.

The only drawback is that he does not have a very powerful big move that can make the final decision.

If it weren't for this unique terrain. Xiao Ming would have no way to deal with him.

But now he can eat him up and receive all his inheritance. Kakuzu died unjustly.

In addition to experience and ninjutsu, he also has a lot of money. The large bounty he received this time has not been handed over to the organization, and it all went to Xiao Ming.

It's a bit of a waste to give Xiao Ming the Earth Grudge. Xiao Ming himself has all kinds of chakra, so he doesn't need to take other people's hearts.

As for the issue of prolonging life, Xiao Ming has source energy, and he doesn't need other people's hearts.

Make a few mask monsters to help, ugly rejection. Xiao Ming has a lot of clones and mind beasts, which are much more useful and beautiful than mask monsters.

As a result, the Earth Grudge is most useful to Xiao Ming in medical treatment.

Use black tentacles to suture patients' wounds and even connect broken bodies. Its effect is somewhat similar to Machi of the Phantom Troupe.

And if Xiao Ming is a little naughty, he can add some limbs to others.

What three heads and six arms, or beastmen, can all be made.

Of course, in this matter, Xiao Ming is just showing off his otaku nature and thinking about it. He will definitely not abuse it.

As for heart capture, this is a very useful secret technique for medicine. It is used in organ transplant surgery and is absolutely effective.

Not only can the heart be transplanted, but any organ can be transplanted. Kakuzu is completely on the wrong track.

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