Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 648 The Immortal Duo

Time goes back to 2 days ago. In a mysterious underground cave, two figures are talking.

"That guy was defeated by Itachi. Are you sure they can do it? Kisame has always wanted to take revenge."

"It's hard to judge that guy's strength. His hiding ability is no less than mine. I don't know who to send. Only the immortal duo is suitable."

"That's right. I hope they can really live. They are both very useful tools."

"Don't worry, even if they are not opponents, they should not die. I will send someone to follow."

... After a silence, the two figures disappeared.

In another very hidden forest. Feiduan twisted his stiff neck, stretched his body and said:

"I've been stiff for seven days, and my body is almost moldy. Kakuzu, do you believe the leader's words?"

"You said about ruling the world? I don't care, as long as I can make money."

"I don't care about that. I'm asking about the guy who defeated Itachi. Although I don't want to admit it, Itachi is really too powerful. Was he really defeated?"

"Even if he wasn't defeated, he should be very embarrassed. I found that Itachi was indeed a little weak. He was embarrassed this time."

"Yes, as long as I kill the guy who defeated Itachi, I can meet him face to face in the future... Hey, why are you leaving? Listen carefully!"

But Kakuzu didn't bother to pay attention to Feiduan's flattery, and he raised his leg and left. Feiduan quickly followed, still mumbling in his mouth.

Before finding out the details of the Insect King, Black Zetsu didn't plan to appear in front of Xiao Ming.

But White Zetsu has plenty, and is good at the Mayfly Technique that moves quickly on the ground.

Soon, they found the insect king hiding in the underground cave and the shadow clones strolling around outside.

With him directing the direction, the immortal duo took more than a day to arrive at the entrance of the cave where Xiao Ming was hiding.

Fei Duan and Kaku were fearless. Facing this kind of terrain, they rushed in without hesitation and never came out again.

Since Xiao Ming has strong mental power and alchemy, this huge and complex cave terrain is almost Xiao Ming's home court.

This is different from encountering enemies on the surface. It takes time for Xiao Ming to activate alchemy on the ground, and everything he makes must rise from the surface or sink.

This not only consumes a lot of mental power, but also takes time. It is natural to crush low-level enemies.

It is not good to encounter A-level and B-level masters. Their reactions are generally fast enough, and alchemy seems a bit useless.

But in the cave terrain, activating alchemy means to accumulate enemies from all directions, rather than just rising from the surface. No matter how fast the enemy reacts, it is useless.

If there is no suitable targeted means, even A-level masters may be exhausted to death because they cannot escape.

If a war of attrition is carried out, even the Uzumaki clan is several levels behind Xiao Ming.

What is a suitable targeted means? Zetsu's "Floating Technique" is definitely one.

Xiao Ming has not yet made materials that can block Zetsu, so he can only use high-density materials to slow down Zetsu's movement speed.

Kisame's "Underground Submarine" can also allow him to escape quickly. Xiao Ming's alchemy speed cannot keep up with him.

A-level ninjas can change the terrain to a certain extent, but only this kind of faster ninjutsu can resist Xiao Ming's alchemy in the cave.

Of course, S-level enemies are still undefeated, and they can directly break through violently and blast a way out with one punch.

In addition, Tsunade's strange strength and Kai's Eight Gates of Ninjutsu can also blast a way out. Although they are not yet S-level.

Speaking of A-level masters, the ratio of being trapped and being able to escape is about 50:50.

Unfortunately, Feiduan and Kakuzu are both the type that can't escape.

Xiaoming first sent a few shadow clones to block (lure) them, and also wanted to test his skills.

It turned out that ordinary ninjutsu attacks could not kill the duo at all, and all fire and lightning ninjutsu did not have enough lethality.

Only the Rasengan was a bit threatening, but that was all. Kakuzu could just use ninjutsu to detonate the Rasengan from a distance.

Feiduan was more interesting. He could easily pick up a stone from the cave and throw it out to block the Rasengan.

At this time, the cave terrain was still their help. Not to mention providing stones to Feiduan, many shadow clones could not rush in. The battle was basically one-sided.

Every time Feiduan met Xiaoming's shadow clone, he would speak nonsense and taunt Xiaoming fiercely, hoping to provoke Xiaoming.

Only the shadow clones came, so he couldn't get Xiao Ming's blood, and couldn't use the curse technique of death by blood to kill Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming is so mean that he would definitely not face the immortal duo in his home field.

He still used the shadow clones to harass and taunt Fei Duan. In order to defeat them one by one.

Xiao Ming never quarreled with people on the Internet, and his cursing skills were not good.

However, Fei Duan also had a bad temper. He fell into the trap after a few curses, and was attracted away from Kakuzu by the shadow clone.

Then Xiao Ming used alchemy to imprison the two people with layers of rocks.

Among them, Fei Duan had no ability to resist at all. He was pierced, cut, and chopped by countless iron weapons, but he was not dead.

This made Xiao Ming very interested. He almost went over to suck him dry.

As a result, he heard Fei Duan shouting that his immortality and curse ability were actually gifts from the evil god.

Xiao Ming immediately lost interest. There was no benefit in absorbing this thing into his body. It might even attract the evil god.

Xiao Ming thought he was no match for him. So he burned all of Fei Duan's body tissues with flames.

Only a chattering head was left, and the Sword of Judgment was inserted into it. Then it was sealed with several layers of barrier techniques and thrown into Guangmingding.

If this head is really immortal, then let him suffer endless pain of being killed.

Fei Duan, a guy who only knows bloody killing, is the kind of person Xiao Ming hates the most. It can be said that he hates him deeply.

In Xiao Ming's heart, there are actually many kinds of villains, and most villains kill people to achieve a certain purpose.

Although Xiao Ming hates these villains, he does not hate them to such a deep degree.

Every time he sees this kind of bloodthirsty devil, Xiao Ming thinks of the foot basin devils he saw in "Far Island Strange Man".

These people are not even as good as animals in Xiao Ming's eyes. As long as conditions permit, Xiao Ming will be very cruel to them.

Not only the foot basin devils are treated this way, but also any troops that commit large-scale massacres of innocent civilians.

No matter which country they are from, even if they are Chinese, Xiao Ming will not let them go and treat them equally.

Of course, this is just Xiao Ming's idea for now. He has not encountered such a world so far. He can only use Fei Duan to satisfy his desire.

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