Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 650: Ninja Sealing Technique

There are deep-seated reasons why Kakuzu chose to be a traitor.

He was originally an elite ninja of Takigakure, and he risked his life for the village's mission, but was ruthlessly betrayed by the village's top leaders.

So he killed people and defected with strong hatred, and stole the most precious secret technique in the village - [Earth Grudge].

After that, he became a traitor that everyone wanted to kill. With such an experience, it is really unlikely that he would take the right path.

If Kakuzu chose to be a doctor, he would definitely make a lot of money by using the Earth Grudge.

He would also become a VIP of major ninja villages and even daimyos from various countries. Kakuzu can extend people's lives. Just imagine which of those daimyos would not want to live a few more years.

By then, even Takigakure would have to cancel the hunting order, and he would not have ended up like this today.

After browsing Kakuzu's experience, Xiao Ming sighed. Although it is not wrong to kill him, such people really exist in every world.

Fighting for the motherland in the war, but not getting the honor and reward they deserved after the war.

Being regarded as a pawn by high-level politicians and sacrificed at will. Being forced to take the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Such things are everywhere in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, and even in the world.

This is also the reason why Xiao Ming has not really helped Konoha Village so far.

In the worlds of Lord of the Rings and Zombie 2, the camps of justice and evil can be easily distinguished, and Xiao Ming also knows which side to help.

But in the world of Naruto, it is really not easy for Xiao Ming to distinguish between good and evil. Everyone is just for their own village.

At this time, Xiao Ming has not seen Nagato, Obito and others, and he will probably be even more confused after seeing them.

With the credit of wiping out two members of the Akatsuki organization, the Mingjing team exchanged good rewards in Konoha Village.

My sister and Wen Ge don’t have a decent combat system yet. It’s rare to encounter a world like Naruto with a relatively complete combat system, so naturally you need a good foundation.

Zhang Wen had actually been planted with the super energy seed of Chakra by Xiao Ming. He got the Sharingan with 3 magatama, so he naturally had to go the ninja route.

Xiao Jing'er had to master the fighting style of the god of death. The two of them had much more serious things to do than Xiao Ming.

In the secret realm, they practiced repeatedly in the secret realms of Naruto and the god of death, and were quite hardworking. They also died in the secret realm many times.

So before entering this reincarnation mission, they had laid a certain foundation.

Of course, they had only practiced for half a month, so the foundation was naturally weak.

This mission world is an opportunity to improve.

Brother Wen is not yet at the level of practicing Sharingan, but he is just stepping up to master low-level and intermediate ninjutsu in the village.

His future route will be a fighting style based on ninjutsu and supplemented by telekinesis.

Xiao Jing'er already has spiritual power and telekinesis, and does not want to add another supernatural energy.

Xiao Ming can reconcile multiple supernatural energies, and even form a large network to convert them into each other.

My sister doesn't have this ability. If there are too many types of supernatural energy in her body, there will definitely be conflicts, which will seriously affect her development.

So she didn't learn ninjutsu in Konoha Village, and mainly practiced physical skills.

Neither she nor Zhang Wen exchanged merits for powerful ninjutsu, but exchanged a lot of practice time with the guidance of senior ninjas. A very wise choice.

As for what Kraken and Zhao Jiuzhou exchanged, Xiao Ming is not very clear. They have completed their missions and left this world.

When Zhao Jiuzhou left, he actually abducted Xiao Xiaoer along the way.

In theory, Xiao Ming, as the person who really killed the immortal duo, should have received a higher share of the reward.

However, Xiao Ming's identity is a VIP, not a reincarnation. He is equivalent to a native of the Naruto world.

So Xiao Ming is only in Konoha Village, and he only got the evaluation of completing one S-level mission. Of course, there are still many goodwills from related ninjas.

And when this reincarnation world ends, if Xiao Ming still does not get the corresponding benefits, this evaluation and these goodwills will be useless.

Because this world will come to an end after the reincarnation leaves. Even if he encounters the Naruto world again next time, it will be a new world.

In order not to waste, Xiao Ming went to the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade to ask if he could exchange some advanced ninjutsu with the village.

Xiao Ming avenged Asuma Sarutobi and was quite famous in Konoha Village, and Tsunade was willing to help.

However, many of the ninjutsu that Konoha Village could give as rewards, Xiao Ming already knew. Some were completely unnecessary.

They discussed for a long time, and finally Xiao Ming chose to learn a lot of basic knowledge of sealing techniques.

Xiao Ming combined the principles of sealing techniques in the ninja world with the barrier techniques he had already learned. He greatly increased the power of his barrier.

The Naruto world is a huge treasure. Xiao Ming was not satisfied with only learning sealing techniques.

He continued to stay in the Naruto world, and on the surface, he conscientiously completed the tasks in the village.

But secretly, he was secretly learning various ninjutsu and stealing various blood limit.

It was not just Yin Xiaoming and Huang Xiaoming who did this in Konoha Village. Green Xiaoming also sent out a large number of shadow clones to search the world for valuable things.

However, before the good stuff was found, one of Xiaoming's shadow clones was found by Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

"You are really persistent. Another one came just two days later. If you want to fight, please go find the real body, okay? I am just a shadow clone."

Xiao Ming's shadow clone looked at the six people in Akatsuki uniforms in front of him and was speechless. Why is this not over yet?

Pein, who came to see Xiao Ming, was also helpless. Akatsuki's attitude towards the Bug King has actually changed dramatically.

In the past, they wanted to recruit the Bug King, and if they couldn't recruit him, they could kill him. Now they don't want to recruit him at all, and they don't have the ability to kill him, so they have to ask for peace.

Green Xiao Ming is now hiding underground and will never come out again. White Zetsu saw most of the scene of him defeating the immortal duo.

Although White Zetsu survived by relying on the floating technique, he didn't have the ability to rescue Hidan and Kakuzu. He couldn't beat Xiao Ming in the underground cave.

In this terrain, no one in Akatsuki can deal with the Bug King. Unless the leader Pein takes action personally.

But even Pein is not sure enough to kill the Bug King. If he runs away, there will be endless troubles.

It is not a good thing for such a strong man who cannot be dealt with to join the organization. Obito, Zetsu, and Nagato do not want to add such an unnecessary variable.

However, the Akatsuki organization has offended the Insect King. If this matter is not settled, the team members will not feel at ease when they go out to work in the future.

Now the tailed beasts have not been collected yet. If the Insect King comes to make trouble, it will be really hurt!

Black Zetsu and Obito both have ulterior motives and dare not appear in front of the Insect King. The peace talks have to be done by Pein himself.

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