Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 558 Building the Future

Finally, before the end of the world, humans and gods may still have to fight.

But before that, there are still several things to do, and both sides need to work together.

The first step is that both sides promise not to attack each other before the decisive battle.

For this reason, Jiang Chen specially put a blood mark on everyone. Those who dare to fight each other before the decisive battle will be attacked by the blood mark.

Of course, Nuwa and Jiang Chen are exceptions. For the sake of balance, the magic star does not need a blood mark.

Out of respect for Xiao Ming, Jiang Chen did not intend to put a blood mark on Xiao Ming.

But Xiao Ming is so wretched, with a strong sense of crisis, and insisted that Jiang Chen give him one.

Without the blood mark, he can attack at will, but it also means that others can also attack him.

The human side can still be assured, but if the five-color messenger and the second-generation zombie attack him, Xiao Ming dare not guarantee that he can save half of his life.

Xiao Ming estimates that they have the ability to kill Xiao Ming's body, but they should not be able to attack the insect king green Xiao Ming outside the N worlds.

But who knows if these people have any special tricks. Xiao Ming didn't dare to take risks, so he got a blood seal for self-defense. It's better to be prepared.

When he got the blood seal, Xiao Ming could feel some malicious intent retreating from him. Humph, someone is really plotting against him!

The second step is to split the troops into two groups.

One group is the trial group headed by Jiang Chen, Nuwa and Mo Xing, and their function is a bit like the Immigration Bureau.

They judged humans in the world before the end of the world. They determined the candidates who can immigrate after the end of the world. And humans will hardly notice the process of this trial.

Along with them are two men from the Five Color Messengers, Lan Dali and Huang Zi. These two have a deep study of the evil thoughts in human nature.

And the six representatives of humans, Ma Dingdang, Qiu Shu, Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou, Kuang Fusheng, and Jin Weilai. Most of them are mature guys.

The rules of the trial will be provided by these people, but the mother of the earth, Nuwa, and Jiang Chen will make the final decision.

In fact, whether the final battle will be fought in the future depends mainly on the standard of the trial.

If the standard is too strict, the human side will feel that a large number of people should not die. Then a war will break out.

If the standard is relatively loose, those killed by Doomsday will all die. The final decisive battle will not be fought.

Among these human representatives, there is no saint type. As long as Nuwa's standard is acceptable. They basically won't bite and let go.

Kuang Tianyou and Huang Zi are both policemen, and their police experience can provide a lot of reference opinions for the trial.

In fact, they are good brothers in the same police station. When Kuang Tianyou learned that Huang Zi was actually one of the five-color messengers, his expression was also quite stunned.

There is a feeling of "I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also an enemy."

Qiu Shu, Ma Dingdang, and Ma Xiaoling are all heavenly masters, and they can also be regarded as people with some police functions. They can also provide help.

Mo Xing is in the trial group purely out of necessity. Because his energy level is too high. Bai Xinmei's spatial ability can't transfer him to after Doomsday.

This is similar to the fact that Xiao Ming's Kunlun cannot contain the Demon Star. Otherwise, Jiang Chen would definitely throw this guy who can threaten Nu Wa to the end of the world.

Since Nino is in the trial group, Jin Weilai must be here. She can't bear to be away from her son.

Kuang Fusheng was assigned to this group because his ability is more suitable for playing a role in the trial.

The other group is naturally the future construction group headed by Zhang Xiaoming. Meng Meng is naturally in the group.

Among the five-color messengers, Hongchao, Heiyu, Bai Xinmei, the second-generation zombie Chino, and Levis are all responsible for helping Xiao Ming.

To be honest, almost none of these subordinates of Nu Wa and Jiang Chen are willing to destroy the world.

No matter what their character is, at least they think that it is fun to have humans. If all humans are gone, the world will be meaningless.

On the human representative side, Situ Fenren and Wang Zhenzhen are responsible for assisting Xiao Ming in building the world 6 years after the end of the world.

Wang Zhenzhen is kind-hearted. If she joins the trial group, she will definitely not be on the same side with Nu Wa. It would be better for her to be placed in the construction group.

Situ Fenren naturally followed Zhenzhen. Although Wang Zhenzhen was a third-generation zombie, she had no interest in fighting.

So her combat power was very low, and Situ Fenren of course had to provide protection at any time.

After being resurrected from the dead once, after a period of baptism, Wang Zhenzhen let go of her love for Kuang Tianyou, and her relationship with Situ Fenren was just beginning.

She actually loved Kuang Tianyou as a human, not Kuang Tianyou, the zombie grandfather pretending to be his grandson.

And the human Tianyou had died before Xiao Ming entered this world.

As for the arrangement of those non-staff personnel, such as the two cat demons and Jin Zhengzhong, they were casual and could join any group they wanted.

As a result, the three of them were all in the trial group because of Nino, Tianyou and Xiaoling. No one was willing to help Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming was building a new home for the future of mankind in this world.

In his group, only Mengmeng was a human. The others were not. It was really that the emperor was not anxious, but the eunuch was anxious.

But this is not surprising. In a post-apocalyptic world, ordinary humans would not survive for more than a few days. These non-humans are really suitable.

Mengmeng had to rely on Xiaoming's mental shield for protection the whole time.

Hong Kong, 6 years after the apocalypse, is full of ruins and rubble. The sandstorms at the beginning of the apocalypse have calmed down a lot, but they are still not small.

The sun in the sky is dim and unclear. This environment is worse than on Mars.

In theory, Xiao Ming needs to transform the entire earth. But in fact, the apocalypse in the reincarnation world only involves the Hong Kong area. Other regions are imaginary.

It is almost a fantasy to want to use 4 years to transform Hong Kong after the apocalypse into a base suitable for the survival of millions of people.

"Mr. Zhang, it's up to you now." Chino's tone is half mocking and half expecting.

Although this guy is not a good thing, he has killed countless people since he became a zombie.

But he sincerely hopes that Zhang Xiaoming can transform the world after the apocalypse. It's just that the difficulty of this job seems too high.

In his opinion, even if Mother Earth or General Minister takes action, it will take a lot of effort.

Zhang Xiaoming, a guy with ordinary appearance and ordinary strength, how can he take on such a great task? !

Hearing what Chino said, Mengmeng, who seemed to be the real girlfriend, hadn't refuted it yet, but Bai Xinmei was the first to express her dissatisfaction.

"Chino, if you don't have the ability, don't say sarcastic words. Lord Zhang knows what's going on."

She wanted to save someone she loved. She was also the one who hoped Xiao Ming could succeed the most.

She couldn't even stand Chino's complaints. She was afraid that Chino's special ability was "crow's mouth".

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