Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 557 You dig your own hole and fill it up yourself

I have felt the power of generals. Xiao Ming doesn't think that humans will win when they fight against generals.

Although the magic star is powerful, it is actually limited. Even if the magic star reaches S level, it successfully kills Nuwa. So what?

The most likely possibility is that the general loses control and explodes. Work hard to complete the legacy of Nuwa, the mother of the earth.

In the end, it will be up to him to destroy the world with his own hands. It is estimated that he will do it more thoroughly than Nuwa.

Xiao Ming's plan is just an introduction. Save the kinder humans first. During this time, the generals would continue to persuade Nuwa.

It is very possible that most ordinary people can be saved in the future. Because most ordinary people are not bad and have their own shining points.

If we work hard in the end, in addition to those big evil people, many human beings who are only a little bad may be able to save their lives.

This isn't a particularly brilliant idea. But it was enough for Nuwa to adopt and satisfy the generals.

However, there is a problem.

It is not a matter of standards for judging good and evil. Nuwa and the generals are still confident in that regard.

The real problem is that Bai Xinmei's ability to control time and space is limited. Send humanity to the end of the world 10 years at most.

At that time, the world was still too desolate. At the end of the world, humans will be almost completely wiped out, and not much of the animals and plants will survive.

If it is not reformed properly and a large number of people are sent there, everyone will starve to death together.

The burden of transforming the future planet inevitably falls on Xiao Ming's shoulders.

Dig the hole and fill it yourself. Since it was Xiao Ming's idea, he must be responsible to the end.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, if I talk too much, I will have to do hard work for several years.

However, being able to save most human lives, Xiao Ming feels that this is considered a great merit.

According to the development of the original plot, almost all the protagonist team died in the end, but Nuwa and the generals were also eliminated, and the end of the world did not happen.

If Xiao Ming knew this, I don’t know what he would think.

In fact, Xiao Ming can also think of it. After all, The World of Reincarnation is based on film and television dramas from parallel worlds.

The endings of film and television dramas are predictable. It is estimated to be an ending in which justice finally triumphs. But it is also certain that many good people will die.

The supporting characters are all dead, and the protagonist is too embarrassed to make the finale. This is a common routine in literary and artistic works.

If Xiao Ming really had a choice, he might still choose the current method.

The general and Nuwa lived in the building of the Nitto Group where Domoto Shizuzu was once employed.

Bai Xinmei closed the surrounding space so that no one could disturb them.

At this time, she and she arranged a group of subordinates to invite all the protagonists who were worthy of their names.

Probably to take care of Xiao Ming's face, he actually invited Mengmeng here.

You must know that Xiao Ming is actually a little afraid of seeing Mengmeng now and doesn't want to give her false hope. It is true for generals and ministers that they will not open or pick up any pot.

Huh? That's not right. With the general's understanding of human nature. How could he not know the fishiness involved? This guy must have done it on purpose.

He deliberately wanted to torment Xiao Ming and vent his anger on his girlfriend.

Nuwa's plan to destroy the world was implemented for more than two thousand years, and finally caused Xiao Ming to mix up and become a different person. And there are still a lot of troublesome things to do next.

The judgment of all mankind will be carried out in less than a year. Even God is a bit frightened by the workload.

Mother Earth is still a spiritual body, so she will definitely be very tired. It is normal for Jiang Chen to feel sorry for his girlfriend and to cause some trouble for Xiao Ming just to watch the fun.

I could sense the gossipy intentions of the generals and even Bai Xinmei and others. Xiao Ming had a headache for no reason and was not a good person.

Mengmeng was the first one invited by Bai Xinmei. Seeing Xiao Ming, the girl couldn't stop crying.

Although time can dilute everything. But Mengmeng and Xiao Ming have only been separated for a few months.

Not only did this little time not dilute Mengmeng's feelings, but it brewed to a very intense point.

Next, if Mengmeng continues to be unable to see Xiao Ming for a long time. Then Xiao Ming will gradually fade away from her superficial consciousness and be buried in her subconscious, just like the feeling of first love.

However, she happened to see Xiao Ming at this time. That hot emotion suddenly found its target. It broke out more violently.

Mengmeng clung to Xiao Ming almost immediately. No matter what, I don't want to separate.

She felt that she had seen her feelings clearly, and no matter what happened in the future, no matter whether Xiao Ming accepted her or not. She would never leave Xiao Ming again.

So, when gods and humans started formal negotiations, Mengmeng still hung on Xiao Ming. Determined not to leave.

This pair of live treasures poured a lot of cold water on the tense atmosphere between the two parties. Seeing the two of them, many people couldn't help but laugh.

This is a roundtable negotiation. There was a circle of people sitting around a huge round table. They will determine the next fate of mankind.

Sitting at the head of the round table were Xiao Ming and Meng Meng. Xiao Ming is responsible for hosting the meeting as a third party, an intermediary. Mengmeng is responsible for the funny.

On the right hand side is the lineage of gods: Nuwa, Jiangchen, Lan Dali, Heiyu, Hongchao, Bai Xinmei, Huangzi, Qino, and Levis.

On the left hand side are human representatives: Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou, El Niño, Situ Fenren, Wang Zhenzhen, Ma Dingdang, Kuang Fusheng, Qiu Shu, and Jin Weilai.

Da MI, and Kim Jong-zhong are considered to be present and are not eligible to serve; Ma Danna is already a ghost and will not participate in this scene.

Of course, both Da Mi and Jin Zhengzhong came to attend because of Ma Xiaoling and Ma Dingdang. Little MI didn't even know this existed.

There is no controversy on the God's side. However, most of the representatives on the human side are not human beings, there are so many zombies.

If the government of any country in the world knew about it, they would probably not think that these people were qualified to negotiate on behalf of mankind.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of God, the so-called senior government officials are not worthy of the spotlight. It is up to them to choose those who are truly qualified to decide the fate of mankind.

There is no need to elaborate on the specific process of the negotiations. The strength of both parties is obvious. The final result is almost certain.

The general's strength overwhelmed the entire audience. It is still possible for humans to kill Nuwa, but it is impossible to stop the generals.

Even Demon Star, whose strength has greatly increased, has to admit this. This is the prerequisite for this negotiation.

Although the human side definitely wants to prevent Nuwa from destroying the world. However, now that Nuwa is opening up her net, if she wants to let some human beings go, the human side must support her.

And we must strongly support and actively participate in it. Otherwise, if God's side fails to do its job, mankind will be in misery.

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