Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 559 Zhang Xiaoming's reconstruction plan

Qino just said what was in his mind. Not only him, but the other people were also half-believing and half-doubting. Only Xiao Ming himself was confident.

In the cruel environment of the Locking Demon Tower, an ecosystem was established. Not to mention now.

But then again, why do I always have to do this kind of thing? Xiao Ming couldn't help but wonder. Did he choose the wrong skill tree?

Xiao Ming had a plan on how to build an ecosystem.

The real trouble is the wind and sand that cover the sky and the sun, which prevents the surface from receiving enough sunlight.

Without light, it is difficult for plants to grow. Without plants, animals can't survive.

And Xiao Ming doesn't know whether this kind of windy and sandy weather will last for a long time.

It is necessary to prepare post-apocalyptic humans for a long-term struggle with the harsh natural environment.

First of all, one or more huge and solid survival bases are needed. The base must have enough ecosystems to provide food.

It is also necessary to prepare enough energy. With energy, the seawater filtration system can be supported, so that people can have fresh water to use, and crops also need water sources.

Hong Kong itself does not actually have these basic living conditions. Before the doomsday, a large amount of living resources need to be transported from the inland to Hong Kong every day.

After the doomsday, this resource will definitely be gone, so Hong Kong needs to be self-sufficient.

It is not easy for a small place with a population of several million to be self-sufficient!

This is why this matter is difficult.

Xiao Ming's initial plan is to build two bases to cooperate with each other. One is a fixed base on land;

The other is a mobile base drifting on the sea. Or it can be said to be a movable island.

The first thing to build is a fixed base, and the basic idea is the same as in the Demon Locking Tower.

Use alchemy to build a huge hemispherical dome to protect the base. At the same time, the outer periphery of the dome uses the barrier technique learned from Uncle Qiu. Prevent the pervasive wind and sand.

The spiritual power consumed by the barrier technique will be borne by the human Tianshi and zombies. The yin energy of zombies is also OK.

There is no need to worry about this barrier. As long as humans don't commit suicide, they will be abandoned by Nuwa again. This little spiritual power can be easily handled by Jiang Chen and Nuwa.

It will be easier to deal with the wind and sand if the wind and sand are isolated. Xiao Ming divided the base into areas.

There are residential areas, which are for people to live in as the name suggests.

There are factory areas, which are responsible for providing some daily necessities.

There are areas for growing crops, which are responsible for providing basic food.

There are areas responsible for providing fresh water resources. Of course, there must be administrative areas.

There must also be areas responsible for raising insects. After the end of the world, a large part of the protein source for humans will depend on these insects.

The base has more than a dozen underground structures and 5 or 6 above-ground structures. There is still enough space. The problem lies in energy.

To be honest, Xiao Ming does not know nuclear power technology. He can only use hacker energy to fill the tank temporarily.

Even if he knows nuclear power technology, Xiao Ming still needs to use alchemy to provide nuclear material resources, and there is also the risk of radiation. It is more convenient to use hacker energy directly.

Due to the serious lack of light after the end of the world, crops need artificial light to illuminate and maintain growth. Simply set the cultivated area to be closed.

As long as these things work normally, a fixed base will be enough to sustain the survival of 200,000 to 300,000 people.

Xiao Ming plans to build about ten bases of this type in Hong Kong.

Why not gather together to build a super-large base? Xiao Ming mainly considers not putting all the eggs in one basket.

Dispersing to multiple bases is more suitable for human survival. Of course, it cannot be too scattered. The base cannot be too small, otherwise the resistance to environmental changes will be too low.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, 200,000 to 300,000 per base is quite suitable.

The most troublesome thing is that it is still unknown how many people in Hong Kong can pass the judgment of Nuwa and immigrate to the future.

What if Nuwa's standards are too strict? Maybe there are only 200,000 to 300,000 people who can pass the judgment in the whole of Hong Kong.

In that case, a fixed base will be enough. However, Xiao Ming cannot only consider this worst case. He still needs to make more preparations for the good.

This cannot wait until the number of immigrants is completely determined before making plans and construction. By that time, the daylily will be cold.

At the same time, the rest of the space outside the base cannot be wasted. Xiao Ming will try to arrange some solar power stations, wind power stations and other infrastructure.

These facilities are a beneficial supplement to the energy of the base. The humans in the fixed base need to be responsible for maintaining them.

It is definitely not possible to rely on the hacker ore left by Xiao Ming. The amount of ore is limited after all, and one day it will be exhausted.

I hope that the fixed base will gradually achieve self-sufficiency without using hacker energy.

In addition, Xiao Ming plans to build the area outside the base like a maze with tall stone walls and stone pillars.

Of course, it is not a real maze, and the purpose is not to let people get lost in it.

Instead, these obstacles are used to block the wind and sand layer by layer, so that the wind and sand inside the city can be reduced as much as possible.

Then there will be many areas that can be slowly transformed and used, and even inhabited.

If you are lucky, the wind and sand will stop within a few years, and everything will naturally come back to life. At that time, even without the base, humans can survive.

If the luck is bad and the sandstorms don't stop for decades, then humans will stay in various bases honestly.

With the protection of the barrier, there is no shortage of living resources. Of course, they must limit the population. The base will always have an upper limit.

In addition, Hong Kong is still too small, Xiao Ming also plans to build a mobile base at sea as a supplement to the fixed base.

The mobile base at sea is like a super large aircraft carrier. It will also be a self-sufficient small ecological circulation system.

However, the area of ​​crops will be greatly reduced, and food will mainly come from fishing. It is hard to say how many fish can survive in the sea after the end of the world.

But the mobile base can raise fish in the sea water, or cultivate algae, etc.

After the end of the world, the Hong Kong port was filled with countless shipwrecks, and even a few warships. These are the materials for Xiao Ming to build a mobile base.

Moreover, there are rich resources in the deep sea that can be extracted and vast space that can be used.

Fixed bases can only be used to a dozen underground floors, less than 100 meters deep. Mobile bases can use hundreds of meters of space under the water surface.

If the technical conditions were not bad, Xiao Ming would actually like to build an underwater survival base.

Xiao Ming thinks that with the combination of a fixed base on the ground and a mobile base on the sea, it should be able to guarantee the survival of humans after the apocalypse.

Of course, this still needs to be tested in reality.

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