Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 518 Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment

Xiao Ming spent one day and two nights, devoting himself to the design and production.

Even the course that Green Xiao Ming was teaching to Hou Chong No. 001 was temporarily stopped. He had already taught a lot, so he let her comprehend it for a while.

Xiao Ming found that it was impossible to design a perfect means of punishing sins. He did not have such a strong ability.

This was equivalent to making a new underworld. This was not Xiao Ming's goal.

And he did not want to do everything for the underworld. There was no need. Xiao Ming just wanted to achieve some retribution in this life.

So he simplified the conditions as much as possible. He developed a unique ability - Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment.

This ability is very simple and can only be used on humans. Xiao Ming will first use telekinesis to condense a very small sword. It is not much bigger than an embroidery needle.

When using it, Xiao Ming will materialize it and insert it into the brain of the person being judged.

We know that Xiao Ming has the ability to read other people's memories by sucking blood. This is when this ability is needed.

Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment learns about the target's past by contacting his blood. And have a certain intelligence to judge.

Does this person do more good things or more bad things?

The standard for judging good and evil is Xiao Ming's conscience, which is different from the laws of the world and the rules of the underworld. Xiao Ming has never seen the rules of the underworld.

So this judgment cannot be very accurate. As long as it is ambiguous, the Sword of Judgment will not have any effect and will dissipate directly.

Only those who do far more bad things than good things are truly evil people. Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment only punishes such people.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, this ability will not work at all.

At the same time, there is a cumulative calculation in the judgment standard. If a person only does a bad thing once, even if it is murder, he will not be judged as an evil person by Xiao Ming.

The specific circumstances vary. If he only does evil once and does not repeat it, Xiao Ming will consider him to know his mistakes and correct them.

Xiao Ming only punishes habitual offenders. If a person does the same bad thing more often, his evil index will double. Xiao Ming specifically punishes such people.

He may just be a petty thief; a minor fight; a hooligan who hurts people; a school bully; and abuse of power, etc.

In law, most of these things have no evidence and are left unresolved. The few who can be convicted are not serious crimes.

But they cause the most trouble to ordinary people.

Xiao Ming's sword of judgment is specifically for this kind of people.

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Since you have hurt others, you should bear the same backlash.

The method of punishment is: every night when it is quiet. The sins committed by the punished person will reappear in his mind or dream.

Only this time, he is no longer the perpetrator, but a victim. He also tastes the taste of being bullied.

The evil he inflicted on others, minus the good things he did to others, the remaining part will react on him.

Of course, this punishment is only mental. Although it feels super real, it will not hurt the body.

And not only is he punished once, but he has to bear the punishment every night.

A thief will truly feel that someone else has stolen something of the same value;

If a person truly feels that a lot of money has been stolen every day, how would he feel?

A school bully will also be bullied by unknown people in his dreams every night.

The way he did it is exactly the same as what he did. Let him also experience the feeling of being bullied.

If he continues to do evil, then the evil deeds will continue to accumulate. The punishment every night will also be more severe.

Only when he starts to do good will the punishment he receives gradually decrease.

Of course, he needs to use several times the "good deeds" to offset the past "sins". If all are offset, he will no longer be punished.

This ability has a prerequisite. The Sword of Judgment will automatically stab Xiao Ming himself every day. As a reminder.

You can't just punish others while you get away with it. Of course, this is also the reason why Xiao Ming sets a very loose standard and does not punish ordinary people.

Because Xiao Ming himself is an ordinary person. If he is considered a good person, I think it's a bit reluctant.

And the standard is also his own conscience, not laws and regulations, let alone the rules of other races.

Otherwise, according to the Martian cockroaches' standards, he is a butcher and executioner.

To be honest, such rules still have many loopholes. But Xiao Ming can only do this for the time being.

Human power is sometimes limited, and Xiao Ming's ability is limited after all.

The Sword of Judgment is mainly used to punish those who are not guilty of death but are stubborn.

As for those who are extremely evil, Xiao Ming usually kills them directly.

Of course, Xiao Ming will only punish bad people, and he will not go around the world to find such people to deal with.

Xiao Ming just wants to have a way to deal with unfair things.

You can't always suck blood first, trace back his memory, and then figure out how to deal with him. It's too troublesome.

But you can't just leave it alone, so this ability was born.

The whole thing started with Xiao Ming's indignation at the behavior of a police officer from Country A in the secret realm who killed people because of discrimination.

It was magnified because he remembered the book "The Strange Man from the Far Island", but in the end it fell on other people who were not guilty of death.

It must be said that Xiao Ming's brain circuit is quite strange, and it has taken a big turn.

Another reason is that some people who deserve to die may not be convenient for Xiao Ming to kill directly due to the environment at that time.

This ability can come in handy. The effect is the same. The sins on them will be more difficult to pay. The torture they suffer every night will be greater.

And Xiao Ming discovered an even more peculiar phenomenon. When he created this ability.

Not only did he use his own telekinesis, but some powers that did not belong to him also seemed to take the initiative to help.

Xiao Ming had no way to tell who or what was helping him. It seemed to be just a very illusory feeling.

However, this power must exist, otherwise this telekinesis ability would not have been practiced in just one day and two nights.

Xiao Ming was not sure whether it was his own ability or the ability given to him by someone or existence.

Could it be Qinglong? Or the reincarnation space? Or a more awesome existence?

Forget it, Xiao Ming shook his head and stopped thinking about this problem that he could not figure out at all.

Although I wanted to experiment with the Sword of Judgment, it took a long time, so Xiao Ming decided to feed the light spirits first.

This time, there were finally more light spirits coming to receive source energy. It took Xiao Ming 2 hours to feed them all.

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