Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 519: Vanguard Completed

July 8, Friday. Around 8 am.

Xiao Ming, who had stabbed many Swords of Judgment in large special secret realms such as Marvel, logged into the Dead Reporter with a refreshed spirit.

Using the Sword of Judgment in ordinary secret realms did not have much impact. Because after Xiao Ming left, the secret realm would be closed by the game system.

It was only interesting when used in special secret realms. In fact, the most suitable place to use the Sword of Judgment was the reincarnation world.

But Xiao Ming was worried that if he went to the reincarnation space once, he might be sent directly to Pangu Star when he came back, which would not be fun. The main body also wanted to try the teleportation array.

So he only chose the Marvel Secret Realm and the Double Dragons Secret Realm of the Tang Dynasty, and used the Sword of Judgment to satisfy his desire.

Xiao Ming did not even care who he stabbed.

The nature of the Sword of Judgment is a sword, so Xiao Ming can use the sword control technique on it. It was designed in the shape of a sword for this reason.

Therefore, these people were injured by the sword control. No one knows who did it to them.

Many people even thought they were cursed or had an evil spirit.

Interestingly, the Tang Dynasty Secret Realm originally had a heavy suppression on telekinesis. The telekinetic beasts and the like could not be used.

Xiao Ming was surprised that the Sword of Judgment would be allowed to be used.

After having fun, Xiao Ming almost cried after logging into the Dead Reporter.

Before leaving last time, Xiao Ming only used the magic of summoning skeletons to fill the number of skeletons recruited this week.

He had not had time to harvest the dozens of large ship wrecks.

After that, he did not care about the Dead Reporter for a long time. Xiao Ming forgot to modify the program settings again.

As a result, the intelligent program had already led the Dead Reporter's troops to leave the place where the ship wrecks were placed and entered the next map according to the original settings.

Those large ships had no time to harvest. If they wanted to go back, they had to march for about a day. Isn't this a delay? !

Xiao Ming could not help but hate himself. He should at least remember to set up the program. It would be better if the informer of the dead only wandered around.

If I go back now, I'm afraid it will be a waste of time; if I don't go back, it will also be a waste of resources. It's a dilemma.

However, after Xiao Ming carefully scanned the current map, he didn't regret it so much. This map is a bit interesting.

All along, the informer of the dead has upgraded two abandoned land maps to level 0 maps from west to east. And built Pingnan City and Dingnan City.

These two maps have been invaded by the breath of death and are now beginning to transform into undead maps.

However, the next map is already a level 0 map, not an abandoned land, and there is no need to repair buildings.

After scanning, it was found that there were no cities and levels on the entire map. There were only a few wild monsters and buildings.

Xiao Ming guessed that this map should be a map that was upgraded from the abandoned land not long ago. That's why there are no cities.

Its upgrade probably has nothing to do with the informer of the dead, because the direction of this map's upgrade is not likely to develop in the direction of the undead.

The specific reason for the upgrade is unknown. Xiao Ming thought that it might be that all maps have a mechanism for slow upgrades; or it might be some reasons that Xiao Ming didn't know yet.

Since it was a level 0 map, there was no city yet. Xiao Ming was not polite.

He led the troops to the river. He used the last undead village building stone. The new village was named "Zhennan City".

The establishment of a very basic village caused a lot of trouble. System prompts came in waves.

Because the task chain of the informant of the dead - [Invasion of the Undead]. The first link, [Vanguard], has been completed.

Xiao Ming hadn't entered Zhennan City for a visit yet, and the undead lich prophet appeared out of thin air in front of the informant of the dead.

This was definitely a reward. Xiao Ming was very excited. He felt that the task was completed well. He was eagerly looking forward to the generous reward.

The completion method designed by the system for this task was of course not Xiao Ming's method.

Basically, no player can restore the vitality of the map like Xiao Ming. In fact, there are two normal task methods.

The first method is to pull relationships. Through the relationship of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, obtain information on restoring the vitality of the map.

Then do the task to get the props that can restore the vitality of the map. After a few appropriate restorations, the abandoned land can be upgraded to a level 0 map, and then the village building stone can be used to do the task.

This is a long process. There is nothing that cannot be completed in 2 or 3 months. Unless you are a guild player, everyone will work together, then it can be faster.

The second method is to attack the enemy. This cannot be done on the map of the abandoned land.

First, you must find a map that already has a city above level 0. Destroy the original enemy, but do not occupy the original city, but destroy it.

After the destruction, if the original force does not rebuild the city within 7 days. The dead can use the undead village building stone.

If the other party rebuilds the city, the dead will have to fight again and destroy the city again.

Whether the other party will rebuild the city depends mainly on the level of the map and the strength of the enemy force.

Generally, it takes many times to do it. Unless it is a level 0 map and the opponent's force is very weak.

Then repeat it about two or three times, and all the war potential of the opponent will be consumed. Then you can build a city.

However, level 0 maps are actually rarer than level 1 maps. It is not easy to see them.

So using this method, it usually takes a long time. Even if the player guild is strong. But every time the city is destroyed, you have to wait for about 7 days, which is a waste of time.

And the most troublesome problem is that if you stir up a hornet's nest, the enemy is very strong. Then it is very likely that you can't beat it.

If you encounter a bad temper, you will be chased by the enemy for a long time. If you are driven out of the strategic map by the enemy, then this mission will be completely failed.

So the difficulty of the mission is really high. The prophet will never be stingy with the reward for completing the mission.

The first thing you get is the experience reward. Because the mission is completed well, the current level of the informant is low.

So the experience reward has reached the highest level of general missions, directly upgraded by 5 levels. And the adventure level and strategic level of the informant are both directly upgraded by 5 levels.

The adventure level reaches level 8 of level 2; the strategic level reaches level 5 of level 1.

The command power is increased by 110; random attribute points are added to defense; free attribute points, Xiao Ming adds to strength.

Among the selectable professional talents, there is no necromancy that Xiao Ming wants most. He had no choice but to choose elementary logistics, which was not bad.

However, the next reward for the mission was the talent reward.

And among the three options, there was the necromancy that Xiao Ming was looking forward to. He quickly selected it.

Advanced necromancy: 30% of the enemy troops destroyed by the hero's troops will be transformed into your own skeleton soldiers and join after the battle.

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