Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 517: Seeing Injustice

After meeting Lance Jacob himself, the Ancient One Master felt relieved.

As the Supreme Mage, she also has some ability to read people. Although some of the apprentices she taught were particularly unreliable. But overall it's still ok.

To be precise, what she was observing this time was Xiao Ming who possessed Lance Jacobs.

In front of Gu Yi, this otaku loser was almost visible at a glance. She was immediately relieved.

Of course, it's a little strange. Looking at Lance's character, he almost doesn't have the qualities of a strong man. I really don't understand how he developed such a strong fighting ability.

After being confirmed by Master Gu Yi, Xiao Ming was accepted by the earth.

After finishing the matter, Gu Yi immediately served tea to see off the guests. Because she didn’t want to be misunderstood by God King Odin.

In fact, Xiao Ming really wanted to stay a few more days. The spells of this school of magicians made him salivate.

However, as an Asgardian warrior, it is a bit too much to want to learn the unique skills of Karma Taj.

In the world of martial arts or immortals, it is a good idea to bully the master and destroy the ancestor. And with Gu Yi sitting here, Xiao Ming wouldn't dare to steal his knowledge even if he wanted to. That's pure suicide.

In desperation, Xiao Ming had to leave sadly. Master Gu Yi personally opened a passage and sent him back to New York.

After being tortured like this, Xiao Ming's desire to find Tony Stark faded away.

After all, the secret realm is not as good as the world of reincarnation. Many things are set like that by the system and cannot be replicated in reality.

This is especially true for guys like Tony who play with black technology. Even if you learn it in the secret realm, it may be difficult to apply it in reality.

Just when Xiao Ming was a little confused and didn't know what to do next. Suddenly, a shadow clone relieved himself of his existence.

Some information automatically enters Xiao Ming's brain.

It turned out that the shadow clone encountered something and felt touched, so he took the initiative to return.

What he encountered was not what happened in the plot, but the shooting of an innocent black man by an American police officer.

Moreover, Xiao Ming's shadow clone saw very clearly that the white police officer was looking for trouble from the beginning to the end. There are even plans to modify the images from the law enforcement recorders.

This scene shocked Xiao Ming. At the same time, I also thought that although there were not many on Pangu, there would still be cases where law enforcement officers abused their rights.

However, among the Chinese countries, there are very few people who kill people directly. Because Chinese law does not allow this.

But even if they don't take human lives, what some people do is not much different from killing people.

This is one of the inherent shortcomings of human nature. When they have power, some humans will use their power infinitely.

Deceiving superiors and concealing inferiors to obtain benefits for oneself. Sometimes there is no benefit at all, just to vent violent emotions. Xiao Ming hated this kind of people deeply.

When the shadow clone saw this scene, he was a little confused at first and didn't know what was going on. Therefore, the person who was killed could not be saved.

But soon he understood what was going on. The shadow clone was not polite, and immediately took action to kill the murderous police officer.

Since his partner didn't take action, Xiao Ming didn't kill him either. However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided. Xiao Ming put a punishment collar on him.

In the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Xiao Ming had encountered such people in ancient times.

At that time, Xiao Ming used the specially developed telekinesis ability [Punishment Collar] on those who committed crimes that were not worthy of death.

This thing requires the other party to put it on voluntarily and make an oath. Upon breach of contract, all supernatural energy and 80% of physical strength will be blocked.

Xiao Ming's shadow clone beat the police officer into submission and 'voluntarily' wore the punishment collar.

I promise that from now on, I will never abuse public power again and will be a good police officer.

The shadow clone felt that this matter was very important, so he took the initiative to cancel his own existence so that Xiao Ming could understand his thoughts.

He felt that a punishment collar was not enough. Punishment collars actually have great limitations. It can only limit the opponent's supernatural energy and physical strength.

This was useful in ancient times. But in modern society, a person can shoot and hurt someone even if he has little physical strength.

In this case, the punishment collar is clearly out of date. Especially when the target is someone who can hold a gun.

Now that Xiao Ming's telepathy is so strong, the shadow clone thinks why not develop a more powerful method. Woolen cloth? !

Once this thought occurs, it cannot be suppressed. Xiao Ming himself is not from a wealthy family.

Of course we will encounter many unpleasant things in life. But it's all little things.

If you are deceived, you will suffer some financial losses; if you are scolded a few times, you will be beaten twice. Being teased and ridiculed by a superior person, who hasn't experienced these things? It’s not a big deal at all!

Regarding his own life, Xiao Ming has nothing to complain about. He felt that he was living a good life.

However, in the book "The Strange Man from the Far Island", Xiao Ming read a lot of outrageous things. It's simply intolerable.

Such as the so-and-so massacre. Some even occurred in an era when the world had entered a civilized society.

Those who think they are civilized actually commit organized massacres of their own kind. How civilized is this? He is simply worse than a beast!

During the massacre, various things that violated the laws of nature and human rights continued to occur. If it is handled according to law, almost every perpetrator will die innocently.

However, many times, they do not get the punishment they deserve. Still happy and happy.

Xiao Ming doesn’t know if there are eighteen levels of hell in that parallel world. But Xiao Ming really hopes there will be there.

Sinners who have not been punished in this world hope that gods will punish them after death. Otherwise, the world is not worth it.

In this regard, Xiao Ming decided to use his own abilities to do his part.

Leave some shadow clones behind to continue exploring. Xiao Ming left the Marvel world and went to the Hunter's Secret Realm to learn from his master Nitro.

If you want to do this, you obviously have to start from the aspect of mind. As a great expert in telekinesis, Nitro's experience and opinions are very important.

Nitro actually didn't care much about Xiao Ming's struggles. But my dear apprentice asked, and he was willing to help provide some rational suggestions.

There are two key points in completing this matter: first, defining the standards for doing good and doing evil, and second, the means of punishment must be reasonable.

If it is a heinous crime, then just kill him directly. On the contrary, no special means are needed.

What is the punishment for those whose sins do not lead to death? In what way? This is the crux of the matter.

Moreover, for some sinners, killing them would actually give them an advantage. Xiao Ming also hopes to use his own methods. A more severe punishment can be given to sinners who deserve to die.

Also, avoid accidentally injuring good people.

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