Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 473 Xiaoqing9527

Where are we? The same question came to the mind of almost every member of the Mingjing team.

If we only look at the present, this seems to be a small town in the ancient Chinese style. And it is a relatively simple one.

Countless huge sea-blue "stone" slabs overlap and form the foundation of the town. Each piece is several hundred square meters in size.

Many houses and shops are built high and low on the stone slabs. They are also ancient.

The distance is covered by fog, and it is difficult to see what is outside the town. There are stars above, which seems to be not much different from Pangu Star.

What does it mean that the reincarnation space threw us here?

Suddenly, a beautiful woman in green appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, bowed and saluted:

"Welcome all reincarnations to the town of 179465. I am your guide-Xiaoqing 9527, you can just call me Xiaoqing."

"Hello, Xiaoqing," Xiaoming spoke more directly for some reason: "Do you know what our situation is? I am a little confused now."

"Hehe, Mr. Master, I understand your situation. Please allow me to explain it to everyone."

Xiaoming did not introduce himself, but Xiaoqing already knew who he was, and called him by his nickname in the reincarnation world very subtly, not by his name. Good quality.

"According to the rules of the reincarnation space, after a team is upgraded to a formal reincarnation team, it will get a chance to visit the reincarnation space branch.

Sooner or later, your Mingjing team is assigned to visit here. This is the Qinglong branch of the reincarnation space."

Xiaoqing spread her hands and made a gesture of welcoming visitors.

Of course, Xiaoming and his friends knew about this. I was just a little surprised by this style.

When the Starship Troopers world just ended, the Mingjing team had already got the opportunity to travel at public expense.

In order to distinguish it from the mission world created by the reincarnation space, let's call the universe where Pangu Star is located the real world or the universe.

Although the mission world is also real, everything that happens in it is only a moment in the real world. Just like a mirror flower and a moon in the water.

Although the reincarnation space can create and control countless worlds. But the real world is not controlled by it. Most of its reincarnations also come from the universe.

The universe is almost infinite. Pangu Star, the Yanhuang Three Star System, and all the universes known to mankind are just a speck of dust in this world.

We will not admire the vastness of the universe here.

Even if it does not control the universe, the tentacles of the reincarnation space also involve all aspects of the real world.

In the universe, the reincarnation space has many institutions, bases, offices, branches, etc.

It is very difficult to establish and upgrade the reincarnation team, so the rewards given by the space are also extraordinary.

A formal reincarnation team will get a chance to visit a certain base or branch. See how wonderful the outside world is.

Generally, no reincarnation will miss this opportunity. Even if the reincarnation likes it, he can apply for immigration to the reincarnation space.

When the Mingjing team passed the team upgrade task with a high score, they actually got the opportunity to travel at public expense.

But everyone was too excited at the time and hurriedly entered another mission world.

It was not until after coming out of the Lord of the Rings world that everyone noticed this treatment when they were chatting in the team space.

This is a cross-galaxy tour! Xiao Ming and his sister have not even traveled abroad a few times, so how can they miss such a thing as traveling to an alien planet.

Others also agreed, so the Mingjing team chose to go to the reincarnation space branch.

Everyone who wanted to see the exotic customs saw an ancient Chinese town, which inevitably felt a little cheated.

But they let you travel for free, what else can you complain about? Just treat it as traveling back to ancient times.

"The time to play in Qinglong Branch is 7 days. You can be sent back to Pangu Star directly by the reincarnation space after the next mission.

Of course, you can also come here to try the space teleportation in the real world before that. This is the teleportation array. Just tell the administrator when the time comes."

Xiaoqing introduced everyone to a magic array in a square. There were two men in white sitting lazily chatting beside the magic array. Hearing this, they just nodded to everyone.

These two people have scales on their cheeks, and occasionally spit out long and forked tongues. I guess they are two snake spirits?

Xiaoming couldn't help but glance at Xiaoqing 9527. There was no flaw in this person's figure. I don't know if he is a human or a demon.

Of course, Xiaoming was not the only one who peeked at Xiaoqing. Xiaojing'er and Wen Ge also peeked at Xiaoqing. The tour guide comrade had long been accustomed to it and did not respond to it.

He just continued to introduce to everyone: "Only this matter is more important to you. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when the next one will be.

In addition, don't tell others what you see and hear in the Qinglong branch after you go back. Otherwise, there will be punishment in the space."

Everyone understood this rule, so they nodded in agreement.

As he was talking, a 1.5-meter-tall lizard man ran out of the alley with a dagger in his hand.

When he saw Xiaoqing, he greeted her enthusiastically: "Sister Xiaoqing, are there new people here again?" - Xiaoming could actually understand what he said.

"Xiaoming, are you skipping class again? Oh, these are not new people, they are here to visit." Xiaoqing replied with a smile.

Is it okay to be caught skipping class? The lizard man was so scared that he ran away, and it was just a casual question to the Mingjing team.

After hearing Xiaoqing's words, Zhang Wen and his sister covered their mouths and chuckled. Xiaoming was also very upset.

It is normal to meet someone with the same name, but it is too weird that the person with the same name is a lizard man.

Xiaoming quickly asked Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing... girl, who is that?"

"Him? In your language, they should be aliens. The ancestors of their tribe are animals similar to your lizards.

Don't underestimate them. In the universe, the number of advanced intelligent life evolved from animals such as lizards is more than that of apes like you."

Oh, so that's it... No, no, that's not what Xiaoming wanted to ask.

"Miss Xiaoqing, what I want to ask is, why do you call him Xiaoming?"

"That's a translation based on the meaning. His name means light in his native language. Translated into your language, of course it's Xiaoming."

As if she didn't say it clearly, Xiaoqing added: "Using words like light as names is very common among intelligent races.

Translated, it's nothing more than Xiaoming, Xiaoliang, Xiaoguang, etc. It's the same for you humans."


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