Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 474: The Rogue Reincarnator

Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen were already holding their stomachs and laughing so hard. I also forgot about not revealing my real name.

"That's ridiculous, brother. You actually have the same name as a lizard man. Tell me honestly, are you the spy they sent to Pangu?"

“Xiao Mingming, go get plastic surgery, I’m just saying there’s something wrong with the shape of your face.

Maybe your face is more suitable for a lizard man. Maybe he's still a handsome lizard guy, and marrying a lizard princess would be perfect. How about it……"

Mao Mao'er, Xiao Xiao'er, Kraken, and Zhao Jiuzhou didn't get the laughs at all. I guess the three of them are regarded as Shen Jingbing.

Old friends often tease each other over little things. This kind of behavior is definitely inappropriate for ordinary people.

Little Jing'er was teased by Brother Wen and her sister for two weeks because she wore a pair of glasses with the same style as the wanted criminal.

Zhang Wen was even worse. Because of his fat figure, he would be laughed at even if he met a fat pet cat or dog on the street.

Xiao Ming’s weakness is this name. As long as they are not illiterate, Chinese people have basically seen this name in textbooks. He was also very helpless.

Now I find that my name is not only common in the Chinese world, but also very common in the universe. Where is the logic in this? My parents were too hasty back then.

At this moment, someone came to the rescue.

When Xiaoqing9527 was there, no one took the initiative to come over. Of course, there aren't many pedestrians in the town of 179465.

As far as the eye can see, only a hundred and eighty people can be seen, scattered in the streets and alleys. A few are human, most are aliens.

According to the classification of human beings, there are orcs, insect people, elemental people, metal people, and so on. They are said to be human, but in fact most of them are not humanoid.

Just from an evolutionary perspective, standing upright gives you a wider field of vision, making it easier to see predators and find food.

Therefore, most races walk upright, but some have several legs, not just bipedal creatures.

Of course species evolve in many strange ways. Nor can it be generalized. In fact, there are aliens crawling on the ground all the time.

So many creatures from different planets can survive and communicate freely in the same environment. This is evident from the superb methods of the Qinglong Branch.

They at least ensure that all living things can breathe suitable air, including aquatic life. At the same time, gravity also conforms to the state of each creature's home planet.

Everyone can understand each other when they speak. There must be timely and accurate translation. The combination of these methods is simply a magical skill.

"You guys are so good. Handsome guys and beautiful girls. They dress very smartly. Are you all from Pangu planet too?"

The person who came over to chat was a human, looking familiar. However, his life energy clearly revealed cunning, and Xiao Ming didn't like it very much.

"Brother, my nickname is Jianghu Baixiaosheng. You can ask me if you have anything to do in the Qinglong Branch. You guys are new here. How about I be a tour guide for you guys?"

Jianghu Baixiaosheng? What a loud tone. But when he said this name, he was obviously lying. Even the nickname is fake.

"No need, we can just walk around on our own without a tour guide. I'm kindly accepting you."

Brother Wen's spiritual power has also been trained well, and his senses are quite sharp. He also noticed that the man's eyes were wandering and unkind, so he declined politely.

"It's not true that you are outsiders. Youdao relies on your parents at home and your friends when you go out. We are all Chinese and should unite and help each other.

Don't be so distant. If you don’t believe in your own countrymen, should you still believe in those aliens? "

The other party felt the rejection of these people, and this guy actually came to him without mercy. Could this be an encounter with the underworld among the reincarnators?

"Get out, you liar! You've come out to deceive new people again. Get out of here, or I'll file a complaint against you right away."

When you see an injustice on the road, you roar. Today, a majestic stone man stood up and roared.

After being yelled at by him, the liar left with a sad "Fuck" sound.

The stone man's body is covered with dark stones and he doesn't need to wear any clothes. He came over and said with a simple smile:

"Hey, that guy is a well-known liar and scoundrel in the town. He's not too bold. He just wants to earn some agency fees.

If you want to trade something, he may take you to some inferior stores. He has earned it.

There's something you may not know when you first come here. In the Qinglong Branch, reincarnators are not allowed to do anything, and they will be punished if they do. Everything that happened can be found on it.

Just now he saw that you didn't believe him, so he wanted to use some rogue tactics to provoke you to take action. If he reports you again, he will be relieved.

That's how he got ahead. Next time we meet him, you can report him first. Just say that he intends to defraud, and the higher-ups will definitely deal with him. "

When it comes to relationships, you will also encounter liars and scoundrels in this kind of place. Several people found it eye-opening.

Everyone has always thought that since we have become reincarnators, isn’t it easy to make some money in reality? ! It would be too cheap to continue to be a little gangster.

I never expected that some reincarnators could become hooligans. The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds.

Kraken took the initiative to talk to the stone man, and his tone was as polite as ever.

"Are you an intelligent creature of the elemental type? This is the first time I've seen you."

"Hahaha," the other party laughed, "I misunderstood, I am also Chinese. Let's not tell the origin. Just call me Lao Zhu."

Everyone called out their nicknames, "Hello, Lao Zhu, my nickname is Fat Guardian."; "Hello, Lao Zhu, I"...

After everyone finished introducing themselves, Lao Zhu said, "I got this stone man look from a god... no, a certain reincarnation world. I have decent abilities.

As for which world it is from, that's valuable information. I can't tell you, you know."

Lao Zhu spoke very honestly, and everyone nodded.

Stone Man Lao Zhu patted the dust on his body, "Okay, I won't delay you, you guys can have fun.

You can walk around in this town, but if you want to go to other towns, you have to spend shopping coupons. Please pay attention.

In fact, I think all towns are similar. There's no need to spend that money. You can do whatever you want."

He left with heavy steps. This guy was so heavy that the ground shook with every step he took. After walking 6 or 7 steps, he turned around and added another sentence.

"By the way, everyone. It's better to trade things in the space's mall and auction house. With the space watching, you won't suffer any loss.

We reincarnations usually trade privately for information. I can't say for sure, so you must keep your eyes open."

After saying that, he continued to walk away with a tremor in his step.

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