Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 472 The Lord of the Rings Part 1 Ends

Xiao Ming's actions have brought great changes to the situation in Middle-earth and the balance of power between the enemy and us.

The fall of Saruman and the demise of the Orcs of Isengard have greatly reduced the power of the evil camp.

At the same time, the spread of telekinesis in Rivendell has greatly enhanced the strength of the justice camp. One rises while the other falls.

The reason why King Elrond did not dare to leave the Supreme Ring in Rivendell was that he believed that with the strength of Rivendell, it could not fight against the two forces of Isengard and Mordor at the same time. Even if he had the Ring of Air, Via, one of the three rings of the elves, it was not enough.

Now King Elrond has greatly increased his confidence. With the popularization of telekinesis, the strength of Rivendell will surely increase greatly. Even if the Supreme Ring is left in Rivendell, he has the confidence to keep it.

The purpose of summoning representatives of other elves, humans, and dwarves to come was to discuss how to deal with the ring. Now it seems that this problem has disappeared. Rivendell is enough to keep the ring.

In this way, there is no need to send people to destroy the ring. Maybe the meat bun hits the dog, and the ring is sent back to Sauron, which strengthens the enemy's power.

The topic of this meeting of King Elrond may have to be changed, and the future development of this side of the Lord of the Rings world is expected to undergo major changes.

However, these are the things that the next wave of reincarnations need to worry about. By then, the Mingjing team will have already reaped enough benefits and left.

Xiao Ming's overall contribution amount, if he gives up other rewards, is enough to ask King Elrond for the Supreme Ring.

As long as this thing leaves the Middle-earth world, Sauron will not be able to chase it, and the reincarnations can use it with confidence. Of course, the ring may not be so powerful.

However, no one told Xiao Ming this, and Qianxinglou did not give any hints.

In order to allow other members of the team to get better rewards, Xiao Ming took the initiative to share some of his contributions.

So, in addition to Xiao Ming, the other five members each received a piece of Mithril soft armor and an Elf sword.

These two treasures can barely be called B-level treasures. One increases defense and the other increases attack.

It is exactly what low-level reincarnationists need most. Especially novices like Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen.

As for Xiao Ming, he got a piece of Mithril soft armor. But he didn't want the elven sword, but asked the blacksmith of the elves to use the technology and materials of the elves to make him a set of Claude 6-style combination swords. In the future, he will have something to show off.

Claude 6-style is actually not in line with the general aesthetics of the elves, and it feels too mechanical. But the design of this combination of weapons has really aroused the research interest of the elves' blacksmiths.

At the same time, there are a few elves who like to hunt for novelties and yearn for Claude 6-style. They also got a set for themselves.

Later in the Lord of the Rings War, Claude 6-style was spread to the human race and caused crazy pursuit, which is a later story.

The elves used more advanced materials and technology for the soft armor and weapons given to Xiao Ming, and even gave them high-level magic blessings.

This made Xiao Ming's Mithril software and Claude 6-style become B+ treasures.

This is not over yet, Xiao Ming has made such a great contribution. Of course, the reward cannot be just a set of weapons and a piece of armor.

King Elrond also gave Xiao Ming 10 seeds of the Melron tree.

It is said that the elven city - the City of Trees - Caras Galadon, is built on a huge forest of Melron trees.

In this Middle-earth continent, only the elven queen Galadriel successfully planted the Melron tree in Lothlorien.

The huge Melron tree has golden leaves. Therefore, Lothlorien is also called the Golden Forest.

Galadriel's son-in-law King Elrond also has the seeds of this tree. Why didn't he try to plant it, we don't know. Anyway, Xiao Ming got a big bargain.

Two plus one makes five, Xiao Ming planted five seeds in Kunlun. The other five were put into Guangmingding and given to Xiaolu for safekeeping.

Today, Xiaolu has almost completely refined the purple vine armor, and the seeds of the Melron tree are also a great tonic for her.

Except for 2 seeds left for later use. The other 3 seeds were absorbed by her one after another. Needless to say, the strength has been enhanced.

Her leaves also began to emit warm and soft golden light. Bright Summit was very beautiful.

However, the layout of the house she possessed was still the modern apartment of Pangu Star, which was more convenient than the style. If you meet a suitable one in the future, you can consider changing it.

Since Xiao Ming settled Saruman, he inherited the Orthanc Tower of Isengard.

There are a lot of wealth, treasures, and books accumulated by Saruman in the tower. These things are of no use to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming can't read all the books on immortal cultivation and books on Pangu Star. What's so good about the books about the world of Lord of the Rings?

How useful is it to know more about this world? It's not certain whether you will encounter it again in the future.

So Xiao Ming was happy to do a favor and gave all of Saruman's inheritance to Gandalf.

Under Gandalf's mediation, Xiao Ming took 3 crystals of true knowledge as a reward.

The appearance of the crystal of true knowledge is like a black crystal ball. It allows users to communicate with each other.

It is precisely because of this function that Saruman and Sauron, who have the crystal, hooked up.

Gandalf certainly couldn't get Sauron's crystal. But there are two crystals in Rivendell. King Elrond has never used them. Just pack them up and give them to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming has no use for the function of this thing, and he has no interest in it.

I didn't expect these things to be high-level treasures that could provide nutrients for Kunlun. Kunlun said he wanted to eat them. Xiao Ming could sense Kunlun's appetite, so he threw them into Kunlun to fuse.

Everything was done, and the elves' rewards were taken. After the time was up, the members of Mingjing's team withdrew from the world of Lord of the Rings.

At this time, Xiao Ming had an idea and played another trick.

He found that if he was willing to consume a lot of source energy, he could delay his time in the reincarnation world.

This thing has never been felt before. I don't know which aspect of my growth has induced this result.

Of course, doing so consumes a lot of source energy, which is not worth the loss. It is better to use the task card directly. After Xiao Ming confirmed the effect, he no longer wasted source energy in vain.

Everyone who returned to the settlement space received a high score.

But the reward for shopping vouchers was much worse. After all, everyone's contribution was used to exchange for the treasures of the elves, so it would naturally be less now.

This time, Xiao Ming's change to the world of Lord of the Rings was huge. So the energy reward is not small.

The three energy trees now are 3.5 meters silver, 5.3 meters green, and 1.2 meters yellow. They are all much fuller.

At the same time, the two spaces of Guangmingding and Kunlun have also expanded to 500 cubic meters. Among them, Kunlun is still expanding at a rate of 0.012m per day.

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