Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 471: Wholesale of Telekinesis

It is already the best that Aragon can regard a few hundred miles as a battlefield. But now Xiao Ming can regard half of the solar system as a battlefield.

In the future, maybe half of the Milky Way can be regarded as a battlefield. In such a vast battlefield, the power of the king will be shocking.

Of course, it may hit the upper limit early. But at the moment, Xiao Ming still doesn't know where its upper limit is.

Aragon's [Long Live the King] is not just [King's Guard] and [King's Power]. There is also a third ability-[King's Majesty].

As the name suggests, it is a kind of pressure from the king. It has a certain deterrent power for all enemies. It can reduce the opponent's strength.

Only those who are kings can be immune. This is also the reason why Xiao Ming didn't notice it at all, because he is also a king.

In addition to the immunity of the king, as a strong man, he can also resist the majesty of the king. This also makes sense. Of course, the strong can treat the kingship as nothing.

In principle, Xiao Ming only simulated 30% of this ability.

However, this ability is closely related to mental power. Xiao Ming's level 6 mental power is far superior to Aragorn.

So the king's majesty used by Xiao Ming is no less effective than Aragorn. Only enemies at level 3 can fight one or two, and those above level 4 can be immune.

In terms of effect, this ability is a bit like the domineering color domineering in One Piece.

However, Xiao Ming's exploration of the secret realm of One Piece is very shallow, and he has not yet learned such high-end things.

In short, Aragorn uses the ability of Long Live the King more authentically than Xiao Ming. The battle formation formed by the King's Guards is also more powerful.

But in terms of endurance, he is definitely not as good as Xiao Ming. Once the telekinesis is used up, it's over. Xiao Ming can use source energy to replenish it for a long time.

The actual combat power is naturally several steps higher than Aragorn.

Aragorn's telekinesis caused an uproar in Rivendell through the spread of the elf princess Arwen.

From time to time, elves come to join the ranks of learning telekinesis. Not only is Xiao Ming very popular now.

Even Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen, who were familiar with telekinesis, became hot teaching resources.

Their favorability among the entire Rivendell elves was rising like a rocket.

Then even Kraken and Yijian Guanghanzhao Jiuzhou joined the ranks of teachers.

Although they did not practice telekinesis, they knew all the relevant knowledge. It was enough to teach the elves verbally.

For this reason, King Elrond specially added a task to Mingjing's team to serve as telekinesis teachers for all the elves in Rivendell. The time limit was one month.

Because Xiao Ming had made up the pot for this task, the reincarnation space had to accept it. But Xiao Ming also deducted 2 team E-level task cards.

That's right, the use of task cards also needs to be doubled each time. The fifth task requires 2 cards.

During this period, King Elrond sent envoys to humans, elves, and dwarves throughout Middle-earth. Asked them to send people to discuss how to deal with the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

However, due to the backward transportation conditions, the King Elrond meeting was still not held until Zhang Wen and others left.

The elves have a high level of comprehension, and most people quickly comprehend telekinesis. Some even developed their own special abilities.

But Xiao Ming is not so familiar with them, and he is embarrassed to ask for the blood of the elves.

Princess Arwen's power of protection is very outstanding. As for King Elrond's ability, it is unknown.

Gandalf and the four hobbits were bored and also attended the telekinesis course.

Gandalf was cunning and quickly developed telekinesis. But like King Elrond, his ability was unknown.

The four hobbits only learned the basics of telekinesis when Mingjing's team was about to leave. I hope it will be helpful to them in the future.

The death of Saruman naturally caused a huge change in the plot. Xiao Ming did not take the risk in vain.

Logically speaking, the corpses of important plot characters can be harvested to create a very strong army.

But Xiao Ming did not do so, because he was very worried that the harvested undead soldiers would not obey. Who knows if this special wizard has any hidden tricks.

So Xiao Ming absorbed Saruman's body completely. Only a head was left.

A small part of his life essence was stored in the genetic information treasure house of the insect people, and most of it was used to strengthen the insect king himself.

Saruman is a wizard, a spiritual wizard. His physical attributes are only slightly stronger than the insect king.

However, the unique body structure of Maia is still worth learning from the insect king.

As for why Saruman's head was left? Of course, it was to ask for benefits from the elves and Gandalf.

Such a big enemy was dealt with by Xiao Ming in advance. If they are unwilling to express their gratitude, it would be too unreasonable.

You must know that Xiao Ming dealt with more than just Saruman, a 7th-level wizard.

After Saruman died, Xiao Ming used alchemy to collapse the entire Isengard Fortress and buried tens of thousands of orcs and strong orcs in the ground. Completely destroyed this evil army.

This is also because Isengard has built a huge underground system. Most of the orcs' strength is here, training strong orcs, building arsenals, and making weapons.

This kind of building structure and this kind of military layout are convenient for Xiao Ming to deal with them.

Alchemy makes the soil layer of the entire Isengard Fortress loose and unable to support the building, which in turn causes the collapse of the overall structure.

Countless earth and rocks fell from the ground, killing countless orcs, and collapsing all the iron-making furnaces. The splashing hot molten iron scalded all nearby orcs to death.

However, these injuries were limited. Most orcs escaped the first wave and were not killed. But there was a second wave, a third wave...

As the ground collapsed completely, mud, sand and rocks continued to fall, and finally none of the orcs working underground could escape. They were all buried underground.

The entire ground dropped three feet. Unless the orcs could dig holes and escape like moles, they would surely die.

The orcs who were cutting trees in Fangorn Forest on the periphery escaped the catastrophe.

In the face of this earth-shattering power, they were all frightened and fled back to the Misty Mountains.

Only the Orthanc Tower could not be transformed by alchemy, nor would it collapse. It stood firmly in place.

There were still some remaining orcs and strong orcs in the tower, but their combat power was not very strong. Abuna, this level 5 guy, is already the strongest among them. Naturally, Xiao Ming easily dealt with him.

If Xiao Ming had acted a few days later, it is likely that a large number of level 3-5 strong orcs would have been successfully cultivated. Xiao Ming would have been in trouble at that time.

Now they all died very miserably in the underground of Isengard. A few days later, the corpses were harvested by Xiao Ming into death breath and undead materials.

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