Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 470 Long Live the King

Xiao Ming's original plan was to detonate the magic power he had injected into Saruman's body, causing serious injuries to Saruman from the inside.

As long as Saruman could be seriously injured, Zhang Zhong could be released and he could be easily dealt with. He could also ensure his own safety by creating a mental shield.

However, Saruman was too vigilant. Every time Xiao Ming wanted to do something small, his intuition gave Xiao Ming a strong warning.

Stop! Don't do it, the end will definitely not be good.

Even when Xiao Ming changed his strategy and decided to let Zhang Zhong attack from Kunlun, Xiao Ming's intuition still warned.

However, the last warning was not as strong as before, and there was a sense of blessing and disaster.

Xiao Ming felt that he had enough to fight, so he acted decisively.

The consequences were indeed so. Saruman died and the King of Insects also died once, which was equivalent to a lose-lose situation.

They both had backers, and in principle, they could be resurrected.

Xiao Ming naturally resurrected normally according to the treatment of the reincarnation space. This resurrection was free.

Because Saruman betrayed his own camp, his original backers, the Valar, did not allow him to be resurrected. Saruman withdrew from the stage of Middle-earth.

In fact, Saruman did not die immediately and completely. His soul still roamed powerlessly in Middle-earth, and eventually disappeared and was forgotten by the world.

Teaching Saruman magic is actually a very dangerous attempt. Xiao Ming knows the risk of this action very well and it is easy to mess up.

Xiao Ming has a high probability of failing to attack Saruman. In that case, Saruman's power will be greatly enhanced.

Who knows to what extent this powerful white-robed wizard will study the undead magic of another world.

With his ability, it is normal for the disciple to surpass the master. In terms of comprehension and ability, Xiao Ming is far behind Saruman.

Saruman is likely to specialize in powerful undead magic and create a powerful undead army. Wouldn't that add huge strength to the evil camp?

So Xiao Ming also took countermeasures in Rivendell - he began to teach Strider Aragorn telekinesis.

Aragorn is such a tough and decisive person. Xiao Ming just used telekinesis to help him a little bit, and successfully induced his own powerful telekinesis.

Strider's telekinesis is a special system, which may be affected by Xiao Ming's shadow clone.

In a very short time, Aragorn has mastered a kind of telekinesis ability that belongs to him - [Long Live the King] Long Live the King.

He can summon eighty-eight sixty-four level 3 telekinetic beast warriors in one breath - [King's Guards]. These guards can be any type of human soldiers.

They will form a battle formation and fight in a legion-style battle with Aragorn as the center. This is just the most basic.

[Power of the King]: Anyone who is loyal to him as king can get the blessing of Aragorn's telekinesis and improve their own combat effectiveness when fighting side by side with him.

At the same time, everyone who regards him as king will also bring a certain combat power bonus to Aragorn.

In other words, the more loyal subordinates there are on the battlefield, the stronger Aragorn will be, and the stronger his subordinates will be.

Of course, it stands to reason that this power should not grow infinitely, and there should be an upper limit. It's just that we don't know what the upper limit is yet.

[Long Live the King] is truly a power that belongs exclusively to the king! And it's a natural power of the king! Ordinary kings can never come up with such a powerful power.

Strider's bloodline is not ordinary. He is the descendant of a true human king. His ancestors once cut off Sauron's finger and stole the Supreme Ring. No wonder he can be so awesome.

Xiao Ming, the insect king, is far behind. Although he is also a king of a race, it's a pity that his own consciousness is too low, and he has never practiced such a powerful king ability.

But it doesn't matter. If we can't practice it ourselves, we can copy it. There is no copyright for telekinesis.

In order to copy Aragorn's ability, Xiao Ming specially asked Aragorn for some blood and gave it to the insect king to absorb. In addition to fusion, some memory fragments were also read.

Of course, the king's memory is not particularly easy to read. Just the part that was read was enough to shock Xiao Ming.

It turned out that Aragorn was now over 80 years old. When he was young, he was taken to Rivendell by his mother and was protected by King Elrond. No wonder he was able to seduce King Elrond's princess Arwen.

After that, there were very few memories that could be read. They were also scattered and did not provide much useful information.

Of course, Xiao Ming did not care about the information. He just wanted to simulate the ability of the King's Teacher by fusing Aragorn's blood.

How should we describe the result? The plagiarism was successful. But the ability of Long Live the King simulated by Xiao Ming was not very satisfactory. But there were also some small surprises.

The ability of [King's Guard] was very useless to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming had many abilities such as clones and mind beasts.

Xiao Ming's original intention was to give up this part of the ability and devote all his energy to simulating [King's Power], the mutual bonus between the king and his subordinates.

Unfortunately, Aragorn's ability was packaged and matched. If you want to pick and choose, it will be more difficult to simulate. It can only be copied as a whole, and the results of the simulation are also decreasing.

Xiao Ming simulated [King's Guard] to 80% similarity, and can summon 64 3rd-level human guard beasts.

Unfortunately, the combat power of the guard is actually not as good as the shadow clone. It is not very good.

The advantage is that it consumes less telekinesis, and Xiao Ming can choose the type of soldiers. 64 cavalrymen are still very impressive.

Moreover, there are no flying soldiers in the mid-way continent, and Aragon's summoning is limited by cognition.

In the Magic Planet game, Xiao Ming has seen the 5th-level flying soldiers of the human race - the Griffin Knight.

This is a soldier formed by humans combining griffins and infantry. And it is not a regular soldier. Xiao Ming has only seen it on Liangshan Marsh.

However, this is enough. Now Xiao Ming can summon a 3rd-level Griffin Knight. This made Aragon envious for a long time.

[Power of the King] Xiao Ming can only simulate 50% of the similarity. But this is a truly useful ability.

I don't know if this ability can also be applied to Xiao Ming himself and the Zerg; between himself and the Zerg; or between himself and the Undead.

Later experimental results showed that Xiao Ming, the king, is a half-baked one. Aragon's ability can only play the greatest role for humans.

Zerg humans can play about half of the effect; Zerg and Undead can only play 30% of the effect. All discounted.

But even so, it is already powerful enough. The number of Zerg and Undead that can be accumulated is too large.

And because the power of the king only works on the battlefield. As the master of the Zerg, the concept of the battlefield is much broader than that of Aragorn, a human.

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