Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 469 Unlucky Saruman

It should be noted that there are great differences between the original novel, film and television works, and the reincarnation world.

The original novel must follow the author's own settings. It must conform to the worldview created by the author.

Film and television works are artistic re-creations made by directors, producers, screenwriters, etc. based on the original novel in order to make the audience understand and enjoy it.

The reincarnation space is to make the film novel real and turn it into a world that conforms to its own various power systems. So some things must not be consistent with the film novel.

The most obvious one is that the actors in the movie are ordinary people, and the stronger ones are only about level 1.

These actors definitely do not have attributes such as strength, physique, and agility above level 4.

Even with the help of special effects, the vision of ordinary audiences cannot really accept battles above level 4. Just that speed exceeds the acceptance capacity of human eyes and brains.

So there must be many differences between the presentation of the movie and the mission world experienced by the reincarnationists.

Some other differences come from the parts that the movie deliberately ignores or changes due to time constraints or other considerations.

For example, in the movie, Saruman sent out the army of orcs to chase and kill Frodo after the ring team set out from Rivendell. To snatch the Supreme Lord Ring.

As for Frodo's journey from the Shire to Rivendell, Saruman did not send out any troops. This is not reasonable.

Since Saruman already knew that Sauron had sent out the Ringwraiths, he would certainly send people to "assist".

If he was lucky, he could take advantage of it and get the Supreme Lord Ring or something.

Gandalf had the Fire Ring Naya, one of the three rings of the elves. Saruman had always been envious and jealous. This was also one of the important reasons why he later went astray.

If he could get the Supreme Lord Ring, Saruman could naturally suppress Gandalf. It was also a way to vent his anger.

Therefore, in the reincarnation world, Saruman sent some people to inquire about the news. However, these people were killed in batches by the two Xiao Mings.

According to the development of the plot. The next step should be the famous King Elrond's meeting, and then the Ring Alliance was officially formed and left Rivendell to Mordor.

During this period, Saruman used magic to attack the Fellowship of the Ring many times from a distance, and even forced them into the underground city of Moria, where they were attacked by orcs and trolls.

Gandalf met the terrifying Balrog here and died with him. The Fellowship of the Ring lost its strongest force.

And Saruman sent out his strong orc army to hunt down the Fellowship of the Ring. After that, there were many battles.

If Xiao Ming knew these plots, he should follow this plot.

The underground city of Moria is the most suitable place for Xiao Ming to display his abilities. There are also mithril mines there. There are countless benefits to be gained.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming didn't know the plot, and he couldn't stand Saruman for much longer. Besides, the Mingjing team didn't have much time to stay.

At this time, Saruman can be said to trust the Worm King quite a lot.

The Worm King had infused magic power into Saruman's body several times to help him learn the magic of the dead.

Once or twice, Saruman was still on high alert. After seven or eight times, this vigilance gradually faded.

Instead, he felt the joy of being able to use the magic of the dead, even though he could only summon a 0-level skeleton soldier at the beginning. This was an improvement from nothing to something.

It was a completely different system of magic power. Saruman naturally felt the enormity and power of that magic system.

This new power opened the door to him, and he would soon gain this powerful power.

When it was also fully developed, no one in the entire Middle-earth would be able to resist Lord Saruman.

Gandalf, elves, and the dark king Sauron, they would all bow down to his power, even gods...

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas, wishful thinking is not only a characteristic of humans, but also of the Maia.

Xiao Ming was very kind and let him have fun for several days. He was also making full preparations.

On this day, the two of them went to a hidden secret room in the Orthanc Tower to practice the magic of the dead again.

The worm king and Saruman intersected their palms, and Xiao Ming transmitted the magic power into Saruman's body.

Xiao Ming originally planned to use the internal energy to heal injuries in martial arts movies and TV shows, and transmit power from Saruman's back.

But the white-robed wizard was so smart that he would never turn his back to Xiao Ming.

So the final posture for transmitting power was to face each other with both palms against each other.

Saruman thought he had figured out John's background very well. His physical fitness was only level 4, and his magic power seemed good.

But there was no one-time burst of big moves in the magic of the undead system. Even if he tried his best to sneak attack, he could not cause real harm to himself.

And John would definitely not be able to resist his backhand attack. So he was more relieved.

Confidence comes from strength. Saruman's ability is even better than Gandalf. He is a master of the 7th level.

King Elrond is at the advanced level of the 7th level, and Zhang Zhong is just between the two of them, at the intermediate level of the 7th level.

Saruman has always made the wrong choice. His opponent has never been John, but a Zhang Zhong he didn't know existed.

[Sun Shooting Arrow], Zhang Zhong's strongest melee skill, the powerful telekinetic arrow from Lu Xiaoming's right hand hit Saruman.

Instantly blasted him into the corner, spitting blood and being seriously injured. Zhang Zhong also jumped out of Kunlun and stood in front of Saruman.

The interior of the Orthanc Tower is so solid. With such a huge force, the wall is still intact.

But the 7th-level Saruman is not a waste. At the same time as the Sun-shooting Arrow burst out. Saruman instantly realized that something was wrong, and his right hand also sent out a powerful magic shock.

Before attacking Saruman, Xiao Ming was worried about arousing the other party's suspicion, so he naturally did not add a mental shield to himself.

It was too late to put on a shield at this time. In terms of reaction speed, Saruman is far above the Insect King.

So Saruman's magic shock hit Xiao Ming without any hindrance. It also knocked his body against the wall.

However, Saruman was only seriously injured, and Xiao Ming had become a real corpse and disappeared randomly.

Xiao Ming tried his best but could not avoid this result. He still had to consume a free resurrection opportunity.

After resurrecting not far away, Xiao Ming took a minute and a half to rush to the secret room. When he arrived, Saruman had become a corpse.

What kind of big waves can a seriously injured Saruman make when facing Zhang Zhong, who is stronger than him? !

After a series of arrows bombarded him, Saruman was dead. A generation of heroes fell silently.

The body has not cooled down yet. So while it is hot, the insect king inserted the straw on his tail into Saruman's tattered body...

This unlucky child, in the end, he couldn't even keep his body intact.

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