Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1642 Wrangel

Speaking of the explorer's mercenaries, they really played a big role. First of all, the number of more than thirty mercenaries is quite large, which is already equivalent to the total number of young adults in the Wrangel tribe.

The quality of the soldiers is also good. The mercenaries of the explorers are all ascetics. They can prevent high health and heal the enemy. Even level 1 or 2 ascetics can be very helpful at the beginning.

Apart from anything else, a healing spell can save lives at a critical moment.

However, as the Viking orcs took up their posts as ascetics one after another, and they all learned healing techniques, the advantages of mercenaries gradually weakened.

After all, the orcs who can come out to hunt are all above level 3, and Wrangel himself is a level 5 berserker. The lower-level troops are somewhat unable to keep up with them.

Their tribe has been eliminated through various hardships in life, and most of the surviving warriors are strong. It is estimated that in the near future, some of them will understand the small universe and become warriors.

As a result, 2/3 of the 1st and 2nd level mercenaries were left by the explorers in the Nordic Fairyland to help the old, weak, women and children. When hunting, only level 3 troops can be brought into battle.

It is obvious that after joining the Explorers, the combat effectiveness of the Wrangel Orc Tribe has been significantly improved. In addition, within the scope of the miracle, they have also been blessed by the God King Odin.

Although Odin's current ability is still very low, he can't be of much help. But it was possible to make the Viking hunts go more smoothly.

Over and over again, life for the Wrangel tribe has indeed improved these days. However, nearby wild animals, especially predators, also began to migrate out. He gave up the ecological niche he occupied to the Viking orcs. Herbivores don't need to panic, it doesn't matter who eats them.

Before the large-scale population expansion of Nordic Asgard, these herbivores should still remain around.

This time, explorers and orcs jointly hunted Arctic wolves not to store food; the real purpose was to drive them away to prevent them from competing with the tribe for prey.

So there is no need to kill them all, just drive them away. Don’t chase the poor bandits!

Otherwise, if they really fight for their lives, the orcs will have to suffer a lot of losses. The current population is so precious that we can’t bear to part with it.

In comparison, Wrangel prefers fishing. Eating fish can remind the orcs of their days as pirates.

Ever since they hid in the Scandinavian mountains, there was no fish at all. It would be a lie to say that I don’t miss the highlight moments of the past.

Unexpectedly, there is a huge lake in the Nordic fairy palace deep in the mountains. It is rich in aquatic products, enough for the tribe to develop a population. The orcs were actually very happy.

After understanding the general situation, the explorer smiled slightly, put the mercenaries back into the tent, and took the orcs back to the Immortal Palace.

Currently, the Wrangel tribe basically lives in the Intermediate Temple of Shaking Light Star. After a while, when the food reserves are abundant, they will start building houses. Move out of the temple and live there. However, there is no spare time for the time being, so they still have to settle in the explorer's temple.

Outside the temple, a dozen orc children were receiving instruction from an old orc warrior, practicing with real swords and swords.

Life in the tribe is difficult, and even children have to receive combat training early. There is no time for them to play and enjoy their childhood.

Other female orcs were also busy inside and outside, cleaning the temple, organizing items, washing clothes, cooking food... They were very busy.

The Viking orcs have always been strong and tough, and female orcs are no exception. Strong women can even hunt with men. In the eyes of humans, it is inevitable that the flavor of women is missing.

Now it seems that this is not entirely the case. At least, these busy orc women are a bit like good wives and mothers, but their muscles are relatively developed.

In fact, orc women also have to take care of housework, but generally speaking, their work is rough. Clothes are often torn when doing laundry, and they are scattered all over the floor when cooking.

However, life was difficult for the whole tribe in the early days, and it was impossible to continue to be lavish. They were forced to learn to budget carefully and manage housework lightly.

Now that they have a beautiful temple as a place to live, of course they have to take care of it. The level of detail in doing things is already comparable to that of human women.

Seeing the soldiers returning happily, they knew they must have returned victoriously and drove away the Arctic wolves. Everyone came forward to greet them.

First they bowed to the explorer, and then they took their family members and became very affectionate.

As for the soldiers not bringing back any prey, it didn't matter at all. They also don't want their father, brother, nephew, or nephew to get hurt. There are plenty of fish in the lake, and they don't want their relatives to fight against the wolves.

"Cough, cough." The explorer deliberately coughed twice to attract everyone's attention, and then said loudly, "Very good, I have seen your piety these days, and hereby declare that you have passed my test and will be Receive God’s reward.”

"Great!" "What test?" "And a reward?"... Wrangel and others immediately started talking among themselves.

The orcs were relatively content. They felt that the previous explorers had given them enough. Full of yearning for the future life.

As a result, the explorers now say that the previous ones were tests from God, and they will continue to give rewards in the future. This made the orcs a little confused. Are there more benefits? Everyone looked forward to it.

Xiao Ming said no more, stretched out his hand to open the space door, and a large amount of food, furniture, and building materials appeared out of thin air in the open space in front of the temple. It caused a burst of exclamations.

The orcs were stunned for a while, and then almost at the same time they rushed to the pile of things, touching this and moving that, and arguing for a long time.

It was Wrangel who figured it out first. He shouted to stop the chaos of the crowd, and led everyone to kneel down and thank the Temple of Odin, and bowed to thank the explorer.

The favorability of the crowd towards the explorer increased rapidly, and in a short while, seven or eight diehard fans appeared. There were still a dozen orcs, who were only one step away from diehards, and they would arrive in a few days.

Xiao Ming thought that Wrangel, the original leader of the tribe, would not be very happy about this, after all, it was a disguised weakening of his power.

But what he didn't expect was that he was also one of the orcs who were about to become diehards of the explorer. Is this guy's character so reliable? He doesn't envy, jealous, and hate? It's really rare.

Xiao Ming's idea is to measure the orcs with human habits. The orcs are indeed barbaric and cruel, but they are also relatively simple and direct, without so many tricks.

For the explorer, the first believer of the great god Odin, the orcs are quite respectful and have no intention of fighting for power and profit. Moreover, the explorer's strength has also been recognized by them.

This situation is similar to how Ouyang Feng, Sha Tongtian and others gained the loyalty of the residents of Khwarezm.

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