Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1643: Selection of God Warriors

The Explorer's level is less than level 4, and when controlled by the intelligent program Xiaoer, his strength is not particularly outstanding. Why can the orcs respect him?

You should know that among them, there are dozens of level 3 and 4 warriors, and the leader Wrangel is a level 5 berserker. They should not look down on the level 3 Explorer.

In fact, this is an idea that only those who do not understand the Explorer role well enough will have. Even if Xiao Ming does not log in to the role himself, the combat power of the Explorer operated by the intelligent program is quite impressive.

First of all, the profession of Jedi Knight is very eye-catching. Various applications of the Force are also excellent, and the super strong attack power of the lightsaber is even more eye-catching.

When hunting, encountering some hard bones that are not easy to chew, even Wrangel can't do anything, but the Explorer's lightsaber can break the defense. Naturally, he will be looked up to.

In addition, the Explorer's 2000 points of small universe can barely keep him wearing the God Fighting Clothes for 4 minutes.

In these 4 minutes, the Explorer is an excellent meat shield with good attack power. It is enough to make the orcs astonished. It is not surprising to get their respect.

The adult orcs respect the explorer because of his strength, while the orc children are completely bought by the explorer's ascetic barbecue and love him for the barbecue.

As the saying goes, the half-grown boy eats the old man out of money. This is even more true for the orc children. They can eat more than adult humans, but they often don't have enough food.

There is no way. The tribe must first ensure that the warriors who go out hunting have sufficient physical strength, and then the women who work at home. The priority of children is only ahead of the elderly orcs.

But there are not many elderly orcs left in the tribe. So these children have the lowest priority and have been in a semi-starved state.

These days, there is suddenly a "generous" explorer brother. The barbecue in his backpack seems to be bottomless. No matter when you ask for it, there is always barbecue.

The children are so happy. Since then, they have developed a habit. Whenever they see the explorer, they will surround him to ask for barbecue.

Fortunately, according to Xiao Ming's habit, the backpacks of the four game characters have always maintained a large amount of barbecue inventory, and the Bright Summit is full of barbecue. It was not eaten up by the group of orc children. Therefore, he won the love of the orc tribe.

Taking out the barbecue again to send away the children who surrounded him, the explorer walked into the temple. He was going to test an idea before.

The matter of using the ghost messenger clone as a Hades warrior gave Xiao Ming inspiration. Since the ghost messenger clone can become a candidate for the Hades warrior, can his own mind beast also be?

The most suitable mind beast is Xiao Ming's Alien Queen and Alien King Kong. Their current strength is above A level.

Mainly because Xiao Ming developed the Kyber crystal weapon series in the "Star Wars" world and gave them a major upgrade, and the aliens were upgraded.

However, if you want them to become God Warriors, the small universe is also indispensable.

Xiao Ming planted the seeds of the microcosm in the 14 members of the Alien Family, including the Queen, in the Yaoguang Star Temple.

With the combat experience and strong mental strength of these guys, the seeds of the microcosm quickly took root and sprouted, and grew vigorously...

Soon, they had the microcosm of the bronze Saint Seiya level. That is, it is similar to the explorer, with a few thousand points of microcosm.

After all, they are just mind beasts, and unlike the ghost messenger, it is already precious that the microcosm can rush to the bronze level at once.

You know, the protagonists in "Saint Seiya" such as Seiya and Ikki all need to practice for many years to reach this level. Don't be weak.

Then Xiao Ming immediately arranged for Old A, Old C, and the eldest to the fifth, a total of seven Alien King Kongs, to declare their loyalty to the God King Odin. The remaining few are ready to become sea warriors.

The hidden task chain [The Rebirth of God King Odin], the second ring [The Glory of Odin] task is finally completed. The Explorer's Microcosm Limit +1000, and one more foundation stone for the Odin Temple.

Comparing with the informant, you will find that Odin is more stingy than Hades in terms of the Microcosm rewards.

But although Hades was generous, he had hidden malice and hoped that Pandora would take over his body. In fact, it was equivalent to giving it to "his own people" in the future, so he was so generous. Odin doesn't like to play that kind of trick.

Unexpectedly, the third ring mission was not released directly. Because of the addition of 7 A-level Alien King Kongs, the God King Odin needed to readjust the plan.

In the Hades lineage, Hades's way of playing is to take over the body with the magic star. Odin will definitely not play it that way.

But we can't wait for the newly promoted God Warriors to cultivate their Microcosms little by little, cultivate to the level of Gold Saints, and then distribute the 7 God Fighting Clothes like in the original work.

It will take a few years, and players don't have that patience! The time span must be shortened.

Odin has three sets of standards for the selection of the seven God Warriors, corresponding to players, free NPCs, and NPCs subordinate to players.

Player characters need to provide enough microcosm and faith points for Odin like explorers to obtain the status of believers.

Believers ranked in the top few are eligible to exchange for God Fighting Clothes, and need to pay a large amount of microcosm and faith points. There are only a few genuine God Fighting Clothes, and the quick ones will be gone.

Since the Nordic Asgard is relatively poor, when Odin recovers to a certain extent, he will most likely be willing to accept offerings in terms of money and wealth.

As the first believer, the explorer got the God Fighting Clothes for free. After all, he awakened the God King, so it is normal to have some preferential treatment.

If it is a free NPC without affiliation, the players will not know about the transaction between Odin and him, so there is no need to explain it.

However, if it is an NPC belonging to the player (including soldiers and creatures), then Odin will also issue tasks to the player.

Xiao Ming's 7 aliens are mind beasts, which are equivalent to the player's subordinates.

The system evaluated that they are qualified to become God Fighters, and qualified to become genuine God Fighters, so the exchange qualification was issued to the explorer.

As long as Xiao Ming pays enough small universe and faith value, he can buy the remaining 7 God Fighting Clothes.

What? Didn't the explorer already get the Yaoguang Star God Fighting Clothes? There should be only six left.

But please don't forget that Kaiyang Star is a binary star system. In addition to the main star, there is also an auxiliary star. So Kaiyang Star has two God Fighting Clothes, one main and one auxiliary. The only difference is that there is no Odin sapphire on the Kaiyang Fuxing's God's Battle Suit.

But it doesn't matter now. Because even the explorer's Yaoguang Star does not have Odin sapphire, no one has the right to laugh at anyone.

It is estimated that this lineage will definitely have the task of competing for Odin sapphire in the future. Let's see what the situation is then.

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