Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1641: Hunting

At this point, the affairs of Hades and the Underworld come to an end. It's not that Xiao Ming can't develop new tasks, but he doesn't want to do more tasks before he is sure that Hades can be dealt with.

The more tasks the accuser does, the stronger Hades will be. It is more in Xiao Ming's interests to let him continue to sleep.

The current situation is that almost all Hades temples are located in the underworld, and the managers are still ghost clones of Xiao Ming.

So he can close all temples to the outside world and not accept any undead souls as new believers. The faith value I paid could only maintain the minimum existence of the temple. Try to slow down Hades' recovery as much as possible.

But don't forget, there is also a city of Hades on the strategic map, which was the former Funnel City.

This city is managed by the Teller of the Dead, and the entire city functions as an intermediate temple. There are many undead residents in the city.

If they actively choose to believe in Hades, there will be no way to stop them from telling the dead. Unless the city of Hades is destroyed and all the residents are driven away.

But that would be an overreaction, and it can't be done. Because under normal circumstances, the system does not allow players to actively destroy their own cities.

Hades City was the first city that Xiao Ming acquired, and it can be said that it has developed quite well today. As time goes by, it will definitely bring a large number of believers to Hades. Hades will recover sooner or later.

When Pluto is weak, Xiao Ming's mental ability can suppress him and deceive him, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

As long as Hades recovers to a certain extent, he will definitely be able to see through the deception of the accuser. By then, I really don’t know how it will end.

So Xiao Ming decided that he still had to find a way with the other three gods-Athena, Odin, and Poseidon. After all, only the Lord God can deal with the Lord God in the end.

Just before Hades becomes powerful, "support" other gods and let him/her deal with Hades.

After taking a look at the progress of the three roles of researcher, explorer, and diver, and combining it with his own situation, Xiao Ming chose to seek a breakthrough through the line of Nordic God King Odin.

Not for anything else, just because these days, a large number of believers have poured into the Greek sanctuaries and underwater temples, and the situation is very good.

Only the Nordic Fairyland was pitifully deserted. Xiao Ming's temperament was more sympathetic to the weak, so he planned to help Odin first.

Well, these are just high-sounding words, Xiao Ming actually has other plans in mind.

Both gods, Athena and Poseidon, gained large numbers of followers. This means that if Xiao Ming wants to do anything, it will be more difficult. Other believers will spontaneously monitor him.

Only Odin and Gada have few people, so it is easier for Xiao Ming to monopolize power.

And because the Nordic Fairyland is the poorest place, Xiao Ming's ability to "print unlimited money" can have the greatest effect here.

In addition, to be honest, he also covets Odin's shirt. Isn't it just to collect the 7 Odin Sapphires on the God's Cloak? It's not too difficult to imagine.

As soon as Xiao Ming switched to the Explorer, a male NPC in his forties, wrapped in animal skins, said to him:

"Sir Explorer, hunting Arctic wolves is still too difficult. Otherwise, let's go to the lake to see if there are any fish." He said and pointed to a lake near the Asgard.

After checking the records for a while, Xiao Ming learned that the guy who was talking to him was named Wrangel. He and his tribe are the only followers to join the Nordic Asgard so far.

They are not humans, nor the elves or half-elves common in Europe, but a tribe of Viking orcs.

Because the climate in Northern Europe is too cold, elves and half-elves are not adapted to life here, and humans are slightly inferior in terms of tenacity. Only by choosing the right technology tree can this area survive in the long term.

Therefore, among the long-term residents of Northern Europe, there are a large number of orcs. After all, the strong bodies of orcs can better withstand the cold and hunt wild animals. They are collectively known as Viking Orcs.

Moreover, because they live on a peninsula, Viking orcs are also good at water warfare. This is the biggest difference between them and the grassland orcs in the East and the desert orcs in Africa.

The various orc tribes living north of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty are all landlubbers. It is extremely brave on land, but once it enters the water, it immediately sinks to the bottom.

However, this group of Viking orcs led by Wrangel is relatively poor, and calling them a tribe is a bit overestimating them.

The total number of men, women, old and young is less than a hundred. They are considered a family, which is too bragging. It also failed to fill the first ring mission requirements of the explorer. It is only a few believers short of 100.

Originally, because their tribe was defeated at the seaside, they fled into the large forests of the Scandinavian mountains and struggled to survive.

The reason why they became followers of Odin was not because a blind cat met a dead mouse and found the Nordic fairy palace by accident. Rather, they were attracted by the miracles displayed by the explorers.

The explorer established the Shaking Star Temple on November 15th. He waited there for three days but did not see any believers coming to the Nordic Fairy Palace.

God Odin knew that this was not going to work. After all, you will get what you pay for. The Nordic Fairyland is hidden deep in the mountains, so it is difficult to attract believers.

So, taking advantage of his first believer, the Explorer, he dedicated a large amount of faith value to the Temple of the Shaking Star. He issued a separate quest to the Explorer that was not part of the quest chain.

[Show Miracle]: Purple Master Level Task. Consume more than 10,000 Faith Points to perform a miracle for Odin. Announce the good news of the resurrection of the great god Odin.

The more Faith Points consumed, the larger the scale of the miracle, the longer the duration, and the better the effect. Naturally, the better the reward the player gets.

In this matter, after obtaining Xiao Ming's approval, the intelligent program Xiaoer used 50,000 Faith Points and exceeded the task. He was rewarded with 1,000 points of the upper limit of the small universe.

The huge projection of the statue of Odin hung high above the Nordic Fairy Palace for five days and five nights. People outside the mountains may not be able to see it, but several tribes living nearby actually saw it.

However, the great god Odin has not been "sent" for a long time, and now only exists in the legends of the Viking orcs. Their tribes have long changed their beliefs.

At present, there are only a handful of people who still remember Odin. That is, guys like Wrangel, who inherited the legacy of generations of tribal leaders, can still vaguely remember such a thing.

No one in other tribes believed the news that Odin was back, only Wrangel chose to take a gamble.

Anyway, his tribe was on the verge of collapse, so he decided to give it a try. Xiao Er was so happy to see them join him that he accepted all of them without even asking.

After accepting them, he found that the tribe had run out of ammunition and food. So he took advantage of the explorer and first converted the entire tribe into ascetics and bought exclusive suits. The physical fitness of the tribesmen was greatly improved, increasing their chances of survival.

Then the explorer led his mercenaries to help the orcs hunt for food. When Xiao Ming switched over, he happened to catch up with this scene.

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