Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1627: The Plan to Destroy the Family

In fact, Xiao Ming was able to wear the Hades Clothes of the three giants with the A-level Heavenly Star Ghost Messenger, and this was not just good luck.

The system or Hades let it go because if the wearer of the Hades Clothes (candidate) is a little weaker, it will be more helpful for the Demon Star in the Hades Clothes to successfully seize the body and be reborn. The opponent is too strong, what if the Demon Star can't handle it?

Of course, it doesn't work if the candidate is too weak. If the opponent can't bear a certain degree of consumption of the Hades Clothes, there will not be enough time for the Demon Star to erode the opponent.

Please note that after Hades releases the Hades Clothes and the Demon Star, whether he can successfully seize the body can only be discovered after his own strength recovers to a good level.

At present, his strength is still too weak, and he can't detect that the Demon Star has been swallowed. The system knows, but it will definitely not tell him. He is a referee and can't interfere blindly.

The 24 Hades Warriors and Ghost Messengers provided by Xiao Ming before were relatively strong. The success rate of the Demon Star seizing the body is not very high.

From Hades's perspective, only the Ghost Messenger of Tian Mengxing this time is the perfect candidate. The strength of A-level is just right, and the "real resurrection" of Tian Mengxing is just around the corner.

Unfortunately, this time, Lord Pluto was too smart and was exploited by Xiao Ming.

The Ghost Messenger of Tian Mengxing himself could not subdue the Demon Star and Hades Clothes, but he had Xiao Ming as a big backer! No matter how strong a person is, he will be scared when he encounters a cheater.

The Demon Star of the Three Giants is nothing more than a large meat bun in Xiao Ming's eyes. Hey, the Demon Star is a meat bun, then what is he? Pah pah pah...

It took Xiao Ming several hours to devour the Demon Star of Tian Mengxing. In the game, a few hours is a long time. Most players don't have such long patience.

But it is much easier for Xiao Ming to subdue the Demon Star in the reincarnation world of "Saint Seiya" than in the past.

At that time, even if he was in Kunlun and cut off the connection between the Demon Star and Hades, Xiao Ming would need a month to subdue a mere Diyin Star Demon Star.

Now, Hades has just "resurrected" and can't help the Demon Star. Xiao Ming only needs a few hours to subdue one of the three giants. Isn't this gap too big?

In fact, this result is normal. First of all, Xiao Ming's strength is more than a little stronger than that time; and the Demon Star in the game is just a younger brother compared to the Demon Star in the reincarnation world. With the increase and decrease of one, it is naturally easy to deal with it.

Unfortunately, due to the huge gap between the Tianmengxing Ghost Messenger and the three giants, after digesting the corresponding Demon Star, he only improved a small step to the advanced level of A-level, and still failed to rush to S-level.

It doesn't matter, this is enough. One more powerful 7th-level master will provide him with great help when the intelligent program Xiao Wuer is in charge.

More importantly, this success is enough to prove that even the Demon Star of the three giants of the underworld can be subdued by himself, and there will be nothing to be afraid of in the future.

The only ones stronger than the three giants are Pandora, the Twin Gods, and Hades himself.

A few days ago, the dead person completed Hades's awakening mission and obtained Pandora's underworld clothes. After that, he swallowed Pandora's soul fragments several times in a row.

Xiao Ming probably realized that a hidden line of resurrecting Pandora was broken by himself. As long as Hades continues to take Pandora's soul fragments as rewards, she will not be resurrected.

Since Pandora's underworld clothes and the underworld clothes of the gods of sleep and death all appeared in the mission rewards that time, it means that the three of them are in a similar situation. Hypnos, the god of sleep, and Thanatos, the god of death, are also waiting in line for resurrection.

According to the current situation, the resurrection mission of the Twin Gods will most likely fall into his hands. What's the point of resurrecting them? They will also be cold.

These masters cannot pose a threat. As long as he can slow down Hades' resurrection progress indefinitely, the entire underworld forces in the game will be controlled by the dead person.

This kind of thing is exciting just thinking about it. Isn't this what Kanon did in the original work?

All the Gemini Gold Saints are twins, and Kanon is Saga's twin brother.

By chance, he deceived the sealed Poseidon, and Kanon controlled the entire power of the Undersea Temple. This achievement is quite remarkable. He is worthy of being the man who deceived God.

Now that Ka is there, Xiao Ming also has the opportunity to achieve the same achievement in the game. And it is even more impressive, because Hades' power and reputation are several chips stronger than Poseidon.

If he successfully deceives Hades, I wonder if the system will give him a title, called [The Man Who Deceives God]. This is a bit of a brain hole, but the possibility is not low.

Xiao Ming currently has a plan that is not very complete to deceive and control Hades, the King of the Underworld. It was thought of when the deceased just got the [Pandora Necklace].

In the original work, Hades has always hidden his true body in the Pure Land. Usually he always appears in the underworld as a soul, commanding the actions of Pandora and the Hades Warriors.

He once coveted the body of Shun, one of the five bronze warriors. He used it as a carrier to carry his soul in the outside world.

If the creator of the game would pay tribute to the original work, Xiao Ming estimated that there might be a body belonging to Hades in the [Pure Land of Bliss] behind the underworld.

And Hades' soul has a vague sense of his own body, so when communicating with the underworld yesterday, he avoided Xiao Ming's many interferences and identified the correct underworld.

The Pandora necklace is a treasure that allows the deceased to go to the Pure Land. This is a rare opportunity. As long as he reaches the Pure Land, Hades' body will be at his disposal.

The sooner this matter is done, the easier it will be to succeed. Once Hades's microcosm recovers to a certain extent in the later stage, Xiao Ming may not have a chance.

Now is an excellent window period. Yesterday, Hades consumed a lot of microcosms to build a channel connecting the human world and the underworld. This period is almost his weakest time. Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Hades never expected that the first believer who had made great contributions to him was a man with ulterior motives. He even coveted his body!

But who can he blame for this? ! Xiao Ming not only resurrected Hades, a great god, but also resurrected Athena, Odin, and Poseidon.

Xiao Ming did not show any covetousness or conspiracy towards the three gods. They maintain a mutually beneficial relationship, without any conflicts.

He used such a sinister and vicious "family extermination plan" against Hades, for no other reason than self-defense! Because Hades actually started the feud between them.

Hades hid a trick in the Hades clothes rewarded to the deceased, intending to arrange for his subordinates to take over the player's game character. If Xiao Ming does not fight back, will he still be kept for the New Year?

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