Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1628 Wall of Sighs

After passing through the Ice Hell, the characters of the Dead Accuser came to a majestic palace... in front of the ruins. Among the ruins, there seemed to be a half-dragon statue lying there.

This is the first of the four circles after the Eight Hells of the Underworld: [Cain Ring]. It is ruled by one of the three giants, the Sky Star Wyvern Hades Warrior. Now it is just a ruin.

The Sky Star Ghost Messenger had an idea in his mind, planning to restore this palace. The difficulty of this matter is not high. In the early stage, only one Hades Temple Foundation Stone and a batch of resources are needed.

Foundation Stones can be used to build new Hades Temples, or to strengthen old Hades Temples, including special castles such as Hades City. The more the better.

Xiao Ming has several temple foundation stones. They are all rewards for repeated tasks. He saved them temporarily and did not use them immediately.

Mainly because the Dead Accuser is busy now and has no time to do anything else. Secondly, Xiao Ming intends to think twice before taking any reward from Hades, and wait and see. Lest there be any tricks hidden in it.

As for the temple of Hades, there is a Hades city that is enough for now. Xiao Ming does not even plan to build an ordinary Hades temple, let alone restore the palace of the three giants.

Then, the deceased and others crossed the second circle [Antenor Ring] and the third circle [Ptolemy Ring], which were also full of ruins, and finally came to the palace of the fourth circle [Judah Ring].

This is Hades' residence in the underworld, and it is also the only Hades temple in the underworld that has retained its main body intact.

The manager of this palace is Hades himself. The twin gods may have half the power of the owner, but the deceased, as the commander of the Hades Legion, does not have supreme power here.

Under normal circumstances, Hades's microcosm will always pay attention to this place. The hostile informant will be exposed under the close attention of Hades here. Then Hades will use his own microcosm to pit the informant in this temple, his home.

The wealthy Hades has prepared a lot of advanced means inside the palace of Judah Ring. If it is activated, Xiao Ming will have to work hard to pass.

However, Hades now trusts the informant almost completely and does not pay attention to this place at all. The key is that he is over-consumed and is now resting and recovering, and does not have enough energy to pay attention.

Several Hades warriors led by Tian Mengxing followed the informant, ignoring the statue in the center of the palace, and walked all the way to the deepest part of the palace-[Wall of Sighs]

Even if the entire underworld is in ruins, this wall still stands tall. Time has not left a trace of scars on it.

The Wall of Sighs is the boundary between the Pure Land of Bliss and the Underworld. Only God can pass through it. No matter how powerful the energy impact is, it will remain unscathed. All beings except God can only sigh at it in despair. But it is not completely impossible to break through.

In the original work, the power of the twelve gold saints was gathered, and the microcosm and their own lives were burned with all their strength to create the light of hope in the darkness and a ray of sunshine in hell. This ray of sunshine opened a tunnel in the center of the Wall of Sighs.

Because the natal constellations of the gold saints are exactly the twelve constellations that the sun's trajectory passes through on the ecliptic plane. The holy clothes absorbed the powerful energy of the sun. But after the passage was opened, all the twelve gold saints died.

After that, the five bronze warriors, as the protagonists, could pass through the tunnel and come to the intersection of the underworld and the Pure Land of Bliss.

But there is a distorted, chaotic and disordered super-time and space, and normal people will die soon in it.

The five little strong men relied on the powerful protagonist halo and the blessing of the blood of the goddess Athena to pass through the endless twisted space and reach their destination. Ordinary people can't do it at all.

Fortunately, the dead teller doesn't need to do such a difficult and dangerous thing. He has the identity of the commander of the Hades Legion and wears the Pandora necklace. Hades allows the dead teller to cross the Wall of Sighs at will and reach the Pure Land of Bliss.

Of course, the other Hades warriors and ghost messengers don't have this privilege. They can only wait for the dead teller to return at the Wall of Sighs.

And the dead teller didn't encounter the terrifying twisted space. Since there is a privilege, there is no need to be so troublesome. After the dead teller passed through the Wall of Sighs, he stood directly in the Pure Land of Bliss.

In theory, there is no death, no sadness, and no troubles in the Pure Land of Bliss. Only the purest souls chosen by God can reach this world after death.

Being chosen by God is also a privilege. Like the dead teller, they all went directly through the Wall of Sighs to the Pure Land of Bliss.

Even if the creator, Lord Hades, and the twin gods are gone, this place should not be empty. At least the souls who once lived here should continue to live here without worries.

But this is not the scene that the deceased saw. There are no living creatures in the Pure Land, and the beautiful garden in the legend is nowhere to be seen. There are only endless rocks and sand.

The reason is simple. Hades is the creator of the Pure Land. He is in a half-dead state, and naturally unable to maintain the normal operation of the Pure Land. Everything is decaying.

In the reincarnation world, it was because Hades died that the Pure Land and the Underworld collapsed one after another. Xiao Ming was able to pick up a big bargain and pack up a large piece of the Underworld and take it away.

In the game, Hades is not dead and is still lingering. So the Pure Land and the Underworld are also in the same half-dead state.

The only thing that can barely remain intact is the Temple of Hades in the center of the Pure Land. Even more magnificent than the palace in the Ring of Judas in the underworld.

It consists of dozens of palaces of different sizes. The palace with the largest central seat must be the residence of Hades himself.

There are slightly smaller palaces on both sides, most likely the bedrooms of Hypnos, the god of sleep, and Danatus, the god of death. Other lower palaces are naturally prepared for those pure souls after death.

Hades is also interesting. Even the warriors who were loyal to him were not qualified to live in the Pure Land after they died. Instead, the souls of some humans with little fighting ability could come here to live for a long time. It's really strange.

The three gods' palaces formed a huge square in the center. The various statue decorations in the square have declined. Only two things remain.

One is a round stone pillar hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters high. The magical legend of Hades is carved on the side of the stone pillar, and the statue of Hades is on the top.

The other is a large kettle as tall as a person. At first glance, Xiao Ming thought it was just a decoration.

But if you think about it carefully, if it were a decoration, it would have returned to dust long ago. This "big kettle" still exists today, which shows that it is absolutely extraordinary. Be sure to study it carefully when you have time. The most important thing right now is to find Hades' body.

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