Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1626 Initial restoration of order in the underworld

The deceased arranged for the Hades warrior Tenjianxing·Ferryman to transport the dead back and forth on the Styx; sent Tianyingxing·Emperor to guard the first hell, the Hades Court;

Even the second to seventh hells have different Hades warriors temporarily guarding; why is the eighth hell missing? This is what happened.

In the original work of "Saint Seiya", the eighth hell is also called the River of Weeping or the Ice Hell. Those who commit the most serious crime of attempting to rebel against God will fall here and never be reborn.

As the King of the Underworld, Hades naturally made some moves on his territory, and almost all the Saints who have been loyal to the goddess Athena in the past have been buried here.

In theory, the warriors who participated in the holy war between gods cannot be regarded as such sinners.

After all, Hades also has subordinates, and they will also take action against other gods, mainly the goddess Athena. If it is fair and just, those Hades warriors should also be punished here.

But Hades is such a shameless god who is lenient with himself and strict with others. He doesn't care whether it is fair or not, and uses the Ice Hell to punish other gods' warriors.

Although the number of Saints of all generations is the largest, many Sea Warriors and God Warriors also sleep here, and other gods can do nothing about it.

Perhaps because of the loss of fairness and justice, Hades became the only Olympus god who was killed in the original work. Poseidon, the sea king, was just sealed.

Xiao Ming knew what was going on in the eighth hell, so he planned to come and see the situation first, and then decide whether to send Hades warriors to guard it.

In fact, he was just planning to pick up the bargain. If the souls of the dead Saints of all generations are really imprisoned here, Xiao Ming wants to try to resurrect them and use them for himself.

Unfortunately, the system did not leave such a loophole for him. The Ice Hell, like other hells, is already empty. What Saints of all generations, not a single one was seen. It is estimated that they have all been scattered.

However, among the new undead, there were a few who committed the sin of disrespecting the gods and were thrown into the Weeping River by Tianyingxing and were frozen firmly.

Therefore, the Eighth Hell is actually the easiest to guard. All the undead who committed crimes are frozen. It is impossible for them to run away by themselves. It is almost the same whether there are Hades warriors to guard it.

However, Xiao Ming felt that since the other seven hells were guarded by Hades warriors, it seemed not good to leave this place empty.

So he randomly selected the most useless Hades warrior, Frog from Diqixing, to temporarily guard the Ice Hell. After this decision was made, the system responded immediately.

[Congratulations to the player for reporting the dead and completing the sixth ring of the hidden task chain [The Rebirth of Hades], the orange epic hidden task [Initial Restoration of the Order of the Underworld]. The rewards are as follows...]

╮(╯▽╰)╭Xiao Ming shrugged helplessly and spread his hands. He had expected this result a long time ago.

In the process of recruiting the second batch of Hades warriors, the system gave the Hades clothes of Tianying and Tianjian. Xiao Ming knew very well that these two Hades clothes represented part of the duties of the underworld.

Then, under the instruction of Hades, the dead person built the [Death Ladder] and [Hell Gate], allowing Hades warriors to travel freely between the underworld and the human world.

It would be unreasonable for Xiao Ming not to understand such an obvious hint. The system clearly wants players to find a way to make the underworld work again. That's why Xiao Ming operated the dead person in a series of actions.

To be honest, only Xiao Ming would find such a hint obvious. Most players have only heard of Hades warriors, but have never seen them. They don't know the details of Hades warriors.

People don't know the duties of Tianying and Tianjian, so they naturally won't think about "restoring the operation of the underworld".

So the difficulty of this hidden task is not low, and the rewards of 12,000 points of small universe and a temple cornerstone are well deserved.

This reward is still a small matter. The most important thing is that after completing the hidden task of the sixth ring, the task of the seventh ring is no longer a hidden task, and it is directly issued to the informer.

The system has returned to the regular task of recruiting Hades warriors, but the difficulty of this task has reached the red legendary level.

Because, among the Hades warriors to be recruited this time, there is [Tian Mengxing·Wyvern], one of the three giants of the underworld. Moreover, he is ranked first in the recruitment order.

If a fighter who can wear this underworld clothing cannot be recruited, the entire task chain will be stuck here!

Can you imagine how difficult it is to do this task normally? ! The three giants of the underworld are all S-level 8th level strength.

Such a master would be a big boss in the real world. There are only a handful of free NPCs with such strength in the game. Even NPCs of the 8th level of the army are rare.

Now let the informer of the dead, who has just been promoted to the 4th level, go to the game to find a warrior with similar strength. Isn’t this difficult!

It is difficult for a level 4 player to get to know a level 8 NPC, let alone recruit him.

In fact, this kind of task should only be on the "stage of world history" in the later stages of the game.

At that time, the level of the top professional players will basically be around level 7 or 8. Recruiting NPCs of similar levels will make the task much easier.

And by that time, who would be willing to give such precious three giants' underworld clothes to NPCs? It must be for players to wear them.

At this stage, the appearance of this task is simply beyond the scope. It is like giving junior high school students the questions for the college entrance examination. How can it not be difficult!

But then again, the reason why this task appeared in advance is because Xiao Ming cheated. Then it can't be discussed according to common sense.

Anyway, the task of Hades's lineage is not very stressful for Xiao Ming. The Heavenly Star Underworld Clothes will naturally be worn by the Heavenly Star Ghost Messenger.

Although the Heavenly Star Ghost Messenger clone who is in the Kuafu Underworld at this moment is still hovering around the 7th level A level, far from reaching the 8th level.

Xiao Ming is not sure whether he can get the recognition of the Heavenly Star Underworld Clothes in the game. After all, there is still a big gap in hard strength.

If this cannot be passed, then the deceased will probably be stuck here for a while.

Fortunately, the system thinks that the Heavenly Star Ghost Messenger is at this level. Present the two-legged flying dragon underworld clothes, please accept it.

ωWow! The underworld clothes of the three giants! The 8th level equipment was given as soon as it was said. Xiao Ming was a little confused.

He estimated that the creator of the game might think that this task is indeed too difficult, and it is understandable to reduce the difficulty of the tasks in the later stages of the game.

After all, by then, the main selling point of the Magic Planet game has changed from a battle of wits and courage between players and the system to an open and secret struggle between players. There is no need to make the tasks too difficult for the players.

Xiao Ming's Tian Mengxing Ghost Clone hurriedly put on the Hades Clothes and began to absorb the magic stars in the Hades Clothes; at the same time, he felt fortunate for his good luck...

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