Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1595: Promotion to Level 4

Character name: The Dead. Racial talent: Bone Body. Bone Body is a passive talent with a 50% chance of making small ranged physical attacks miss.

This means that ranged attacks such as bows and arrows are likely to pass through the gaps in the bones, so that they cannot cause damage to the player.

Why do we emphasize "small"? Because large ranged weapons, such as catapults and cannons, cannot be dodged. There are not that many gaps in the bones.

Combat profession: Necromancer/Intermediate Skeleton Specialized Mage (Level 4). Second combat profession: Level 1 Full-time Hunter.

Life profession 1: Primary Undead Corruptor; Life profession 2: Primary Undead Aura Seer.

Affiliation: White Fang Chamber of Commerce of the Undead Clan - Gray Bone City Branch - Branch President. Level: Level 4, Level 0 (Maximum level 50). 34 mercenaries can be deployed.

Five attributes: Strength 44, Constitution 44, Agility 59, Intelligence 66, Spirit 66.

When the character is not wearing equipment, physical attack 44, physical defense 51.5, physical damage 40, magic attack 132, magic defense 66, magic 60.

Life 440, strength 440, mana 825, death breath 6000, telekinesis 100.

In fact, for normal undead wizards, the growth rate of strength, constitution, and agility will be relatively low.

The reason why the dead teller has such high attributes is that he has been blessed by the holy land of the skeleton clan [Skull Pool] and has become an intermediate skeleton specialized wizard.

Since he is proficient enough in skeletons, it is reasonable to have stronger physical attributes, right?

The dead teller can hire 34 mercenaries. The system stipulates that 1/4 of them are mercenaries of levels 1-4. About 8-9 of each level are available.

The mount system is officially opened. And the rank of the mount is bound to the player's character. For example, the bone dragon mount rewarded by the previous task has now also been upgraded to level 4.

To be honest, it just looks a bit more ferocious. As for the change in its combat power, it is almost the same for Xiao Ming.

I won’t mention the equipment. Because after Xiao Ming became stronger, he had no interest in updating his equipment. It was a waste of time and money, and it was useless. So he just didn’t do it.

All the free attribute points of the upgrade reward were piled up by Xiao Ming on agility. The other attributes are no longer useful. Agility can speed up the speed of the dead teller, which is better than nothing.

The changes of the dead teller’s adventure profession are roughly like this. Compared with the 3rd level and 0 level, each attribute has almost doubled.

But in terms of real combat power, there is actually no change. Whether the dead teller is 3rd level or 4th level, it is just a drop in the bucket compared to the strength brought by Xiao Ming personally.

On the other hand, in the eyes of the game system, there is a big difference. The system opened up the permissions of 4th level players to him, including 4th level mercenaries, 4th level professional skills, 4th level equipment...

The most important thing is that when the system issues tasks, it attaches great importance to the player’s rank. It is one of the main prerequisites.

No matter how strong Xiao Ming is, the system will not issue tasks beyond his authority. Now the informer of the dead has finally made a step forward.

Promotion is only one of the rewards for the informer of the dead to complete the 6th ring task. There will naturally be rewards for military strength.

Although the 6th ring task, the informer of the dead seemed to have done nothing. However, the reason why the orcs gave up the counterattack and allowed the undead to occupy their own city. The credit mainly lies with him.

It was he who took down Gabes without bloodshed and captured all the orcs in the city. The deterrent power of this behavior is too strong.

Bai Yulin deliberately released a group of orc captives first and let them spread the news back, causing the orcs to be suspicious, so they would easily admit defeat. They felt that they had to find out the truth first.

Otherwise, the orcs have always been brave and unmatched. Even if they knew they were defeated, they would fight bravely. How could they give up a city so easily? ! Do you think the credit of the informer of the dead is great? !

Therefore, the system's reward for the dead is also extremely awesome: 300 4th-level bone dragons!

Although it is only a 4th-level bone dragon, and there are only 300 of them, the value of this unit is greater than that of the 500 flying skeleton soldiers.

Bone dragons are one of the ultimate arms of the undead race, and their potential is very huge. Compared with the same rank, the combat effectiveness of 300 bone dragons is also higher than that of 500 flying skeleton soldiers.

More importantly, compared with flying skeleton soldiers, bone dragons are easier to train and upgrade to become a 5th-level and 6th-level or higher army.

To be honest, even in the regular army of Gray Bone City, there are only more than 200 bone dragons. Bai Yulin, as the vice president of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, has 500 bone dragons in his private armed forces.

But he certainly couldn't bear to give 300 of them to the dead. Therefore, the reward of these 300 bone dragons actually comes from the system. It was allocated from the top of the undead race.

Xiao Ming was so happy after his promotion that he didn't notice that Bai Yulin was salivating over these bone dragons.

Otherwise, he would have exchanged the bone dragons with Bai Yulin. He would have guaranteed that the other party's favorability would soar, and maybe Bai Yulin would have sworn brotherhood with the deceased.

In fact, Bai Yulin himself was wrong. He made a mistake by not asking for it. More importantly, Bai Yulin was a member of the Undead Clan, and Xiao Ming was not very good at judging the Undead Clan's thoughts.

If it had been a human, or an elf orc, Xiao Ming would have sensed his thoughts long ago. The Undead Clan was more... uh... "not showing their emotions on their faces."

After waiting for a while, seeing that the informer of the dead had no intention of offering the bone dragon, Bai Yulin announced the third reward: general or admiral.

In view of the outstanding performance of the informer of the dead, the undead forces represented by Bai Yulin can give him a military position as a reward.

Xiao Ming has long known the power of the admiral of the navy. The admiral can lead a large army far larger than a private army to fight a naval battle, which is a revolutionary improvement in combat effectiveness.

However, the player must make a choice, whether to be an admiral and take the naval battle route; or to be a general and take the land battle route.

In the future, there may be a chance to combine the two and become an all-powerful commander of the sea and land. But at this stage, players can only choose one direction. You can't take advantage of both ends.

Xiao Ming stroked his chin and began to ponder. His other two characters, the researcher and the diver, are both admirals of the navy, and the explorer took the Liangshan path and became the deputy general of the army.

From the perspective of balance, perhaps the informer of the dead should also be a general on land. It happened that he was playing in North America on the strategic map. The army is more useful.

However, the ocean is the eternal theme, and the development on land is limited. Is it okay to limit the dead to the land?

Besides, because of the shipwreck site, he can easily get large ships, which is quite advantageous on the sea, but not so competitive on land.

Xiao Ming thought about it for half a minute, flipped a coin, and decided to be a general on land.

In fact, whether it is a general or an admiral, for Xiao Ming, there is not much difference. His combat effectiveness is always in himself, and the troops under his command are just assisting.

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