Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1594 Occupy Gabes

[Congratulations to the player, the dead, for completing the fifth ring task [Gabes Siege] of the task chain [Graybone City's Road to the Sea]. Please check your rewards. ]

First, the standard rewards. The dead's strategic level +5 levels, reaching level 25 of level 2; the adventure level is also +5 levels, reaching the maximum level of level 3, level 40.

According to the current situation of the dead, the system decided to merge the promotion task of the fourth level with the sixth ring task [Resist the Counterattack]. As long as the dead complete the sixth ring task, he can become a fourth-level player.

[Resist the Counterattack]: Purple master-level task. The time is 7 days or until the orcs give up the counterattack. During these 7 days, the dead need to help the undead defend the city of Gabes.

Next, there are rewards for military strength. Originally, the dead was the branch president of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce in the Gray Bone City branch, and could form a guard team of 100-500 undead.

Now that the scale has been expanded, Bai Yulin allows the branch to have a 1,000-5,000 guard squadron.

This kind of task is not friendly to retail players. After all, raising such a large army, let alone recruiting soldiers, even the daily consumption and supplies are an astronomical figure. It is unaffordable.

If it is a player guild, it is relatively simple. Just distribute it to a hundred or so players, and it will be full. Who doesn't have to raise some soldiers?

For the dead, it is a piece of cake. First of all, the dead is very rich; secondly, he doesn't have to spend money to recruit soldiers;

Finally, the supplies of the undead soldiers are mainly the breath of death. Other players have to rely on spending money or fighting to supplement, but Xiao Ming can directly create it. It's so easy.

Counting the two batches of 750 4th-level skeleton cavalrymen rewarded before, plus the original 250 low-level undead soldiers of the Chamber of Commerce, the team has actually reached the minimum strength of the guard squadron.

Of course, with the success of the mission, Bai Yulin continued to expand the troops under the dead. Allocate 500 4th-level flying skeleton soldiers to him.

Flying soldiers have always been the favorite of all races and have great strategic significance. The value is comparable to 1,000 skeleton cavalry of the same level.

If it weren't for the great contribution of the deceased, Bai Yulin might not be willing to give him so many high-level and powerful soldiers. It really cost a lot of money.

This is also a form of "hiding soldiers among the people". After all, the regular army force that the system officially allows any city to maintain is always limited.

What to do after reaching the upper limit? The best way is to disperse it into civilian organizations. Therefore, each city needs some affiliated powerful forces.

Although these forces are not fully controlled by the city lord, generally speaking, they can still be called upon when encountering foreign enemies.

Of course, the existence of powerful forces will also become an unstable factor. There are many political games and compromises in the middle. This is also a step for players to get promoted.

Therefore, powerful forces like the deceased, who are basically in the same mind as the city lord Bai Yulin, are the favorites of every city lord. It is reasonable to spend some money to win them over.

In fact, the rewards given to the deceased for his merits in the fifth ring mission are not enough, and there are still many surpluses. This is also true for the previous ring missions.

The system will not forget these merits, and they are all recorded in the account. When the entire task chain is completed, all the merits will be exchanged for various rewards.

Previously, Xiao Ming completed the fourth and fifth ring missions in a few hours. Unfortunately, the sixth ring mission cannot be completed so quickly. After all, the decision is not in his hands.

It depends on when the orcs plan to counterattack or when to give up. They probably don’t even know that Gabes has fallen.

"Brother Bai, I captured a lot of prisoners in Gabes. In addition to the residents and soldiers of the orcs, there are also some merchants and immigrants of other races. How do you think we should deal with it?"

This matter is too troublesome. Xiao Ming wants to push it to the NPC, but he has to ask first. If Bai Yulin plans to execute them all, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, Bai Yulin is both the city lord and the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. He knows the skills of negotiation and compromise. Unlike some undead leaders who only know how to kill.

He told the dead. These captives must be treated well. They cannot be harmed, let alone starved to death. The orc captives will be an important bargaining chip in the negotiations.

In order to peacefully exchange back this part of the living force, the orcs are likely to be willing to hand over the city of Gabes as a ransom.

The orcs are not well developed in the field of navigation. After all, the orcs on the African continent have split into many tribes and are constantly fighting each other. They are temporarily powerless against the sea.

The orcs like port cities mainly because foreign merchants will bring all kinds of goods that orcs like. There is no plan to use this as a springboard to march to the ocean.

The undead side of the Gray Bone City took over the city of Gabes without bloodshed, which is shocking enough in itself. Returning these orc captives should be able to prevent the orcs from counterattacking.

After hearing what Brother Bai said, Xiao Ming was relieved. At the same time, Bai Yulin also quickly sent a large number of high-speed troops to Gabes City to receive the city and prisoners.

Even the fastest troops did not arrive in Gabes until noon the next day, November 4. At this time, the virus in the city had long dissipated, leaving only a group of weak orcs.

Considering that they would not starve to death if they did not eat for a day, Xiao Ming only provided food to some old, weak and disabled people yesterday, and did not care about other prisoners at all. Now they can all be handed over to the undead army.

In the next few days, the army and important generals of Gray Bone City came to Gabes one after another and took over all the work in the city.

This also included diplomatic work with the Orcs, but this matter did not bother the dead man anymore, he only had to be responsible for defending the city. Some credit should be given to other undead.

The toxicity of those guys who were infected with the weakness virus gradually dissipated. The effect of this poison cannot last forever, and it will be automatically removed in about a few days.

If necessary, Xiao Ming can also provide the antidote himself. But there is no such need this time.

As for the eight Seven Star Shadow clones, they all returned to normal long before the first batch of undead troops arrived.

Now there are no enemies that can fight within a hundred miles, so there is no need to waste energy to maintain the state of the elements.

On November 9, the sixth day after the dead man captured Gabes, the system sent good news. The orcs recognized the undead’s rule over Gabes, and Bai Yulin also released all the captives. The sixth ring [Defend against counterattack] mission is officially completed.

Xiao Ming thought that this mission chain [Graybone City's Road to the Sea] should also be completed. But it was not.

It seems that Graybone City's Road to the Sea is not achieved by having a port and a few fishing boats. The system obviously has higher requirements.

It's just that the next ring of tasks has not been issued to the informer of the dead yet. Xiao Ming estimated that the next one would probably be a non-war mission, and the players who could accept it would not only be the informer of the dead. The system also needs to be fair and give other players time to catch up.

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