Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1593 Weakness Virus

There is a small problem here. Almost all souls in the real world are recognized by soul gems. But the intelligent programs in the virtual world are not like this.

Some programs are recognized, but many are not. Generally speaking, the more complex and advanced the intelligent program is, the easier it is to be recognized as a soul by the underworld. As long as it is recognized, it cannot be harmed at will.

However, at first glance, Xiao Ming really can't tell the difference. Since he can't tell the difference, he can only respect them all as souls.

He can't treat NPCs as stones on the roadside like ordinary players and kill them at will. That will damage his merits as the King of Hell.

Therefore, all NPCs in Gabes City cannot be killed easily. Those orcs who had rushed into the smoke and sand and never returned before did not die. Instead, they were captured.

So how should he deal with the orcs in Gabes City? Xiao Ming had already thought of a countermeasure. There is no other way, just use poison.

He had been in the Harry Potter series for nearly 8 years before. With such a long time, Xiao Ming naturally made some developments for the Poison-Poison Fruit.

[Weakness Virus·4.3 Beta]: It can make the poisoned person weak for a period of time, but it will never be fatal.

Creatures on the verge of death will be immune to this virus. Creatures that have been poisoned, if they are in a dying state, will automatically remove the poison and will no longer be weakened by the virus.

Xiao Ming made such a complicated setting just to prevent the poisoned from dying inadvertently. That would increase his sins. Even if the deceased deserved to die, it would not work.

As a civil servant in the underworld, if you know that a person should die, killing him will be a merit. If you don't know whether a person should die or not, but you kill him accidentally, it will lose merit.

According to legend, there is a couplet in front of the King of Hell's Palace: the first couplet is "If you do good intentionally, you will not be rewarded even if it is good." The second couplet is "If you do evil unintentionally, you will not be punished even if it is evil."

The meaning of this couplet is: If a person deliberately and purposefully does good things, even if he does good things, he should not be encouraged or rewarded.

And if a person does bad things unintentionally, it is not his own intention, and he should not be punished even if he does bad things!

In the real world, such rules do not apply. Because it is almost impossible to judge whether a person is "intentional" or "unintentional". Who can't lie!

Only the underworld can judge. The soul gem always tests the true thoughts deep in a person's soul. All his excuses and evasions in the real world are useless. The soul gem cannot be deceived.

Even the King of Hell has to abide by the rules of the underworld. Therefore, Xiao Ming will modify the settings of the weak virus many times to avoid accidentally hurting innocent lives.

This virus is still not the final version. As Xiao Ming's ability becomes stronger and stronger, his weak virus will also become stronger and more accurate.

I believe someone will find the bug. Is it okay if you just don't kill? Won't Xiao Ming's behavior cause other consequences?

You've heard of the butterfly effect. Take the war between Gray Bone City and Gabes. Xiao Ming participated in the war as a whistleblower.

It changed the balance of power and the offensive and defensive situation between the Undead and the Orcs. It will cause many complex chain reactions.

Even if no one died in the war, people may die in the future. For example, if the orcs in Gabes are not killed, they will probably be sent back to the territory of the Orcs.

They lost their homes and property and returned to the Orcs as losers. Maybe some of the poor and weak orcs will starve to death. In this case, does Xiao Ming really have no responsibility?

Of course there is responsibility! If this happens, although Xiao Ming does not need to bear all the responsibility, there will always be some joint responsibility.

Therefore, it is very difficult for civil servants in the underworld in the initial stage. If you are not careful, you will cause some unpredictable consequences and increase your sins.

Therefore, as long as the civil servants of the underworld successfully pass the primary stage, they will try not to interfere with the affairs of the real world. Just do their own work.

At present, Xiao Ming has not passed the initial stage. He can't understand this level for the time being. He can only experience it little by little and make progress little by little.

It is emphasized that the soul gem only has such high requirements for civil servants in the underworld. Ordinary people don't need to consider such complicated and cumbersome things.

Putting aside the operation mode of the underworld, Xiao Ming released [Weakness Virus·4.3 Beta] to Gabes City.

With active energy as a foundation, he can continuously release the weakness virus. Until every creature in Gabes City is infected, everyone falls to the ground weakly.

This is also the first time that Xiao Ming has used the weakness virus on a large scale, and many accidents have occurred during the period. Fortunately, there is no danger. No one died because of it.

The weakness virus actually breaks out little by little, and the poisoned people also become weak little by little. They have enough time to find a better place to lie down.

But with tens of thousands of NPCs in the city, there would always be some problems. Several orc soldiers were accidentally stabbed by their own weapons when they fell to the ground.

The few who were slightly injured were not a big deal, but one seriously injured soldier injured his artery and bled profusely, and he almost died. When he was about to die, the effect of the virus was lifted in time. He took the time to treat himself.

As a soldier, each orc carried some healing items. No one stopped him from healing himself, so he finally survived.

But not long after his injury healed, this guy was infected with the virus again and became weak.

After all, the virus released by Xiao Ming was all over the city. He had nowhere to hide. He would not have antibodies because he had been infected before, so he had to be infected.

There was a half-elf NPC girl in the inn in the city. She fell into the bathtub halfway through her bath and was almost choked to death by her own bath water. Fortunately, the effect of the virus was lifted and she climbed out in time... There are many such examples.

Not only the higher orcs, elves, humans and other intelligent races will be poisoned. The animals in the city did not escape this disaster.

Unexpectedly, the performance of the animal NPCs was much better than that of the intelligent races. Their sixth sense was relatively strong, and they vaguely felt the characteristics of the virus.

They all found a suitable place to lie down obediently, but none of them almost killed themselves. It can be seen that animals are much more adaptable than humans.

Putting aside these unexpected situations, when the virus caused most people in Gabes to fall to the ground, the system prompted the players and related NPCs to complete the fifth ring mission [Gabes Siege]. Gabes changed hands.

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