Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1596: Can’t Spend All the Money

[Primary Army Deputy General Skin]: Level 1/10. Can command an army unit with 5 command arrows.

Owner land strategic attack +1; land strategic defense +1; road mobility +10%; command +100.

The attributes of this skin can be described as standard, without any surprises or accidents. Xiao Ming still fantasizes that the deputy general skin from the regular army can be different, it seems that he thinks too much.

Even if there may be differences, it is not now, but in the future when the player is at a higher level.

At this stage, the system does not need to distinguish the difference. Xiao Ming casually strengthened this skin 5 times, and the level cap was raised to level 50.

Strengthening is definitely a good thing from a long-term perspective. After all, others can only upgrade the deputy general skin to level 10.

That is just an increase of 10 points of attack and defense, 1000 points of command, and 100% of action.

There are indeed advantages, but they are not obvious. You still need to get more and more advanced skins to reflect the difference.

But the dead teller is different. Even if it is just a deputy general skin, as long as its level is upgraded to the top, the strategic attack and defense alone will be 80 points higher than other players.

The extra 4,000 points of command can lead one thousand more level 3 soldiers, and the extra 400% action power can also allow the dead teller to do more things on the strategic map.

Of course, that will be a long, long time in the future. After all, it is definitely not that easy to upgrade the skin to level 50. It may take three to five years to reach the full level. By then, haha, I don’t know if anyone will still play this game.

The ordinary player group will definitely not stick to this game. After playing for a while, many people may not play it once the novelty wears off.

There are even players who have quit the game now. Of course, at this stage, there are more new players. In a few years, even if some players continue to play, they will be intermittent.

But the feature of the Magic Planet game is that all kinds of skills are real and can be used in reality. Most players who really understand this will probably not give up.

The military of the New Han Kingdom, which knew this from the beginning, and the major forces will never withdraw.

Therefore, this game can still guarantee that a certain number of players will always exist. These players are also high-quality customers of major game guilds.

Therefore, many game guilds will continue to stay in the game. In the future, Xiao Ming will not have to worry about the night march of Jinyi.

Next, the system rewarded the deceased with 1 million gold coins and various strategic resources. It is the final ending.

This is a reward that any player and guild are salivating for. In Xiao Ming's eyes, it is just a number. After a long-term accumulation over the past few months, his current wealth is really amazing.

The gold coins have exceeded the 50 million mark and are heading straight for the small goal of "100 million". Sulfur, crystal... and other special resources are also nearly a thousand, and wood and stone are more than two thousand.

These achievements have almost nothing to do with Xiao Ming's personal efforts... In fact, it is all the credit of Xiao Er'er and his four intelligent programs.

Xiao Ming is a person who goes with the flow. When he sees that there is enough money and resources, he will not be so "diligent in picking up and managing the household". Sometimes he is too lazy to pick up various resources on the map.

But the intelligent programs will not. As long as they think the cost-effectiveness is appropriate, they will put the gold coins and resources into their pockets. Day after day, month after month, such a strategic reserve has been built.

In addition, the intelligent programs are really masters of business. They see the opportunity and spare no effort to buy and sell between several races and multiple cities, which makes Xiao Ming's wallet expand rapidly. Now there is almost no need to worry about money.

It's just that this money seems to be a bit difficult to spend. It really fits the joke: If you don't seize the time to spend it, you can't spend it all!

In this case, then find a way to "shopping".

The first place to spend is to buy equipment, props, mercenaries, etc. for the 4th level of the necromancer.

But these things are really useless to Xiao Ming. Even if the intelligent program may be useful when he is not around, it is not worth it for Xiao Ming to buy them in person.

Xiao Wuer can buy it by himself. He can even compare prices from three different stores and buy the most suitable one. It is much better than Xiao Ming shopping in person. Why bother with this trouble.

Similarly, Xiao Ming does not need to worry about buying 4th-level mercenaries. So there is only one final option left, which is to go abroad to "shop" and shop in Europe.

After occupying Gabes, the deceased can already go out to sea by ship, and you can choose anywhere along the Mediterranean coast.

Xiao Ming suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and thought of a place he must go to - Athens.

The largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena in the world [Parthenon] is located in Athens.

Xiao Ming has always felt that if he wants to start the profession of Saint Seiya in the main game, he must go to the Parthenon to obtain the consent of the goddess Athena.

Otherwise, Xiao Ming's several characters, as well as Li Huamei, Richard and other NPCs who have cultivated the small universe, have never been able to officially take up the profession of Saint Seiya.

It doesn't matter to Xiao Ming, but it will definitely make a big difference to the NPCs. So it is necessary to go to Athens.

Besides, there is a temple of Poseidon in Athens, and maybe you can open another sea warrior profession.

However, there are two temples of Poseidon in Europe. The other temple is located in Paestum, Italy. It is hard to say which one is effective.

Maybe it is not necessary at all. As long as Xiao Ming gets the response of the goddess Athena, not only the Saint Seiya will be opened, but also the Sea Warrior, God Warrior, and Hades Warrior.

Or, if you go to the Temple of Athena, you can only open the Saint Seiya profession. For other warrior professions, you need to go to their corresponding temples.

There are two temples for Poseidon, the sea king, and they may both be effective, or only one may be effective. It may even require players to visit both temples in succession. The details are still unknown.

In addition, the corresponding God Warrior is Odin, the king of the Norse gods, and the corresponding Hades Warrior is Hades. Xiao Ming does not know where the temple dedicated to them is. So he plans to go to Athens to see the situation first.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to let the researcher be responsible for opening the Saint Seiya profession. He is driving a ship from North America to Europe on the strategic map.

Xiao Ming had always thought that the researcher would arrive in Europe first and then go to Athens. Now it seems that the researcher's speed is definitely not as fast as the informant.

Of course, it doesn't matter who arrives in Athens first. Xiao Ming has the ability of space. As long as one character arrives, the other characters can be teleported. It is equivalent to everyone arriving.

After all, the informant is a necromancer and may not meet the conditions for opening the Saint Seiya profession. It's okay for him to visit Hades. When he visits Athena for the first time, Xiao Ming must change to another character.

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