Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 156: Evening Banquet Dinner

Grandma's plan is still relatively optimistic. Anyway, Xiao Ming is not dead, and it is estimated that he must have consumed some precious magic weapons and spells.

Giving more natural treasures, magic weapons and spiritual tools, and doubling the compensation, it is estimated that he can get away with it. Maybe he can also build a relationship.

Grandma's backer, the Black Mountain Old Demon, has some relationship with the underworld. Otherwise, if Grandma plays with the souls of the dead here, she would have been found by the underworld long ago.

And Xiao Ming's "immortality" is also closely related to the underworld in Grandma's view. It is very likely that they will become friends after talking.

Of course, if the talks fail, Grandma is not afraid. With the Black Mountain Old Demon, she may not really be afraid of Xiao Ming's backers.

Although Xiao Ming's means of resurrection are somewhat horrifying, there is also a feeling of learning from others. It is weird but lacks deterrence.

Grandma is also an old demon for many years, and she was not completely scared. In her little calculation, the backers of both sides should be the same.

But if you want to invite the Black Mountain Old Demon, the price you pay is even higher. So it is better to reconcile with Xiao Ming privately, and don't alarm the people behind him.

His status in the Black Mountain Old Demon is average. This young man has low strength, but he has such a strange method. I am afraid that his backers value him very much.

If he is really angry, even if the other party's backers can't do anything to the Black Mountain Old Demon, it will be easy to tear his face and deal with him.

So grandma hopes that this young man can be more rational. If he has the habits of a young man, it will be a bit troublesome.

Based on these considerations, grandma sent the most beautiful woman under her seat to receive Xiao Ming and ask him some questions.

When dealing with stinky men, Xiao Qian will definitely be able to catch them easily. If Xiao Ming is that kind of dandy, he will definitely fall at the feet of Xiao Qian.

Xiao Ming entered the reincarnation world as his original body. He is thirty-seven this year. Why do others still call him young man when they see him?

One of the reasons is that Xiao Ming looks a bit young; and the more important reason is that Xiao Ming has strengthened his body several times.

Life essence, dual energy, and Qi training techniques all have the effect of improving physical fitness.

After the age of 20, the physical fitness of ordinary humans begins to decline, and it is more obvious after the age of 30.

Good living habits and people who like to exercise can slow down this downward trend.

But these health care methods of ordinary humans are too low compared with the various magic arts of the mysterious side.

The result of improving physical fitness on the mysterious side is to change the life form of a person, which is almost the same as rejuvenation, or even stronger.

In fact, at this time, Xiao Ming's life span has exceeded that of ordinary humans by a large margin. If calculated in proportion, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is now a teenager.

From the appearance, Xiao Ming looks like a young man in his 20s. So it is not surprising that he has been misunderstood many times.

When the body is young, desires in all aspects will also become younger. Saints say that food and sex are also human nature.

So when Xiao Ming saw Xiao Qian for the first time, he was also amazed, and his saliva flowed longer than before.

***How ​​could Xiao Ming, a loser and otaku, resist the charm of Nie Xiaoqian/Wang Zuxian in the 1987 version? !

This world "created" by the reincarnation space is a magical modification based on the 1987 version of A Chinese Ghost Story, supplemented with some fairy magic and sorcery.

Wang Zuxian, who is truly full of ghostly aura, is several times better than in the movie. ***

It's a pity that this stunning beauty didn't last long, because Xiao Ming quickly concentrated his mind power on his eyes, ears, nose, tongue, etc.

Although Xiao Qian is extremely beautiful, she is still a female ghost in essence. After Xiao Ming's true form is revealed, her temptation is greatly reduced.

Xiao Ming also managed to escape the disaster. (How many time travelers couldn't make it.)

Along the way, Xiao Ming and Xiao Qian were perfunctory, but they were secretly thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

He could probably guess what the grandmother was thinking, but it was not so easy to really scare the grandmother. Because pretending to be cool also depends on strength.

If he can't "prove" that he really has a powerful backer behind him, he will probably have to die if he wants to get out today.

When he came to the pavilion created by grandma's magic again, Xiao Ming's identity had become a guest.

Grandma arranged a banquet to entertain Xiao Ming, and there were also a group of beautiful female ghosts singing and dancing to cheer him up.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes. Before grandma could test him, Xiao Ming clasped his fists and bowed to grandma:

"Grandma, please, I have an unwelcome request, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Mr. Zhang, please go ahead."

"Your specially brewed daughter's red wine is really mellow. I wonder if I can ask grandma for some, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink such good wine on the road ahead."

Grandma saw that Xiao Ming had nothing in his hands, not even a backpack, and no place to put the wine.

Immediately knew that Mr. Zhang wanted to show some tricks. This was exactly what grandma wanted.

He readily agreed and asked Xiao Yao to send more than ten jars of good wine, just to see what tricks Xiao Ming had.

But a "beauty" in strange clothes (black suit) suddenly appeared beside Xiao Ming.

With a wave of his hand, he put more than a dozen jars of wine into the housekeeper's space.

After that, the man stood behind Xiao Ming with his hands behind his back, looking like a servant. It was Xiao Ming's uniform beast - the housekeeper.

It was a bit interesting. The means of storing things in this space were not surprising. Grandma also knew a few tricks. But this beast housekeeper was too strange.

It was neither a god, Buddha, or a celestial being, nor a demon or a ghost; it did not look like a living being, but it had the breath of life;

It looks like a mechanical puppet, but it has no entity; if it is a spirit, why is there no magic weapon? It is really a strange beast.

Even with my broad vision, I can't recognize what it is. I was shocked.

Xiao Ming is taking advantage of the limitations of my knowledge. Even if I haven't seen the immortal arts and Taoist magic, I have heard of it.

There is a huge difference in strength in this aspect, and it is too stupid to make a move in this aspect.

If you want to show yourself, you must win by surprise. In comparison, telekinesis and magic are more suitable.

In terms of telekinesis, in addition to the housekeeper, maids and nurses have appeared one after another, all of which are home-based.

It gives people the feeling that the elders specially assign it to the younger generation to take care of his daily life. The exquisite means make my grandmother amazed.

In terms of magic, Xiao Ming took the initiative to perform a hand of undead magic. Not wanting to use his own resources, Xiao Ming specifically asked my grandmother for some corpses.

As usual, he first used the death harvest and corruption spells, and then cast the summon skeleton on the skeleton.

Looking at the eight skeleton soldiers and one zombie, grandma could no longer hide her inner ecstasy, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

Similarly, this undead magic is not that great. The strength of the skeleton soldiers and zombies is cannon fodder in grandma's eyes.

What makes her happy is that Master Zhang Xiaoming is clearly the same as her.

Xiaoming plays with zombies and skeletons, and she plays with female ghosts. One harms corpses, and the other harms souls. Neither of them is a decent person.

~( ̄▽ ̄)~*Then this matter will be easy.

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