Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 155 A miserable start

Treating the wilderness as his own courtyard, Xiao Ming, wearing a long green gown, with his hands behind his back, strolled leisurely in the mountains and forests, looking left and right.

The more he walked, the deeper his frown became. This is not an ordinary mountainous forest area.

Although Xiao Ming has never been to any primeval forest on Pangu Star; the Flower and Fruit Mountain in the reincarnation space cannot be counted.

But he has entered an environment similar to the primeval forest in the Hunter Secret Realm. It feels completely different from here.

Although the light there is also dim and murderous. In Xiao Ming's eyes, he can see the vigorous life energy everywhere.

But what he sees here is only the gloomy, terrifying and weird. There must be something wrong here.

Turning a corner, between the green mountains and green waters, a beautiful and magnificent pavilion appeared in front of him.

Xiao Ming did not feel happy at all. A building suddenly appeared in the wilderness. It made him feel particularly discordant. This is the routine of horror movies!

He focused his eyes on the telekinesis and looked carefully, only to see the black evil aura rolling and lingering inside and outside the attic like a dark cloud.

He focused his telekinesis on his ears and could vaguely hear the sound of thousands of cries.

He focused his telekinesis on his nose, and the rotten and corrupt smell almost knocked him to the ground.

This is definitely not a good place, and it is not suitable to stay for long!

*** This is a new use of telekinesis that Xiao Ming has just invented. According to the situation of telekinesis, focusing on the eyes is called [condensation], which can see the life energy and various auras clearly.

This enhances vision, but what about other senses? Can they also become stronger in the same way?

So Xiao Ming tried to use telekinesis to strengthen other senses. The results were remarkable. ***

"Excuse me, is this young master lost? If you don't mind..."

When Xiao Ming turned around and was about to leave, three women came towards him. It seemed that a lady was with two maids.

The two maids were already beautiful and good-looking. The leading lady was even more beautiful and charming.

The young lady saw that Xiao Ming did not avoid him, but took the initiative to ask him. There was a seductiveness in her voice.

Unfortunately, under Xiao Ming's enhanced sense of telekinesis, he saw the real side behind the beautiful skin - black air.

These three women must be demons and monsters, and they have extremely evil thoughts.

Before she could finish her words, Xiao Ming threw a primary light ball.

The girl who was hit in the face unexpectedly howled miserably, her face was burnt black, and green smoke came out.

The two maids had never met such a person who was so unsympathetic and started fighting as soon as they met. They were stunned for a while.

They were stunned, but Xiao Ming was not. Light balls were thrown out one after another, hitting the three women continuously.

The two maids were hit by 3 light balls each and turned into ashes, without even a corpse left.

The young lady was more resistant and even wanted to fight back. But after the maid died, Xiao Ming's attack was also concentrated. She was beaten so hard that she trembled all over and was unable to fight back.

After being hit by about fifteen or sixteen light balls, the lady was beaten to ashes, and she didn't even say a harsh word.

Light ball is the magic that Xiao Ming's role explorer learned in the game. It increases damage to evil and undead creatures.

It is not used many times in the game, but I didn't expect to use it outside the game. Thanks to the usual practice.

Of course, Xiao Ming used it so smoothly this time, mainly because of the effect of adrenaline - it was really a bit stimulated.

Xiao Ming has been dealing with things like undead zombies for a long time. A disgusting appearance can't scare him.

What really made Xiao Ming's adrenaline surge was the evil breath, which was too strong. Facing it, he was like a baby and completely unable to resist.

When he turned around to run away, he encountered these three blind guys who blocked his way. In order to survive, Xiao Ming exploded once.

It was said that it was a short time. From Xiao Ming turning around to run away to killing the three women, it was only a matter of tens of seconds.

The owner of the pavilion only reacted at this time and was unwilling at that time.

I thought: If you want to run, just run, why did you kill my men! ——Nonsense, if I don't kill them, how can Xiao Ming run?

Several vines shot out from the surrounding mountains and forests, stabbing Xiao Ming with 7 or 8 transparent holes.

His internal organs were all crushed, and blood was pouring from his body. Xiao Ming died on the spot.

"You are dead, do you want to consume 1 self-resurrection stone to revive?" The prompt from the space came in time.

Xiao Ming thought, what's the point of resurrection, won't I still die if I revive here? I have to change places anyway.

The considerate space naturally gave a choice, resurrection on the spot or resurrection at a random place.

So Xiao Ming was resurrected in a forest somewhere. Looking around, it seemed that he didn't leave far, and was still in that forest.

Fortunately, he didn't randomly go to the vicinity of the small building. Xiao Ming secretly rejoiced while identifying the direction. Suddenly, a voice that was neither male nor female came from the air.

"You're not dead? Why didn't you run further? Are you afraid that grandma can't find you?"

The same scene was played out again, and Xiao Ming died again. I hope that the next resurrection can be farther away.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen. The second resurrection was still in the woods, and grandma still found and killed him. Then the third and fourth times.

By the fifth resurrection, Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and consumed 16 resurrection stones. I thought if it doesn't work this time, I'll give up. I feel a little sad.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming still resurrected in the woods. Alas, 4 times can actually draw a conclusion. This time is a bit of a waste.

Just when Xiao Ming closed his eyes and waited for death, the imaginary attack never came. Is grandma out of blue?

Of course not. After a while, another girl in white came to Xiao Ming and bowed down.

"Greetings to the young master, this is my grandma's lady Nie Xiaoqian. Grandma invites the young master to come to the humble residence for a talk. I wonder what the young master wants?"

Xiao Ming swore that he was definitely not dazzled by beauty. The consequences of not going are probably death again, but there is still a chance of survival if you go.

Moreover, my mission lasted for three days, and I had gained nothing so far. It was a bit embarrassing to just die and return to Huaguo Mountain.

Just go and have a look, maybe you can gain something. And judging from Xiaoqian's attitude, grandma is probably a little scared.

It's fun when you kill people. But when you encounter a person who cannot be killed, there is no clue about his method of resurrection. This is beyond the scope of grandma's understanding.

The incomprehensible method made grandma really scared. I'm afraid this person has a deep background, and it's best to make up for it.

Therefore, grandma did not directly capture Xiao Ming, but sent the most beautiful woman to invite him.

It is to show Xiao Ming's sincerity in reconciliation.

(Originally, it would be more sincere to invite me in person, but my grandma’s appearance is not good enough, and I’m afraid it will be self-defeating.)

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