Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 157 Bright Summit

What grandma is most worried about is meeting a very rigid righteous cultivator, who is completely impossible to communicate with and cannot live in harmony with.

As long as you don't kill him, he will keep pestering you. And you can't just kill him casually.

These days, which cultivator doesn't have a master, brothers and elders behind him. Even casual cultivators have a few friends of the same path.

Don't look at grandma killing people like flies, that's how she treats mortals. Her attitude towards cultivators is generally more cautious and careful, and she doesn't easily make deadly enemies.

Yan Chixia has lived in the Lanruo Temple next door for so many years. If grandma really wants to kill him, it will definitely not be a problem to bring the Black Mountain Old Demon with him. But grandma never killed Yan Chixia.

Similarly, as long as the people grandma killed were still lustful people, Yan Chixia never really did anything to grandma.

Of course, this is by no means to say that grandma is a good person. NO! She is definitely a bad guy. It's just that she should be considered a lawful evil camp.

This camp abides by certain rules, and the rules of this world are basically power first.

I saw Xiao Ming kill his female ghost before, and he used the light ball technique. The light ball technique gave me the feeling that it was definitely the power of the righteous way.

So my grandmother "misunderstood" that he was a righteous person and his skills were low. (He was really not a cultivator at the first level of Qi training.) So she killed him mercilessly.

After Xiao Ming came back to life many times, my grandmother secretly thought it was bad. So she lowered her attitude to communicate, and at the same time, there was always a knot in her heart.

Most of the young righteous cultivators are the kind of people who are more rigid and hate evil. It is difficult to communicate.

Xiao Ming fits this kind of character background. How can this make my grandmother not worry?

At this moment, the "misunderstanding was resolved". Xiao Ming was not only not a righteous cultivator, but also an evil cultivator like herself. The knot in my grandmother's heart was solved.

At that moment, my grandmother no longer tried too much, but was extremely attentive. She showed a posture of treating a rising star well.

Xiao Ming also called him senior, with an attitude of learning from the senior masters. (Business mutual praise.)

The two who were mortal enemies during the day were now chatting and laughing like old friends. The scene was extremely harmonious.

A group of little demon female ghosts sang and danced beside them, and the guests and hosts were all happy.

After the banquet, the grandmother ordered Xiaoqian to send Mr. Zhang to the guest room to rest and to serve him well.

From the meaning of the grandmother's words, as long as Xiaoming was willing, Xiaoqian could stay as a third companion. This made Xiaoming feel a little itchy.

It's a pity that dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel. If it were any other female ghost, she would definitely take the initiative to throw herself into her arms. But Xiaoqian is different.

She has always been at odds with her grandmother. She originally thought that Xiaoming should be a good person, and thought that her chance to escape from the sea of ​​suffering had come.

Unexpectedly, she saw such a scene at the banquet. Xiaoming's position in her heart plummeted, and he became a bird of a feather with the grandmother.

So Xiaoqian took Xiaoming into a very ordinary guest room on her own initiative, and did not give Xiaoming a chance to stay. She left after saying a word.

Xiaoming looked at the empty room after Xiaoqian left, feeling lost.

Generally speaking, Xiaoming can roughly tell other people's intentions through the "color" and "fluctuation" of life energy. This is one of Xiaoming's "magic weapons".

But it didn't work here today. The reason is that every "person" here is scary black.

They are all murderers and evil-minded people. Even Nie Xiaoqian is the same.

As the left and right arm of grandma, the number of people she killed is probably second only to grandma.

Under the cover of this black curtain, it is difficult for Xiaoming to distinguish the subtle differences in everyone's emotions.

It's like dropping a drop of blue potion in a jar of black ink, and you can't see any changes.

So Xiaoming didn't know that Xiaoqian was acting on her own initiative, he just thought that grandma was still testing him, and he was not out of danger.

As long as you open your mind, there will always be fun things. Lonely Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and decided to spend the night in the housekeeper space.

After a lot of trouble in the reincarnation space, Xiao Ming got new green source energy, and the original silver source energy also improved to a certain extent. They complement each other.

In addition, he learned the Qi training formula. These three energies can be converted into telekinesis. Although the new green source energy and the Qi training formula are not much, they have brought about qualitative changes.

This greatly increased the strength of Xiao Ming's telekinesis. So the telekinesis beasts also followed suit. At this moment, the housekeeper's telekinesis beast space is 40 cubic meters, which is very empty.

Xiao Ming did some preparation work first. The main thing is to let the air with rich spiritual energy in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story spread to the entire housekeeper space.

And you have to make some arrangements in the space. Provide enough energy in the space and make the temperature suitable for human habitation.

In addition, spread out various items and put them in the corners to avoid bumping into them.

You must know that there is no gravity in the housekeeper space. Everything in it is actually floating. If you are not careful, you might bump into it.

Then Xiao Ming, feeling uneasy, tried to let the housekeeper's mind beast take him into the space.

I am so awesome! Xiao Ming, floating in the housekeeper's space, had a cocky expression on his face.

Real estate is so expensive now! Isn't it like I have an extra house for nothing? Although it is still a small house for the time being, it will definitely get bigger in the future.

Besides, this house is so safe that no one can see me. Of course, I can't see what it looks like outside.

The housekeeper space is a semi-independent small world. The communication with the outside world depends entirely on the housekeeper's mind beast.

So Xiao Ming began to make various attempts in the housekeeper space.

First, Xiao Ming determined that the continued existence of the housekeeper space would continue to consume Xiao Ming's mind power.

Because Xiao Ming's mind power has grown to a sufficient strength, this consumption can still be maintained.

Secondly, although Xiao Ming can be in the space, the housekeeper's mind beast must be in the real world. It doesn't matter whether it appears or not.

He is equivalent to an anchor, connecting the housekeeper space with the real world.

Xiao Ming would also guess, what would happen if the mind beast was cancelled at this time? But Xiao Ming didn't dare to try it at all.

Then Xiao Ming also introduced the sound, smell and light from the outside world into the housekeeper space.

The specific method is to treat a "wall" of the space as a door or window. Corresponding to a hypothetical plane in the real world.

All light that shines on this plane, and sound waves and smells that propagate to this plane, can directly enter the housekeeper space.

Of course, Xiao Ming can also choose to close the "doors and windows" at any time to isolate the sound and smell, or isolate the light. Even completely isolate.

In this way, he finally feels a little bit at home. The only regret is that gravity cannot be connected to the space, so Xiao Ming can only float.

But it doesn't matter, a small flaw is not a concern. Xiao Ming is full of joy and excitement and named the housekeeper space [Guangmingding].

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