Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1503 God does not allow people to be too greedy

Zi once said: We must look at problems from a developmental perspective. It's not surprising that the Protoss and Zerg would have such changes.

First of all, they experienced the catastrophe of genocide and personally experienced the power of the Heavenly Court/Wanyun Temple/Power Stone, which is one of the ultimate powers in the universe.

According to the summary and analysis of Taiyi and others, heaven specifically punishes greed. To put it simply: [God forbids people to be too greedy].

The three tribes of humans, gods, and insects were destroyed because they consumed too many resources. Not just an ordinary amount, but billions of times the consumption.

Even this greed has no end, the war between the three tribes continues, and they continue to crazily grab resources. This led to the punishment from heaven.

At this time, Xiao Ming raised a question: The three races of humans, gods, and insects have almost divided the world of "StarCraft", and a protracted war broke out. Is it too late to incur divine punishment? !

Doesn’t this mean that as long as you are not greedy to this extent, you can be greedy casually? Can it still serve as a warning? !

Taiyi explained to him: The three tribes have never been punished because that world was originally a reincarnation world, and the reincarnation space was specially set up that way.

In this regard, Qianxing Tower, Wanyun Palace, Baizhangya, and other forces have already had a tacit understanding.

Later, because the StarCraft world escaped from the reincarnation space and came to reality, it was quickly punished.

Judging from the intensity and power of that punishment, it was likely that the supreme leader of Heaven personally carried it out.

Regarding the detailed issues regarding the establishment of civil servants in Heaven, Master Taiyi did not disclose too much to Xiao Ming. He thought that a king of hell would have known about it a long time ago.

Judging from what he said, there should be countless heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven who are responsible for patrolling the universe. Manage the sin of excessive greed.

Different levels of heavenly soldiers and generals have different management capabilities. Maybe ordinary heavenly soldiers are responsible for the individual or family level; heavenly generals are responsible for managing the national level...

Of course this is just an analogy. From the words of Master Taiyi, Xiao Ming roughly understood this meaning, but the specific details are still unknown.

In short, in the real world, even if a civilization is far from reaching the level of the three races of humans, gods, and insects, heaven will have already sent down punishment.

If you are very unlucky, if a person is too greedy, extortionately exacts money, and frantically possesses and squanders other people's property, he may be directly punished by a heavenly soldier.

One thing to note here is that occupying resources is not actually a fault, but excessive waste and consumption is a sin.

If a civilization fairly and reasonably allocates resources in the area under its jurisdiction, heaven will not impose natural punishment.

At this time, Xiao Ming also came up with an idea. According to legend, gods will be punished by the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" when they are promoted. Could it be related to this?

There seems to be nothing wrong with condensing such a huge spiritual energy into one person's body and calling it a kind of greed...

Xiao Ming wanted to ask Taiyi Zhenren, but this was the first time they met, and this topic was also suspected of offending the other party, so it was not convenient to talk about it.

All of the above are actually excuses, Xiao Ming is just following his heart. The other party must have the strength to destroy the bodies and souls he has now exposed.

Even if they go all out, Hong Xiaoming, who is hiding in the soul gem, may not be able to sit back and relax.

So if you should be cowardly, you have to be cowardly. Let’s look at it later. At present, Xiao Ming continues to listen obediently to Master Taiyi and tell the story of the past.

In addition to feeling the power of heaven, the gods and Zerg also felt the power of Fuxi Qin, the soul gem. It is normal to be affected by them.

The human race was also affected, but the situation was quite different from the other two races.

Although the souls of all those who died in battle were received by the Mind Stone. But not every soul can withstand the test of the soul gem and become Fu Xiqin's civil servant.

Among humans, Taiyi and others became civil servants. They are all technicians, maintenance workers, ordinary soldiers in the original fleet... these types of grassroots. There is hardly any bureaucracy.

When they woke up, they were surprised to find that the electronic systems used by humans in the past had actually become spirits. They guessed that it must be Fu Xiqin's fault.

It is not just large-scale artificial intelligence that is affected, such as the optical brain control systems of several spacecrafts and other auxiliary computer systems that manage various mid- and low-level functions.

Even the military's single-person electronic devices, such as mobile phones, learning machines, game consoles, tactical glasses, etc., have been "refined" by the power of the Mind Stone.

In addition, Taiyi and others were surprised to learn that one of the human spaceships actually crossed the space-time gate and arrived at a galaxy highly similar to the solar system.

This spaceship, carrying a nine-tailed fox with a light brain and a large number of monsters, crashed on a planet that is highly similar to the human home planet. That is Pangu Star.

But at that time, Pangu was still in the Stone Age when humans were still ancient apes 1.5 million years ago.

As for why there is this time and space gate? Why does there happen to be a solar system on the other side of the door? Later, why could this space-time gate exist for 1.5 million years without even changing its relative position?

These problems are simply not something that nine-tailed fox and other artificial intelligences can analyze and understand. Note that the Nine-tailed Fox has always maintained contact with other light brains in the Yanhuang three star systems.

After discussion, they decided that the purpose of building optical brains is to serve mankind. The monsters like the Nine-tailed Fox can simply create a new group of humans in this new earth.

At the same time, the group of monsters living on the Nuwa planet in the Yandi galaxy were doing the same thing in that galaxy.

Although there are no ancient apes on Nuwa Star, fortunately, there are human and many kinds of animal and plant gene samples in the human spacecraft, and it is much easier to revive humans there than on Pangu Star.

Although this batch of artificial intelligence has become spirits, they are still too immature and do not consider things comprehensively. Resurrecting humans is purely asking for trouble.

When new humans appear, should these computer systems regard the new humans as their new masters? Handing over powerful weapons to a group of people with a low level of civilization? ! That's playing with fire!

However, this will soon not be a problem. Soon, Taiyi Zhenren and his group of original masters woke up. And now they are different from the past, and they are more powerful than these artificial intelligences that have become spirits.

The monsters were quickly subdued by them again. In fact, the monsters basically did not resist, after all, they have not been independent from humans for a long time.

Taiyi and others found that they even knew how to name themselves after the monsters in myths and legends, which was really fun.

They simply played with them and named themselves after the legendary gods and immortals. This is the origin of the name Taiyi Zhenren.

It can be imagined that among this group of people there were Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Cihang Daoren, etc. It was this group of "gods and immortals" and "monsters" that dominated the history of the two galaxies.

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